To sit back and run a Blog telling lies each and every day just to stir the pot, clearly this man can work but has found an easier way out. It's days like today where realities really sink in.
He said: We here at the Fat Man Site would like to send out our thoughts to the families of soldiers killed in action in defense of our country. We also want to thank those who served and lost their lives so that we can do what we do today and have all the freedoms that we enjoy.
Americans that use the system like this fat hunk of sh!t does isn't an American at all. America is about pride. America is about living the American Dream, not sitting at home sucking off the taxpayers so you don't have to work. If you can run a Blog Fat Man, you can get a job and be a productive American. We know, that's too much work. Take your statement above and shove it up your A$$. You and your Family have done nothing to help America. You only bring us down.
This is the best post you have made in a long time and so true. Keep up the good work.
You'd think the Fat Man could go to school and learn some additional computer skills and get a job. There are thousands of computer-related jobs that can be done from home, while eating all the Twinkies you can stuff in your piehole. HEY FAT MAN, GET A JOB AND SOME SELF-RESPECT!
I shudder to think what Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and the other patriots would say if they could see Jonathan up close and personal. No doubt Andrew Jackson would have been rid of him in less than a heartbeat.
It makes me sad to think that the many who have died for this country have to look down and see the likes of that Fat Slob on the dole.
My gosh....look at those big hamhocks on the dude? WTF
Looks like the fat boy is a conservative Republican even though he is living on the public welfare of several kinds. No doubt the local GOP is having heartburn every time he appears in public.
Notice how the fat man has an Andy Harris sticker on his Welfare Wagon, but he is quick to rag on the Senator on his blog. Nothing like being a twofaced idiot.
Why was he given the power chair?
I thought you had to NOT be able to move yourself in a wheel chair to qualify for medicare/caid to pay. I have recently seen him in a wheelchair so why was he given this power chair?
He and/or his doctor is involved in medical fraud.
I hope I run into this fat turd soon at a meeting. He's not going to know what hit him.
He was hurt in an Motor Vehicle Accident. His disability is no different than your wifes back injusry at work! Come on be fair.
OK John, let's be FAIR.
First of all a-hole, my Wife was injured ON THE JOB.
Secondly, Idiot, she doesn't collect disability.
Thirdly, SHE HAS A JOB and is a productive taxpayer.
Our properties have all been paid for because we lived the American Dream and made a success with our lives.
Your best friend the Fat Man doesn't work, yet he's clearly capable.
Apples to apples John Boy. Oh, I should add, if you think my Wife, (who herniated 3 disks in her back on the job) isn't in pain regularly, YOU'RE WRONG. However, she still goes to work every single day because she was raised a proud American and raised by a Marine.
The Fat Man is a pussy who wouldn't know how to handle work, let alone pain every day. Drugs and a ride on a scooter is all that lazy piece of sh!t knows any more. He's a waste of sperm, it's that simple. Funny part is, he knows thopusands of people hate him. The only ones that like him are Barrie Tilghman, Chief webster, Chief see, Deputy Chief Gordy, mike Dunn, Lynn Cathcart, Muir Boda and Gary Comegys. Can you name any other SCUMBAGS in the City of Salisbury?
So why can't he work? Seems to get around just fine, able to post constant updates during the day?
able to jump in the car at a seconds notice and drive to Inacom at John Robinson's demand and take pictures of Earlssister's vehicle there. I'm reporting that fat hunk of sh*t tomorrow morning.
This guy looks like a total worthless lazy bum. If he can ride around in his scooter, he can certainly work in an office instead of collecting my hard earned tax dollars and living in a home for $35.00 a month. My House payment is 1500.00 a month and I work to pay it each month - not live off of society like this turkey!
Add Louise Smith and Shanie Shields.
Joe,you forget one more scumbag...Shanie Shields.
How can the Fat Man scam Social Security and Social Services to this degree? He must have friends in high places.
The Fat Man can run a blog all day, "run" to stories in the Salisbury area, bend over and kiss a$$ but he can't get a job because he's diabled. Since when are laziness and fatness disabilities? Hey FAT MAN, I know you're reading this blog, get a job.
The Fat Man should invest effort into weight reduction. His is a serious issue. As a retired nurse, I remember it required half the staff of a unit to turn and reposition every two hours total care patients of his size. Some of us nurses understand chronic back pain, believe me.
John R just cannot keep his mouth shut.what a piece of $hit. and can't spell either.
Could his disability be his mental health?
The fat man and John Robinson make a great couple. Many of us have dealt with people who frequently, if not perpetually, lie to us. People who lie constantly, and often for no apparent reason, are known as pathological liars. They have an intense need for people to like them, but their lying keeps people at arms' length. In this sense they are self-destructive because others decide the liar is more trouble than he is worth. Both of these guys need to check it buddy!
The fat man wasn't there today. So he sits on his fat a$$ at home and acts like he cares. Your post is right on Joe.
Lots of disabled people work, rolling their wheelchairs into their desk and rolling up their shirtsleeves.
