"The Truth" by Painter Michael D'Antuono which will be unveiled on President Obama's 100th Day in Office at NYC's Union Square."
I find this picture evil, offensive, disgusting, and disturbing.
This is a disgrace for America and our beliefs and if Obama accepts this without critiziing this portrayal, Obama will be showing his true color and prove he is nothing but a liar in his speeches. This is showing he is from the east and the last days are very close as stated in the Bible and other Raligous Books and books of prophacy of all Religions.
I think this picture is disrespectful, and I'm not even a Christian.
Don't worry about what those books are saying. They are all written by human beings, and thus are imperfect and often wrong for that very reason.
His days are numbered.
This is a piece of art. I doubt very seriously our President had any say in it whatsoever. The artist painted it to make people react to it. That is, of course, what art does. It makes us think. The beauty of our political system is that we are allowed to do these things without fear of political and social retribution. Doubtless Rush,Bill the Bully as well as the other extreme wannabes that currently stink up our radio networks will try to convince us otherwise.
Allah ah Messiaha!
The crowd that cries "Hosanna!" can quickly cry "Crucify him!"
10:22 your a typical kool aid drinking liberal. Why is it ok with the left to continue to attack the Christian religion it's ok if you don't believe but your ilk only goes after this one religion you are part of a hate group !
Nice tie, but it doesn't really go with the hat.
What say you, Professor Stoner?
Theres no hate in the MIRROR.
I can only imagine what you would have said if something like this was done depicting Pres. Bush after 9/11. Your peoples hate toward Bush was way out of bounds and now as the not so reverend Jeremiah Wright would say the hate towards Obama is coming home to roost. And by the way he is your president not mine. To me he is a joke who wants to destroy our way of living. May his rein be short.
11:03, I fought for this country in two wars, okay? 10:22 has just as much right as you do to express his / her opinion. While I happen to disagree with the statement he/she made, I would never attack them for it. Why can't you just express your opinion too and move on, instead of attacking someone with whom you disagree? Jeez, get a life!
No one has any say in the content of art except for the artist. 11:03, the left does attack Christianity, but there's alot about Christianity that deserves critique. I say that as a Christian. Its true of many organized religions: Isalm, for example.
All that said, this has little to do with Christianity or the President. Its one guy/girl. One artist, depicting their naive perception and trying to instigate the right. Leave it alone. Its beneath you.
You gotta be sh!ittin' me!? What is this "artist's" major malfunction? Didn't Mommy and Daddy show him enough attention when he was a child?
Only attacking people of small minds, who do not respect our constitutuion. i have no problem with religon at all. Pass the kool aid...I am going out to hate people and I don't want to get thirsty.
11:50 "Your peoples hate toward Bush was way out of bounds..."
No it wasn't. Bush deserved every ounce of scorn and more, much more! The more we learn about what actually went on behind the curtain during his administration, the more we understand that we didn't do enough to stop him... the more we understand what the stolen election has really cost America.
Its o.k. hes black. Now if that was a white man..hold the roof down.
That painting is as offensive and disgusting as the one some years ago depicting Christ standing in urine. However, America does allow the freedom to do such outrageous things.
It's ok to be this way.One day the painter will stand before the real Jesus and say He is the King of Kings & Lord of Lords.
The more we learn about Bush ? what the hell are you talking about the more we learn the more competent we find out he is. I think it's funny how everytime Obama looks bad which is a lot the left throws out Bush AHAHAH. And to the idiot trying to bring race into it blacks have been getting a free pass for a long time.
Freedom of Speach.
I must say that Obama has been the hardest working president in his first 100 days in my 51 year lifetime. I've been voting since 1976.
Now the banks say they need another Trillion dollars to level off bad loans, this is Obama's fault?
yes it is correct about the "books" being written by man However they were inspired by God. The One that is the GREAT I AM . The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace and one day every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that he is Lord of all creation. I had a friend of mine ask me one day about Christianity, he isn't a believer like myself. " What makes you sure that your "religion" is right and the others are wrong?" I explained why I thought but more importantly I told him I don't believe in arguing religion. Doesn't make sense too. The Bible states that He will draw you to Him through His Holy Spirit. Besides a person conviced against his will is of the same opinion still.. Look at it this way, One day we'll all know who was right and who was wrong. I choose to believe that the Bible is right.
Oh and about the pic, just an interpretation of someone's opinion. You know what the say about those and certain anatomy parts. Everyone has one and they usually stink..... To quote Forrest Gump:
Stupid is as stupid does.
If we get offended everytime something like this happens, we'd live our life pissed off most of the time. Pay it no mind and take it for what it, CRAP "art"
This is not right at all, this picture needs to be burned, thrown away, destroyed..Way to go Joe, you have a lot of nerve putting that on here. Thanks!
anonymous 12:28, Up Yours! If you don't like it here, don't come back Fat Man.
Obama has not done anything positive in his first 100 days I give him credit for addressing a lot of tough issues but he has not accomplished anything in fact things are worse. Now he talks about locking people up for torture but won't release records of the Democrats who were part of the process in total agreement like Pelosi who has been caught in a lie. Obama said this would be the most transparent administration ever He has LIED !!!
This makes me sick to my stomach!
Heeeey look its the anti-christ
Everyone knew things would get worse before it got better way before anyone was elected. I'm not saying Obama will cure all of our ills.
I gave Bush 2 years and I supported the Iraq war before I was against it just like many politicians. However Bush was planning his second vacation by now. Remember "My Pet Goat?" I think he was talking about Dick Cheney - ah with an "E"
As far as people still talking about Bush, people still talk about Clinton, what's new? In this economy even Herbert Hoover isn't immuned.
I at least supported Bush for 2 years before I dis'd him, I was for the Iraq war before I was against it like many politicians. I'm not saying Obama is the cure all however by now Bush was planning his second vacation.
Remember "My Pet Goat?" Think he was talking about Dick Cheney with an "E." As far as people still blaming Bush, people used to blame it all on Clinton for 8 years. Where does the buck stop anymore?
I also support some of the interigation tech, I don't have a problem with waterboarding if there is suffcient evidence that someone was planning a terrorist act against America. Now all the naked humilation pictures were just childish and uncalled for.
Some of the problems we still suffer were created during the Carter administration.
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