WMDT taped a Mayoral Debate yesterday to be aired this Sunday at 10:00 AM. Katherine Amenta will be your Host and once again WMDT has come through for the citizens of Salisbury bringing you a first class Debate.
Folks, I strongly urge you to watch this debate and judge for yourself who your best Candidate for Mayor is. Salisbury News would like to thank WMDT for bringing this fine public service to our community.
K.A. you are hot.
yes she is, very hot
That's when I'm in church! I'll have to skip, I guess...
She IS hot!
Katherine Amenta is a beautiful woman and so well spoken. Her delivery of the news is too good for this market. Hope to see her in the "big time" soon.
Finally, a real debate people can see the two in action. Is the Daily Times going to announce it? i hope I see it in tomorrow's PRINT EDITION so that everyone can see the two in action!
She's one of a few hundred million nice looking women in the world. It's time for some of you country bumkins to kick the dog of your leg.
Lol @ 7:49.
Since you're a so slow in mentioning who The Daily Times endorsed today for mayor (one would think you'd be all over that), I guess I'll have to comment in this section instead.
You are staying away from The Times' endorsement of Ireton because it will show you to be the pugnacious charlatan you are. For months you have blathered about The Times (or as you like to refer to it, The Tilghman Times) being in Tilghman and Comegys' pocket. You've waged a pejorative campaign against The Times telling all you were the real source for truth in Salisbury, all the while hoping The Times would go out of business and its employees jobless. I can only wonder if you're now working on a story that includes the words, "I was so very wrong. I am so sorry for being a negative, divisive influence in the community?"
Gary is his typical "uh uh uh"....sorry Gary. My vote is going to Jim!
ireton is going to win he is confident gary= uh duh ummm dee duh ummm dee
I have watched Bubba talk to citizens that have come before him on the Planning and Zoning Commission without any respect whatsoever. He has been observed in the halls of the Government Office Building laughing at the way in which he has shut legitimate projects down. Check out his donors to his campaign and you will see the ones he has been acting for, Grout, Burnett and the likes. Bubba needs to be shut down on Tuesday.
10:27 Gary will be shut down on Tuesday. You aren't the only person who has seen his antics and how ugly he has been about the citizens. He makes smart comments about them to their backs but in front of people who he doesn't even know are listening. Gary is toast. My real hope is that Campbell and Polk win so that we can have a real government that works. I'm sick and tired of the Tilghman show. Good riddance.
Please. Just because the DT gave Jim a semi-endorsement today does not excuse them for all of the incredibly biased stories they have run. Where should I begin? Writing that Jim "started" working on his Master's degree (no mention that he finished it with honors, while Comegys is a college drop-out); no investigation of the finances behind the campaigns(wouldn't a decent investigative reporter at least mention the thousands of dollars that came from landlords, not to mention the indirect financing of the recent nasty direct mailings?); failure to mention in the article about potential voter fraud that there were multiple witnesses to the incident, and failure of the paper to do their own legwork in investigating the accounts; quoting SAPOA members in the same article rather than quoting tenants (to my knowledge, the DT has not included quotes from ANY tenants about the potential voter fraud and has failed to note the surprising uptick in voter registrations on the last date available); failure to ask Gary why his campaign finance report in the DT today is current as of March 24, while Ireton's is March 30--do you think some donations came in March 25-30?; quoting an "expert" on the environment to comment on Jim's plan for the river but who has not actually READ Jim's plan for the river; "reporting" what Gary says, "investigating" what Jim says--how many articles include ANY follow-up on Gary's claims (for example, that he was not found in contempt of court for the whole failure to pay child support--he was in contempt but the DT just took his word on it); today's paper suggests Jim leads in the money, but simple math shows that Gary well ahead in the fundraising department, even if you don't include unreported contributions like the billboards, parties at the riverfront condos, and the nasty mailings; No follow up on Gary's claims that he "knew nothing about" any of these nasty mailings and voter fraud--how about asking him which member of his campaign team was in the neighborhood when Jim was walking? Easy question for Gary to answer, but it has to be asked first. I could go on and on, but why bother? Jim Ireton has had to fight an uphill battle this entire time, and he has refused to stoop to the lowest levels that his opponents have. I sincerely hope the people of Salisbury have the courage to vote for Jim Ireton on Tuesday and reject the politics of fear and hate once and for all.
11:43 I'm with you. I have never seen such a nasty campaign as The Barrie/Gary Team has conducted. It just confirms their mindset and why things have been the way they have in Salisbury for the last several years. I frankly don't care if Ireton only wins by 1 vote, at this point he is the only reputable candidate running for mayor. It makes me angry to even see Comegys face. How does that make you feel Gary? You are disgusting.
I missed it, will it be aired again?
11:43 You talk about bias yet you come to this blog? Are you suggesting what you read here is fair and objective?
I suppose I don't need to point out that you are reading this blog, do I? I can read this blog critically just as I read the Daily Times critically. POint out where I was wrong in my critique.
HEY! Did anyone tape this? post it on youtube? or have a play by play summary? I totally missed it and I was really interested in seeing it.
Rebecca, Jim Ireton cleaned Comegys Clock. Honest to God, Gary looked just like the videos we put up today, seriously. Duh, Uh, well, what was the question again?
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