Jim Caldwell will announce his abrupt resignation. Regardless of the puffy piece you'll hear tomorrow morning, Jim's health is one of the causes for his decision to call it quits. He just can't handle the stress and the crap the City has been forcing him to do. Friday will be his last day.
I think everyone is well aware, I like Jim Caldwell and he will be a serious loss to the City. However, the City's infrastructure is crap, the WWTP is a massive failure and this makes the second Public Works Director to run for the hills after learning that system just isn't going to perform as promised.
Quite frankly, a lot of heads should roll first before we lose good people like Jim Caldwell but it is what it is and we need to move forward. I personally want to wish Jim the very best.
Oh, Jim, if you ever want to share some inside scoop on the former Mayor or any other area you'd just like to vent about, drop me a line at 410-430-5349.
WBOC takes yet another story from Salisbury News and posts the following:
SALISBURY, Md.- Salisbury Public Works Director Jim Caldwell has resigned effective Monday, according to City Administrator John Pick.
Pick said he could not provide additional information about the resignation but stated that Mayor Jim Ireton would discuss it at a press conference scheduled for Tuesday at 9 a.m.
Prior to his resignation, Caldwell was absent from work for over a week due to illness. He had served as public works director for about a year-and-a-half. He replaced former director John Jacobs who resigned after about seven years.
Blah, Blah, Blah! Come on guys, you can do better than that! Let's see, other than calling John Pick after reading my story, what's new with your story? NOTHING! Unlike WMDT who is willing to give credit where credit is due, WBOC enjoys taking our stories on a regular basis and make it look like they were on the ball. Nope, you just sit back like the Daily Times and wait for us to break a story and copy it, call a source and make it your own. Well, we've got something in the works that's going to force them to give credit because we're going to go to live video in the very near future. A new Salisbury News Website is in the works Folks and we're going to give the MSM a run for their money. If they want it, they're going to have to buy it.
UPDATE! They just changed the time of their Post too. It was posted at 8:05 PM and they changed it to 3:58 PM. Unbelievable! ROTFLMAO!
The Daily Times jumps on the band wagon too. Looks like they are all following each others lead. GO HERE to see their similar article. Remember Folks, the Press Conference is scheduled for tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM. I wonder what the Chamber of Commerce is thinking now!
Jim was one of the biggest assets
to the city. He has put up with the likes of the mayor and bailed
out Pam on many occasion. I'm sure
he was thrown into a lions den and expected to turn crap into gold.
Don't you see what's happening ?
Wheel Sha-Zam, I didn't see that one coming! Sargent Carter? Whats we a gonna do now? Hope Messick is next. I've seen no improvements since Jacobs left, no damage done really.
For what it's worth, I'm told Caldwell hasn't been to work 2 days since Ireton was elected.
It doesn't matter who is in the position, if they do not have the full, honest backing of the Mayor and all other officials in the City they will not succeed. It is a shame that a good man is being lost at this time when the City needs all the help it can get to tuen around the pile of crap that has been left by the previous administration.
Best Wishes to you Mr. Caldwell, I understand your health must come before your job. Good choice cause they don't give a crap about you. I wish you the very best your a good man, and you deserve better.
Caldwell, we'll miss you. Sorry the toilet water added stress to you. You should really consider talking to Joe! Get it out of your system..."flush your system out"...get everything out about Turd Parsons. Might make you feel all better.
How can you go bragging that your content is free, and now you're saying soon it won't be?
sure hope the mayor takes the time to find a really qualified person for the position maybe the county will pay attention to that process and get some real leadership for its public works dept.
Oland probally had something to do with this. she's so two faced and such a good liar. They should feed her to the lions. I hope she gets kicked to the curb the city will be better off.
anonymous 8:53, aka Fat Man, we'll still be free. The charge will be the MSM having to buy the videos we produce. We'll no longer call them and feed them information. We'll have numerous exclusives way ahead of the MSM and if they want it, they're going to have to buy it or produce something hors, if not days later. Enough is enough of riding off Salisbury News. Our momentum is so strong right now, everyone knows if you want to hear it first they come to Salisbury News.
Oh, and to the other jackass, (probably the Fat Man too) who wants to claim they saw it at 5:00 on BOC, nice try but they posted the time of their article and it was an hour and ten minutes after ours. They had to make contact with Pick at home to confirm their story. Also, I had the story this morning around 9:00 and held off because of the Press Conference tomorrow morning. Once I started getting call after call about it, I thought it was time to go ahead with it.
This is so funny. Now that Jim Ireton is Mayor, I get the same Press releases as everyone else and there has not been a Press Release on this sent to anyone. This is too funny!
Maybe it is time for the County to take over the Water and Sewar department.
