"On Monday, May 4th, City of Salisbury representatives met with representatives from the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) to discuss the permit and construction status of the City’s Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP). The WWTP has continued to meet the interim discharge permit limits, but it is experiencing operating difficulties that will prevent it from meeting its new permit limits that have been put in effect on May 1, 2009. The City has been working diligently with its design engineer, the contractor, and the construction management firm for several months to resolve these issues.
The purpose of the May 4th meeting was to update MDE on the status of construction, corrective action plans, extension of interim discharge permit limits, and the City’s request to extend the period for funding this work via the existing grant and loan to facilitate implementation of these efforts.
Recently, the City called in an expert on the technology being used in the new plant to provide additional advice. This individual, Dr. Enos Stover, has visited the WWTP and has suggested several operational changes that should help improve plant performance. Dr. Stover also attended this meeting to provide a clearer picture to MDE of the issues and challenges the City is facing. Dr. Stover is continuing to investigate why the plant components with which we have been experiencing problems are not producing the expected operational results.
MDE will be reviewing the City’s requests, and the City anticipates receiving a response from MDE in the near future. The City staff will be giving the City Council an update at its May 11th meeting."
Originally posted at 8:38 AM.
They can't blame it on the climate, not right now they can't. Who actually approved this system that is not recommended for colder climates? Barrie, Jacobs, Gary, Dunn, Cathcart and Shields?
Now how much is this going to cost us to get fixed finally?
That is the most important question.
Looks like there will be a lot going on tonight at the Council meeting with this, Urban Salisbury, and plenty more on the agenda. Everybody take an hour of time this evening to attend this one.
This is going to litigation, no question about it. Sit tight Folks because this is going to be one hefty lawsuit.
Kudos to Mayor Ireton for keeping us informed -- much better than BPT's "I'm responsible but it's 99%in compliance."
It's going to cost a bundle to fix this mess and we should sue the old city administration for the costs. They made the decissions to go with this type of waste water treatment, at a large cost, I might add, so they can now pay the piper!!!
Gary Comegys' proudest accomplishment as a council member.
Nuff said.
Would MDE please please step in and take control of the WWTP. Since announcing the "upgrade" and "how the city will benefit" and "blah, blah, blah" we have witnessed business' close down and relocate, water and sewer bills skyrocket not to mention the many persons that worked very very hard to put food on the table only to see the business close and whalah, no income, no food so what do they resort to...??? You get the picture. Sounds out of the box? It ain't!
The Wicomico River can't take much more abuse before we start seeing mutant water life.
Then again a 12 pound two headed Bass would be a great catch. It might attract more people to get back to fishing. You can't eat them anyway.
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