The following letter was sent in to the Chamber of Commerce:
Are you familiar with the sbynews blog? Are you aware that he regularly bashes the city of Salisbury? He regularly intimidates and threatens citizens that don't agree with his opinion. In my opinion this man is one step away from being a criminal. Are you aware of his horrible posts about the Salisbury Zoo and the Downtown Plaza? Why would you feed the ego of someone who is really an enemy to the commerce of Salisbury. He and his wife have filed lawsuits against the City of Salisbury. I am shocked that you would have such a disreputable person as your guest speaker. Putting (invited) after his name shows that you must be aware of his practice of barging in with his cameras, etc. I feel very strongly that it is wrong for the Chamber to associate itself with Joe Albero. I hope you will get other opinions and will contact a business professional to fill Joe's place.
Susan Rainey
Not only am I not going to respond to this woman, I will instead strongly suggest to the Chamber of Commerce and ALL of it's Members to kindly go to THIS WEBSITE and type in Susan Rainey. While I could sit here and bash this woman to no end and publicly humiliate her, I'll let her own criminal record speak for itself.
Oh, Parents, be sure to ALWAYS check out the Criminal History of a person before you go hiring someone like Susan Rainey, aka, Sparkles The Clown. If her own children are taken away, do you really want your own children in her presence?
And Joe's the criminal? WTF!!!
Holy crap, she's got a record a mile long. Institutionalized too. Is she a FOB Joe?
It's going to take a while to get through all those cases. How long does it take one woman to get a divorce?
That's an awfully small glass house she's got there to be throwing such big stones.
Yep, this woman has some serious issues.
Your in the Meat-Grinder now sweet heart.
is she even a chamber member. If not take a hike!
Gosh Joe. I thought she was talking about the DT and BPT in the beginning. Get a life woman.
I was told this woman started all this crap with The Daily Times and that's why they came up with the article about you yesterday.
Oh that's to funny. Maybe she should have done her homework before writing that. I always said there is something wrong with people who dress up at clowns.
No doubt a part of the Tilghman gang. Add Dunn and Webster and you get a front page article out of it. No press is bad press Joe. Good investigative work again.
That's the Daily Times for ya. Some crank like this (or JT, who is then quoted as a credible source) starts something with the DT, and they think it's newsworthy.
What a RAG! A normal citizen can't get them to write squat about anything worthwhile or real rip-offs in our government. But they'll cover any nutcase with some distortion of reality.
I know her husband and this woman is a complete nut. Yes, she had her children taken away from her, thank God. I have told everyone I know to stay away from this woman and by all means never use her services as a clown.
I have never been to the case search website. That lady has some kind of record though. Cool link.
Joe, why does she hate you so much?
Because she hates herself would be my quess.
She came to me with her sob story about how her husband had abused the children and I didn't buy her story. I called around to soe of my sources and found out she had been lying to me about everything. In fact, they were concerned at the time she may have been violating some kind of order by doing so, so I dropped the whole thing in order to keep her out of more trouble. This was like two or three years ago.
Now she has resurfaced with the Fat Man and she thought she could come after me because he'll print anything negative about me. The two should be married to eachother. Anyhow, because I refused to publish her BS, she has been on the warpath ever since.
Anon3:57, some people don't like any one.
What good mother wouldn't hate herself if she lost her children. The last person any judge would give the children to is the father. Unless you have some very serious problems. She's not a member of the chamber either.
help, mommy!! this clown smells like thorazine.!!
Nor is Chief Webster or Mike Dunn. In fact, I believe the Chamber dumped Mike Dunn. They wrote letters as well.
Now that you've published this, Joe, will you ever again feel comfortable taking a shower?
(Keep your eye on the drain!!)
The Chamber of Commerce loves the attention. They have sold a record number of tickets and gladly interviewed with the daily times. If I were you Joe I wouldn't go. They're trying to set you up. Brad left his wife for Dawn Tilghman and destroyed his family. She hates you for the campaign sign thing during the elections. I agreed with your right to expose businesses with campaign signs outside. My guess is that Brad is setting you up. Think hard about attending and perhaps reconsider Joe.
anonymous 4:13, If there's one thing you'll learn about me is that I'm afraid of no one.
I have been asked to talk about a particular subject, that's it. IF they try to attack me in any way everyone will quickly see who's who and what their intentions are.
I am not on trial. I have agreed to participate for the good of the community. Like I said in the Daily Times, if you're going for the drama you're wasting your time.
Speaking of Dawn Tilghman...she is smokin hot!!!
Boy, how I'd love to be the fly on the wall for THIS meeting! Any tickets available?
What a kook! Bet she'll keep her mouth shut now.
LOL Remind me to never p*ss you off.
Just got an interesting letter from the ex.
totmom, I just can't imagine you doing that. You have been wonderful to deal with and work with for many years now. Stay away from the clown business though.
Some ladyies have class.
Thanks for the props!
No chance of me being anywhere near a clown-they give me the willies.Conjures up images of John Wayne Gacy.
Thanks for the heads up. I hear the breakfast is almost sold out.
Did she used to reside on Lincoln Ave?
That's the one.
This woman is a CRAZY evil witch! She lost her children to her ex because she is an unfit mother. She should be in a mental institution. What irony that she writes badly about anyone else!!
Man Joe you smoked her like a damn Salmon ROFLMAO Had her own kids taken away yet makes money off entertaining other kids? What's wrong with this picture?
What is it about wacked people and dressing up. This nut is a clown and the morbidly obese JT dresses up as the Grinch. You're right Joe, they should be married. Two freak shows.
DAMN!!!! I first saw that picture and thought it was Barrie Parsons Tilghman!!
OMG! Thanks for the info! It will be passed on LMFAO!
Sparkles? More like Bozo.
JT also dresses up like Mama Cass! That had to be him that I saw in that moo-moo
Brad is a great guy and there is a private story for his personal life.
As for Dawn Tilghman, I have a different opinon on her. I am sure she is the one who thinks she is "smoking hot".
Go speak Joe. You will be great and have more fans then enemies. I wish I could go but have other meetings.
She MUST be crazy....why else would someone who lives in such a glass house make a guy with such BIG STONES mad? LOL
I read the court records for Susan Rainey and cannot believe she is this unstable. I had heard a long time ago that she lost her kids in a custody battle and now I can understand why. She seems to be way off base to have written this comment about Joe!
I thought you had a lot thicker skin. Granted this lady has major "issues" problems, but trashing her in such a public manner, just becasue she doesn't like you, sort of proves her point don't you think???
You are FAR bigger than your petty, egotistical critics.
Do you have a website address for Delaware?
I have a relative who is always getting away with things in Maryland, well the other week he got caught in Delaware, 5-7 felony charges.
I don't really know all of the details because his side of the family lie together if you know what I mean!
I was hoping to read about it on here, but haven't seen anything!
Sorry for getting off topic!
leave the kids out of it. it's like making a joke about 9/11, you just don't go there. and if you want to get the real facts. just ask the kids themselves. they'll give them to you.
It's some of these comments that are out of bounds, not the original post, which simply points readers to a source for facts. Homes of glass,and all. Albero should be an interesting speaker. Do you think blogs and this phenomenon are only going on in Salisbury? This is thesis material, if you really think critically about the influence of blogs for better or worse.
to 7:46pm... yes, the kids will tell you... they will tell you their mother is a rotten excuse for a mother. They will also tell you they have gone through Hell and back because of her, and her continuing to battle with their father for years and years.
Susan Rainey is a nut case, always has been, always will be.
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