Alabama 4, Arizona 17, California 30, Colorado 7, Connecticut 2, Delaware 20, Florida 5, Idaho 1, Illinois 8, Indiana 3, Iowa 1, Kansas 2, Kentucky 1, Louisiana 14, Maine 1, Maryland 4, Massachusetts 6, Michigan 2, Minnesota 1, Missouri 1, Nebraska 1, Nevada 1, New Hampshire 1, New Jersey 7, New Mexico 1, New York 73, North Carolina 1, Ohio 3, Oregon 3, Pennsylvania 1, Rhode Island 1, South Carolina 15, Tennessee 1, Texas 41, Utah 1, Virginia 3 and Wisconsin 3.
St. Francis Preparatory, the New York City school whose pupils account for roughly 40 of the state's 73 confirmed cases, reopened Monday with visits by Mayor Michael Bloomberg and scores of reporters.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has verified 286 cases in the United States, and 506 in Mexico, where the virus has killed 19.
As of Monday afternoon, the WHO has confirmed 1,003 cases of swine flu in all reporting locations. The WHO number is significantly lower than most estimates because it counts only those cases analyzed in its own laboratories.
ha... cause wikipedia (a site that anyone can alter) is the leader in truth!
http://www.bangordailynews.com/detail/105220.html Maine has cases, too!
Whoop dee do, Basil, what does it all mean?
This is no big deal. More people die of regular flu every year.
How many people have died in countries with more than adequate health care? Zero.
Wash your hands and relax.
Thanks for the info!
We'd cite primary sources, but sometimes the research jargon gets a little heavy for the average reader.
Maryland isn't keeping up!
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