My friend with Muscular Dystrophy worked until she couldn't hold a pencil any more. May she rest in peace.
This guy makes me sick when I think of what my friend went through. But at least she could leave this world with her head held high, figuratively. This bum should be ashamed.
He's got about 5 years to live before a heart attack claims him.
Lets just hope that I never pass this lazy bum anywhere around Salisbury. I will make sure I dont hold any doors open for him along the way or move out of his way to allow his "expensive" wheelchair to come through. What a worthless parasite!
A good friend of mine was in a car crash . He was in a wheel chair then a walker the doctors told him he would never walk again. He never let it get him down.after fighting the fight he won. He walks with a limp but he can work most people into the ground. He's got what fatman will never have,Will power to over come. Plus the want to not be a burden on any one at any time. thats an AMERICAN.
This sickens me, I have a daughter who has been disabled since birth and we have fought every year for SSI for her, and only getting SSI for 5 out of 18 yrs, Now that she is 23 she gets her monthly check and it goes strictly for her..! Her chair cost us 6000.00 with no help from the state they would give us a manual one, haha that's independance huh
Here is the frightening part. Multiply this absurd situation by a few hundred thousand, and reality tells me we are in serious trouble. Someone please tell me I'm wrong, but not enough citizens are aware of the risks this republic is about to face. This is not my father's country. Sad.
Actually Joe it's lard butts like that are working the system that take money away from what could be going to better Veterans benefits, reconstruction surgeries etc.
He's a disgrace to all Americans.
I once met a lard butt that could work but wouldn't, then I met a veteran with no legs.
We should introduce fatman to some vets, after they see what he truly is they can remove their legs and beat the crap out of him with them for being a worthless Hump!
Shoot the dog won't even get near him unless he has a pork chop tied around his neck.
Do they make caskets that large? I guess our tax dollars will have to pay for that too. Just dump is fat butt in the landfill, the maggots and buzzards have to eat too!
Maybe I'll find a way for fatman to run over my foot in his LiL Rascal. Carrying all that weight I'll sue his fat a** for every penny he gets and have a lien put on everything he thinks he owns and donate all the money to real heros, our veterans.
I think the SSI system is wrought with fraud-I know of a guy who has had a quad bypass and most of his intestine removed and he was turned down repeatedly yet there are people getting it for no other reason than that they are a little "slow" or have an alcohol/drug addiction.
And they do not make it easy for those who want to be productive to do so....a late friend of mine who was blind received disability but he went to college and he wanted to go to work for Blind Industries....then he learned that if he did work a few hours a week,his Medicaid would be cut,which considering his ongoing medical problems,would be a disaster.He was miserable because he wanted to do something to feel useful and felt that he was being penalized for actually wanting to get out of the house and work part-time.
I drove by the fat mans house tonight. there was a salt lick in the back yard. what do you think he's doing with one of them? Okay my BAD. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I have a cousin paralized from the middle of his back down from an accident. He not only works he plays wheelchair basketball. He also mentors the young of the effects of drinking and driving, even though he wasn't driving.
His accident occured in Delaware back in the late 70's when you didn't even need insurance, needless to say the driver didn't have enough insurance to pay for the blood transfusions it took to put him back together.
Broke his spine completely, mid back, no coming back from that at his age now.
The rest he still pays on and will likely be doing so the rest of his life. However he's paying his own way!
the fat queer said,,,u keep talken shit about him and he goin to kick ur gay a$$ and take ur ole lady. lol
Joe once again you call people names from behind the safety of your keyboard. I challenge you to say these things to the man's face. I know you won't because you are afraid of what he will do to you.
JR said the Fat Bastard was hurt in a car accident--- was he buried by an overturned lard truck and he had to eat his way out???
Add Richard A. Hoppes to the Scumbag list.
joe your family has but YOU haven't done anything either jackass
Perhaps someone should ck more thoroughly into his disability. I know this particuliar branch of our Goverment is in no way ready to hand out free passes!!! If what this blogg is implying about him is in fact the truth I would have no idea how in this wide world he ever, ever pulled anything like this off. I know of many disabled people & they have had to fight to their witts end to be able to collect any kind of supplement. Most , if they get it , have to hire a LAWYER before they obtain any help at all. It would be interesting to KNOW THE FACTS ABOUT THIS MAN INSTEAD OF ASSUMING ONE KNOWS BECAUSE OF VISUAL EFFECTS! Does anyone out there know the total truth about him or is it all------ Assuming it's Truth????
I am at least glad this man had the courtesy to thank our men for serving their country!!!!!!!!!!!
fat daddy said,,,won't U try taking that skooter from him! lol
you are all mean spirited people on here
the rascal scooter he is on is saying " AHHHH GET OFF ME I AM MADE FOR OLD PEOPLE NOT YOU" I bet when he gets on a scale it says " one at a time please" i wonder if he gets outta breath by blinking
Soooo fat he needs two batteries in his LiL Rascal ROFLMAO
Does anyone have the Fatman's cell phone number? I would like to call him and thank him for being a great American.
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