Last Friday we put up a Post referencing a federal lawsuit from William Harden against Wicomico County and WCDC Director Doug Devenyns.
According to Jim Fineran, Doug Devenyns will retain his position as Director and the County Executive has made the following statement.
"I have said before that I have never seen any evidence of any kind that would indicate that Director Devenyns has misbehaved in discharging his duties," said County Executive Rick Pollitt.
it sounds like if they would put a video camera in his office they would see that evidence and nurses bent over his desk.
there is a video camera in his office...
Pollitt just lied, flat out lied. He knew of the misconduct via the report filed by Harden that Pollitt ordered him to investigate.
Rick Pollitt, you are done as County Exec. You won't get my vote next time around. You lied about the landfill, stating those involved would be held accountable. Do you call 6 months in jail as being held accountable? Rai Sharma resigns and relocates his employment to another state. Do you call that accountable? Now the WCDC is upside down with corruption starting at the top and you LIE. What kind of man are you?
...if he dosent see it its because he has his eyes closed....
you wont be getting my vote anymore Rick, keep it up and you wont get any of my taxes either, you should be fired along with deveynns.
He was the freakin' Fruitland City Manager.. That's what kind of man he is. He was head of a small little city, with hardly any real problems or duties compared to the scale of Wicomico County. He was in no way qualified to be County Exec. He's a local small town podunk kind of guy, like so many of the other people who come from this area. People from larger cities like me (and Joe, which is why this blog is so good) can see how backwards and redneck this place is. Time for some change. Heck, I don't think the County Exec position ever should have been voted into existance in the first place. It's stupid.
Look... all of you. Pollitt is not retarded and all this speculation that the warden "has something" on Pollitt is absurd. The only thing Pollitt has ever been accused of abusing is "all you can eat" specials at local restaurants.
There's more here than meets the eye. There's no way that the warden would still be in office if they took Harden's accusations seriously. There is a reason Harden's accusations are being ignored. We need to find out what that reason is before pointing fingers.
Rick pollitt obviously has some type of mental problem. Even Somerset County had enough common sense to place Warden James L. Henderson on administrative leave pending the outcome of an investigation. There was not even a pending federal lawsuit in that case as I recall, only allegations made by one inmate. When allegations are made, say what you want, they are Usually true. They were in the Henderson case and he was forced to resign and I feel that all allegations against Devenyns will also be found to be true. Devenyns and Pollitt need to go, Wicomico deserves better.
I agree with anon 10:13 whole heartedly!!! Pollitt has lost vision of the reason the votors put him in place. There was clear evidence of wrongdoing but as usual it is ignored. Here is another lost vote for you Rick. I will not forget.
sounds like the county execs Only
see what, they Want to see
hear, What they want to hear
Cover Up, as usual, for the Higher
The higher Ups Always try to stick
They are up in cloud 9, and don't
care about Peeeons at the bottom
I guess Pollitt doesn't consider Devenyns' admission to Dr. Sharma to be evidence? However, the Federal Court will, according to the Federal Rules of Evidence.
I know who Madame X is. I have known her for over 20 years. She no longer is a employee of Dr. Sharma who had the medical contract for WCDC.
1. She did have sex with DDD more than once and even told others about it.
2. She had sex with other members of the Department and told about it also.
3. The case is not wheter DDD had sex with Madame X or not, but the abvious retalition from DDD and his staff.
4. DDD has a history of sex with staff under him. Ask Mark Stephenson the previous Asst. Warden in charge of booking. Ask Ofc. P. Murray. Put his personal secretary under oath and ask her what she knows.
I remain anonymous out of fear of retalition.
This sort of thing goes on all the time at the Board of Education. Affairs are rewarded with promotions, couples having the affair are put on the same committees. HR does nothing about it because they are some of the guilty ones.
The latest Daily Times update indicates thet Pollitt and others interviewed witnesses in the case and were NOT able to corroborate Harden's claims. If Harden's alleged witnesses are not backing him up when questioned his claims effectively amount to hearsay.
1:35 PM
Actually, the DT says that Pollitt said,, "I have said before that I have never seen any evidence of any kind that would indicate that Director Devenyns has misbehaved in discharging his duties...."Did Pollitt actually look for evidence or just stick his head in the sand?
Why did the Wicomico County Personnel Board order Hardin reinstated, if Hardin's allegations weren't corroborated by the weight of the evidence?
I think that a distinguished former MSP Captain, such as Hardin, knows the difference between credible evidence and rank hearsay.
Put them under oath in a court room and let the chips fall where they may. If I were Pollitt I would error on the side of the people, not on the side of a known incompetent, lying, sex pervert like Devenyns.
I seriously doubt that all witnessess in this case would talk to Rick Pollitt. It would probably be innapropriate if not illegal for Pollitt to contact these people since there is a pending law suit. Maybe some legal expert could comment on that.
3:50 PM, I don't know that any County employee witnesses would risk talking to Pollitt given how he threw Hardin under the bus.
However, given the severity of the allegations, and the fact that the allegations were reported by a former MSP Captain, it would at the very least have been gross incompetence for Pollitt not to attempt to interview witnesses.
Don't worry, the county can have fun, covering for DDD for now, BUT
when he is found guilty, in a court
of Law........HE IS DONE
THE DAY FOR COURT IS COMING,stay tuned...............
