Recent Trail Cam pictures sent from a friend who lives near Uvalde, TX. The pictures were taken on a ranch in South Texas. For those of you not familiar with the varmits in South Texas , the last photo shows illegals moving north to collect government benefits from your hard earned tax dollars.
That is hysterical...hahahaha...I was expecting more than the bobcats and owls...they should be careful of Bubba the Javelina...ANYmouse
Pretty cool wildlife photos. The last one especially.
Obama is surely going to push for amnesty between now and May 1, the day of protest by illegals. Pelosi already put out the message that it is going to happen. 12 million new Democrat voters will guarantee permanent political power for the Dems. Backdoor nationalization of banks is happening as we speak, wonder who will get loans when politicians are in charge of lending mooney?
I'm shocked that the government doesn't provide clean water stations for these illegals. After all, they do so much good for our country we need to do all we can to attract them. Maybe Kratovil can acquire a few for maryland to pick the crabs since locals have quit picking.
What animal is that in picture five?
Thank-You its been killin me trying to find it on Texas web-sites. A Sloth, go figure. You wonder around out there at night you better be careful you dont end up the prey.
I am not being a smart @ss but it doesnt look like any sloths I just looked up. They are rain forrest animals. Im starting to doubt the Sloth species.
I think its a bear.
What a senseless display
Looks like all the other animals in texas.
the ironic part about all these pictures is that all of them are protected by the government funny thing is the last picture, they aren't endangered at all
also pic 5 might be a badger
2:40pm, I can see the humor if you were making a joke, but I pity you if you weren't.
It is a badger.
What are those illegals doing?
The animal in picture #5 is a Koati Mundi (also came up from Mexico)... K.Trochta.
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