Governor O'Malley signed a new Bill permitting speed cameras in Construction and within a half mile of School Zones.
Big Brother gets even bigger. I personally think the School portion is a great idea. However, I personally think the Construction Zone is a bunch of crap. What do you think?
if fines can be double in construction zones, then there must be an importance.
Unless you have worked in highway construction you would not know how stupid people get when they see the orange barrels or flag people. You would not know how many workers are struck by cars because people are in a hurry to get nowhere, fast.
They should quadruple fines in construction zones.
That pic of this bozo makes me sick. Please can it ASAP
We shouldn't even have to "think" about this - it is an intrusion into our lives. Get real. We are serving technology, not the other way around.
Read the Manifesto.
Just one more step to total government control. Now you have to answer to robots.
Look at the UK and the controversy about speed cameras over there.
Look at other states like Arizona where people are feed up with the police state being built around them.
Wake up people! You're losing your rights fast!
You used to have a right to face your accuser in court. Guess that's gone.
if you are not breaking the law why worry? If you do speed in construction or school zones you deserve a ticket.
anonymous 2:13, No One, and I do mean NO ONE does the speed limit, period. This is a violation.
Are you actually trying to suggest that you and everyone else do exactly 55 mph driving down a highway?
Please answer my question so we can all have a good laugh.
joealbero said...
anonymous 2:13, No One, and I do mean NO ONE does the speed limit, period. This is a violation.
Are you actually trying to suggest that you and everyone else do exactly 55 mph driving down a highway?
Please answer my question so we can all have a good laugh.
I absolutely do the speed limit, and most of the time less, if YOU speed you deserve a fine. You are breaking the law and no better that a drug dealer or a drunk driver period!!
Considering someone was just killed in a work zone a couple weeks ago I think its a good idea. The police are usually in the field with a work crew these days. I think one of those digital "your speed is sign" is actually a better approach. I also think it is a good idea for school zones.
In a court of law, you have the right to question your accuser.
What language do they speak again?!
To: 2:45pm
In a court of law ? Who are you kidding? Our judicial system is
screwed up so bad , I was thinking about robbing a bank , after all I could get a college education and become a lawyer , you guys would pay for it. i didn't know Edith
Bunker was reading this news!
Under Common Law (which is established by the U.S. Constitution) if no person is hurt, and no property is damaged, then there is no crime. We now live under Statutory Law (which is what we revolted against) wherein our Master simply tells us what we cannot do. Obedience to the Master is the law.
It's just another way to reach into your pocket and take.....to make up for their mismanagement and wasteful spending. If everyone gave everything they had to the gov. they would still want more.
I agree 4:pm. This is just another revenue source for O'Malley. He probably has a plan to spend the money allready. Maybe he will buy some more worthless marshland for three times what it is worth. I also agree with 1:27, the picture makes me want to throw-up.
How these things are consitutional is beyond me. They violate your rights of due process, self-incrimination, and confronting hostile witnesses in open court.
It's just a cash cow for the state. Give it a year and these things will be everywhere.
The law is the law. This is only about enforcing the law. In work zones and school zones, with proper warnings, which the law requires, I don't see a problem and in fact support this.
I don't understand the right to privacy arguments nor the statutory ones....
As a conservative and someone who works with a construction company I support this bill. I have actually stood in front of traffic before waving a stop/slow paddle trying to get speeding motorist to stop. And yes I do speed 5 to 10 miles above the posted speed limit but not in a construction area and not in high pedestrian areas. This bill was intended for the safety of our children and construction workers.
But... If they wanted to put a speed camera on various streets for no reason I would not support it.
And O'malley is an idiot
The Maryland new law calls for making driving 12 miles above the speed limit grounds for a speeding ticket.
If you can't keep from driving 12 mph over the posted speed limit in a school or construction zone, you deserve a ticket.
anonymous 7:55, in a school zone, I agree.
Fines for speeding in a construction are double and have been for a very long time. Apparently the thinking people believe that the construction workers' lives are just as important as the school kids'.
Flash back and fourth between this pic and the one below six or seven times.
I see no problem with this.
These cameras are already present in Montgomery County school areas. They are VERY effective. You may not like that they have the camera there, but people obey the speed limit and it makes it much safer for the kids that cross the busy roads up in in Montgomery County.
8:09 "Fines for speeding in a construction are double and have been for a very long time" Only where posted "Fines Doubled in Construction Zone".
"Apparently the thinking people believe that the construction workers' lives are just as important as the school kids." Are you serious? Why don't you ask the school kids whose parents work in a construction zone what they think.
Do you idiots really think speeding in a construction zone is ok? Seriously you should be doing the speed limit or lower in a construction zone. And if you can't drive less than 12 over the posted speed limit then you deserve a ticket.
Look, I'm a retired police officer I think it's a bunch of crap. Those things are nothing but revenue makers and that's it. It's a civil penalty and the violator gets no points but this is my point. What ever happened to a traffic violation being a criminal misdemeanor that HAD to be committed in the presence of a police officer and a defendant having the right to know their accuser. If you take the citation to court you or your attorney surely can't but the camera on the stand to ask questions. I could ramble on but I simply do NOT agree with them.
Hey O'Malley!!!! YOU SUCK!!!!!!
How about cameras pointed at HIGH CRIME areas to stop open air drug dealing and prostitution??? Oh wait, nevermind... that wouldn't generate any REVENUE for the state of Maryland! That's why the majority of crime that's enforced is punishable by fine. Just another way to tap the working class. I'm all for stopping and any all crime, including speeding... but do it with equal effort and set some priorities on higher crimes!!
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