Being jobless sure does suck, so where does one turn? I know, my good old buddy Gordo! Gary Comegys will take on a position in the near future greasing his hands in yet another way for the first time in his life, at a service station. I guess they figured with all those Comegys signs at every location, he must be good for business now.
I want a BobbleHead!
It's ok Joe. You might get a real job someday. Keep the faith!
You don't need to work anymore , do you Joe?
Working smart instead of hard.
Reconciled1, No Sir, I do not ever have to work again for income. However, Salisbury News is a 16 hour a day job.
JOe, he is retired and will be getting paid from the State for rest of his life. He will be a volunteer and still be involved, probably wait like a vulture to run for mayor or council again.
I wanna be like Joe..... and for time you spend working on SN , thanks..... we appreciate it, even all the BS you have to wade thru to do it.
9:36 anon - I'm sure he will run again. There's a reason that old saying "A fool never learns" has been around so long. It's because of guys like him.
that picture is FREAKIN HILARIOUS!!!
He has alot of MANDATORY training in order to join the ranks of the volunteers again. He is a has been who will never be again.
What goes around comes around!!!!!!
He has helped create the monster, now he has to pay the same consequences everyone else does.
I don't know if I want to see Gary's goofy face through my windshield, up close. Can't you put him in the back, changing tires or something? Maybe Dawn Tilghman has a place for him down at her tire place.
Here is the real question? Who is getting lined up to run against Bubba when his time is up. Lets get started on that campaign now.
I don't think Bubba has ever been that skinny.
Sorry, I would not trust him to actually put gasoline in my car. I can see it now...May I get $5.00 of gas please? He takes my $5.00, opens the gas cap, backs up to it and farts!
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