Read the article- it says he and others interviewed witnesses when the report was *delivered* and were not able to corroborate Harden's claim AT THAT TIME (ie well before the lawsuit).
Quote from article below -
"Baker said Monday county officials took the reports seriously and followed up with their own investigation. But Baker said their interviews with a key, unnamed witness did not "substantiate" Harden's findings.
"The bottom line is that based on everything he had showed us and everybody we talked to, there was no evidence worth going forward," Baker said."
1:11 pm,
You captious critic,
Since you know so much, why not volunteer your services on behalf of Mr. Hardin. While your snitching and rambling on about hearsays and gossips, please keep my name out of your mouth. Most of us prefer to go on with our daily business at the detention center in peace. What you need to do is, mind your own business. And, per an anonymous blogger who once said; stay out of grown folks business.
"Baker said Monday county officials took the reports seriously and followed up with their own investigation. But Baker said their interviews with a key, unnamed witness did not 'substantiate' Harden's findings."
Ed Baker says whatever those who sign his checks want to hear.
What " key witness "?
Devenyns' jail nurse girlfriend or Ass't Warden Roberts, who first complained and then sided with Devenyns, rather than be fired like Hardin?
Devenyns office sexcapades are well known, at WCDC, because he has bragged about them for years, just as he did to Dr. Sharma.
I wonder if Pollitt and Devenyns double date in each others' private offices?
If this was an officer at WCDC we would be suspended w/o pay period and he should recieve the same along with the County mandated hearing..What is up with not disciplining him internally. As for Ofc. Murry I am glad you did not deniy the fact of the video that Mark Stephenson had cause you were the star.....
3:46 a. m.,
You querulous, peevish and whining blatherskite. If all you want to be is an anonymous "Star" on this blog, then have at it and be a "Star"; child.
To continuously use my name and others in such a hideous way is becoming vexatious.
I'll say this to you again and hopefully you will agree, stop using my name during your quest for "Stardom". Get a life. Your desire to become a wanna be "Jester" is causing you to really bark up the wrong tree.
If you tumultuously and viciously continue to walk down this path, then "Vengeance is mine; I will repay, Saith the Lord" (Roman 12:19) will overwhelm you. Finally consuming you.
Best wishes and good luck to you.
1:11pm and 3:46am,
Oh! How do I love those who bear false witnesses against thy neighbour. I love your unclean spirit.
Someday you will be with me if you continue with this character defamation.
Looking forward to meeting you.
The Devil's Advocate
What does DDD get for the $45 ??
Not much, heck a BJ goes for that, he can't get much more
wonder if DDD will continue until
his court date, having more Hot Sex
in the Executive Suite.
You must have spent countless hours coming up with those 2 dollar words. I am proud of you it means you can teach an OLD dog new tricks. I am also still even more proud of you for not dening your indiscretions...Maybe thats what really happened to that knee...BTW you treat me as one of your closest friends. See you in the AM.
Yea Murry, those Big words,
were you learn that, hearing inmate tickets ????
Hiding in the legal library ?????
P. Murry is the female Devil
She should have been Fired Along time ago. All she does is skate,hide, and who knows what else
in the executive suites ????
Her, trying to use Big words, is Amusing........
hideous, vexatious,Jester,
all from the mouth of the She Devil
4:43pm .
What is this, Demon Language from
P. Murry ????
Also, tumultuously, viciously,
She, will overwelm, Herself
in the Video , she starred in
DDD 's time is almost Up.
Harden will take his place soon
Cleaning house has started
Kimble and the other Corruptees
may as well start job hunting too
The sheriff's are coming
DDD should be Suspended Without
Pay, pending His court Date,
Just Like, the rest of us Would.
if we were in his shoes.
Is the County going to let him
have Sex in his office, until his
upcoming court date ????
Director Harden will take the reigns Soon. DDD may as well
apply to Burger King, down the street.
He can manage the hamburgers !!!
How come , sexual harassment
Laws are Not being enforced here?
Isn't the Federal Government going
to enforce them ???
Did anyone call the feds ??
Well DDD, your jail is in the News
again, at the TOP of the blog.
When is Your court date ???
DDD. means Dirty Ding Dong
also, Dirty Deeds Done
DDD is not worried. He thinks
he can do anything, and still keep his job.
So did Presidents, but even they,
can be removed, Just ask Nixon.
Dirty ,little Punk,supvrs Can, Be
Removed too, that are under him.
They had better behave, or look for another job, because they are going to Need one.
Yall, work for the County, this
is Not Your own Business, Hint....
DDD dirty deeds done , his
days are numbered, with the county
just wait and seeeeeeeeeeee
WCDC is not in Cuba. We are not
here to be water boarded, we
poor officers, who work here.
It is time to stand up against the
oppressors, and clean up the joint. TIME FOR CHANGE
It can, and will, be done, no matter what some pessimist think.
Hey, Rick Pollitt, stop by and talk
to the officers (who work) sometime
book in DDD, and he can stay in place, in booking, while he waits
for his federal lawsuit.
instead of his playboy suit upstairs
waterboard DDD and Kimble
They will soon spill the beans
why is 3D still in place, after
all he has done ???
how much more is the county going
to let him get away with ????
we taxpayers want to know ???
3D go to Burger King
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