Attn Daily Rag,
I'll be reading Joe's blog (as usual) through out the day so don't bother tossing your garbage in the orange bag on my lawn. I've called numerous times telling you to stop yet you still continue. Your NOT wanted. Go away! I always get my news here first.
One of the Dirty Trillion
Attn WBOC:
IF you had posted this story at 3:58 pm it would of made your 6:00 and/or 7:00 broadcast. You showed the Laurel accident that clearly happened AFTER 3:58. Do you really think we're that dumb? I don't go to your site, I come right here. You could swallow a little bit of your pride and admit that Joe beat you once again. Might get comfy, he's gonna do it again (and again).
One of the Dirty Trillion (it's nice to see your also one of us)
anonymous 9:54, GREAT POINT! I too watched their broadcasts tonight and it wasn't on either one of them. I'm a bit slow today. I was telling my Wife when she got home about Jim resigning and I told her I was the only one, (besides some insiders in the GOB) who knew about it. I guess when they popped it up and then had the nerve to change the time soon after I posted the addition to this article, I was a bit pissed off.
I have NO RESPECT for liars, NONE!
Thats why I had to bring it to their attention, Joe...to show them we're paying attention. This is the real up-to-the-minute news source in the area.
As for the Daily Rag, I really mean it...I DON'T want a paper tomorrow!
Anonymous said...
Attn Daily Rag,
I'll be reading Joe's blog (as usual) through out the day so don't bother tossing your garbage in the orange bag on my lawn. I've called numerous times telling you to stop yet you still continue. Your NOT wanted. Go away! I always get my news here first.
One of the Dirty Trillion
9:49 PM
Everyone should contact Neighborhood Services and Code Compliance to complain about this. Please bombard them tomorrow with complaints. I believe tomorrow, Tuesday is when they start delivering that Free Rag.
NSCC - #410-341-9550
Anon 9:49
How I stopped their papers from littering up my yard was I saved some and personally went in and dumped them on the front desk and gave them my address and told them next time I would have them ticketed for littering my property!
They stopped.
Another time I was in my yard when the paper was thrown in my yard and I picked it up and threw it back at the car...it was hilarious...the lady jumped out and cussed me and I cussed her back and as she drove off her kid was flippin me off out the back window...lotta class there...lol
Jim S.
Back to Caldwell resigning....if only he'd take Jana Potvin with him, the city would be a better place.
blah blah blah is right!
"Regardless of the puffy piece you'll hear tomorrow morning, Jim's health is one of the causes for his decision to call it quits. He just can't handle the stress and the crap the City has been forcing him to do."
Looks like you are tossin out "the puffy piece"
I doubt the poor man had any idea what he was getting into excepting his position. At his age I don't blame him, retire, relax and have a great life, enjoy it Mr. Caldwell.
I might also mention the fact that he always refused a city vehicle. Gonna be hard to replace a man with that kind of integrity and personal sacrifice.
Would someone tell me why Pam Oland is still working for the City, I understand she was hired in mid 2006. So the first audit she was in charge of would be 2007, wrong!! she wasn't there for that one and she blamed the City losing top management for the audit not being completed on time. She wasn't there for the 2008 one either and as for 2009 if it wasn't for the council helping her out with using an outside accounting firm she would not have made that time line either. The first year she was busy on vacaction and having a baby. The second year she was having surgery from a car accident so who paid for that time off the insurance co. or the City or both? maybe someone should check into this. As for 2009 she was on yet another vacation while everyone else busted there butts. What are we paying her for. she hasn't actually work on any of the audits. Mayor Ireton want to trim the budget get rid of her, she's not doing anything but sucking up taxs dollars. what a shame!!!!
10:15 & 10:20
I've called complaining, the cops have been contacted and the City Manager...yet they continue to toss the paper in my yard. If I could get to them it wouldn't be a big deal to toss them in the trash but due to being in a wheelchair it's impossible for me to get to the papers. I've yelled at the driver just before she threw it, she looked right at me and did it anyway. Two weeks ago I got the bird. Before her yard was mowed for the first time this season, my neighbor had 5 papers in her front yard. Yes, the city see's it as littering if there is already a paper in the yard. The Daily Rag doesn't understand what "no" means.
All of Pam's body guards are all falling to the wayside, she won't be long behind them. Her comfort zone is getting cramped up like she is.
cramped up? she needs to be cramped up out the front door.
One of the Anonymous said maybe the "county" should take over the WWTP. Why continue to allow local officials or ? to dictate, guess or roll the dice on this issue. It is very, very obvious no one knows anything about WWTP, water discharge or how it affects our community. Word is, State of Maryland should step in, then maybe the rats will scatter or, better yet, step up to the plate to educate, get involved and work with the homeowner's and business' to grow our community. Alot of outside business' balked and did not bring their business to Salisbury due to this fiasco. Come on, it ain't (pardon my grammar) hard to get involved and understand. The only thing that will work is genuine concern.
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