The P&Z Board met again yesterday to review the updates on the Old Salisbury Mall. While Corine was ready to shoot them down, a couple of other members, (including and especially Comegys) chose to table it once again. I told you people, NEVER waste your vote!
No mention of this in today's Daily Times. How convenient.
That is the tried and true strategy for getting unpopular/illegal zoning pushed through. When citizens show up to protest they cancel. And they cancel again . And when it is the most inconvenient of times for the working public to show up yet again the add it on at the last minute and sneak it through. Lawyer strategy.
Didn't Bubba try to beat up two council members for wanting to table issues? What a hypocrite POS.
Along with the WWTP this Old Mall is another one of Bubba's crowning achievements.
Why would they even table an issue that has dragged it's feet for over two years now? It's time to make a decision now.
9:20 AM
In Bubba's case, it's pretty simple. He now knows he made a big mistake when he voted for the TIF. If he can do anything to make the Old Mall property's plans come to fruition, he'll carry this as a banner in his 2011 reelection bid.
Every moment with the discussion tabled is one that the developers can use to secure more funding and find a builder dumb and desperate enough to break ground.
Bubba said the citizens are waiting for them to develope the old mall.
Someone tell Two Sentz that even the P&Z Commission is getting sick of the old mall twits and their "dog ate my homework" excuses.
What happens? Bubba gives an extension to their extension request.
I just love that official photo of Comegys. It embraces both the "Bubba" and the "I'm getting over on you" looks.
What a snake.
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