Today we celebrate two big events. Our Son Patrick, (our youngest) turns 21. On this very same day our Son Kyle Graduates from Boot Camp with the Marines. I can't express to you just how proud I am of these young men.
Jennifer is at Paris Island in South Carolina right now waiting for Kyle's Graduation and she couldn't be more excited. Hopefully she returns with some great pictures and video. As much as I wanted to be there today, our Grandson has school and there's just too many animals at the Ranch to break away. Yeah, then there's the Blog too.
Anyhow, today the United States Marines gets a brand new Soldier and our youngest reaches a milestone many young people can't wait to get to. Both of our Boys will be home this weekend and my guess is it will be tough to keep either one of them sober. LOL
They've earned it.
OH GOOD. So we won't see you at the Salisbury Festival. Free FUJA shirts from the GROUCH toight.
Congrats to your family, I know how you all feel. My son graduated from the Navy Boot Camp last Febuary the feeling that Jennifer will feel when she sees him marching will bring alot of different emotions, tears, happiness, confusion of what happens know, OMG, hahaha. Congrats again!
Please post some pictures from the graduation. It's a spectacle like none you've ever seen before. Awesome, just simply Awesome!
Jonathan, you're a real piece of sh!t. I hope you're enjoying your disability check every month because if it wasn't for men like Kyle you'd be bathing in a sewer and sleeping under a bridge. Nice way to show your respect for the Armed Forces.
Joe, congrats! Being a veteran myself, I know first hand the joy of graduating boot camp. I pray that his service to our country is as long as he chooses, and not someone else. I pray that you and your family only experience the joys of service to our nation and that your son is always protected from the evils of this world.
Being a disabled veteran, Jonathan is a bad example of us that truly are disabled. As you know, my disabilities have kept me from being a more active participant. Aparently if he can spend so much time at his computer, there is a job for him somewhere!
Again, it's an honor to know you Joe, and thank you for bringing some wonderful Americans into this world!
The US is getting a new Marine, not a soldier...big difference. Every Marine is a marksman, the same cannot be said of a soldier. HOO-RAH! not, hoo-ah
I hope your son dies as soon as he sets foot on foreign soil. Hopefully he gets kidnapped, tortured, and then mutilated until that ugly Albero mug is no longer recognizable.
I hope your grandson gets molested by a pedophile.
And I hope you take a bath for once before coming back to any meetings.
BTW, did you put a tracking device on that walking STD known as your wife? You know she's getting railed top to bottom by at least 6 different guys.
You see what I have to deal with people.
Joe Ill do this guy for ya for free just give me the word.
don't know you Mr. Taylor, but you are a piece of shit,Nancy
Joe, ignore him. I've been called names all my life which is whats made me who I am today. I see people like him and feel nothing but pitty for the ignorance and hatred they feed off of to survive.
As for your sons, congrats! Makes it extra special having both events on the same weekend. Coming from a military family I can tell you, making it through Boot Camp is a big milestone. I hope your family has a wonderful weekend celebrating these two young men.
Whoever is leaving the nasty comments is no true American. Whether or not it is the real Taylor makes no difference. I know you want to show the readership how vile the comments can be, but do us all a favor on this story and delete them. Just a shame that they cannot be deleted off the face of this earth with such a simple action. But then again, without the Marines like your son, they could!
Congratulations to both your sons and family.
God, JT, you are a miserable excuse for a human being. You are lower than the dog crap on the bottom of someone's shoe. I sincerely hope I meet you in public someday, because at my age, I have earned the right to speak my mind to scum like you...and given the chance, I will. Loud and clear with as many witnesses as possible. Wishing death upon a man's son becuase you don't like him? What goes around, comes around, you fat fark, and one day, the universe will give you the payback you deserve. Congratulations on revealing yourself for what you are on a public forum. I'm sure you'll become a cult hero someday...NOT!!!!
Joe, know that I am celebrating with you and Jennifer in my heart.
You must be a good man Joe. Because if it were me id beat the living sh.. out of him. Congrats Joe on both! 21 is a huge step and graduating from boot camp is also huge. Good luck to the both!
What a freak!!!!!!!!
Joe, I am sorry you have to deal with that! If I were you I would just reject ALL his posts and maybe he would go away. I don't always agree with everything on the blog, but my heart goes out to you for having to deal with that jerk. Thanks for the work you do to keep us informed.
I guess Jonathan Taylor is a moron and an idiot.
And by the way, tell your son THANK YOU for his service to our country!! :-)
Joe don't worry about that piece of garbage Jonathon what he doesn't know is all of us have his picture in mind and kharma is a biatch. Watch yourself Jonathon. And it is a wonderful thing to see your son graduate from bootcamp. Been there and done that. From this moment on RESPECT is definitely there. Alot of tears and hugs but well worth it. Hopefully your son is in the perfect spot for pics and videos my was and it is awesome to have these mementos.
What a P.O.S.
You REALLY ARE a sorry piece of SH!T. How could you ever wish a young man be mutilated and killed on foreign soil? Maybe a pediphile could get to you.....OH, I forgot....they dont like other pedophiles. Too much competition for the kids. Shame on you of ever wasting another breath of good oxygen which could be used for someone worth it.
God Bless Joe. My wife is a former Marine, my brother in law is about to retire from the Marines and my 17 year old stepson has signed up for early entry. it is nice to know responsible citizens are raising their children right and those children are ready to make extrmely tough and unslefish choices for the betterment of our society.
OMG!! Jonathan Taylor you are one sick BASTARD!!! Why must you go attacking children and ppl that serve your country!!!! Do you not have a heart? Did you think if your own parents read this, it would make them proud to say that you are there son? Please leave the children out of this!!!
At least your horses will be okay Joe.
Why so much hate? obviously your life is more controlled by your own hate than those you do not like. Get a life, get a purpose, go to Church, read, learn, understand, grow as a person and stop being a child.
I don't know who you are Jonathan Taylor, but you should be ashamed of yourself. To talk like that about anybody's child is awful and you need to grow up. Don't know how old you are...but hopefully, if you're talking this way, you are an immature teenager and not a grown man! Oh my!
Please Tell your son THANK YOU for all he is about to do for our country..! My son served his 4yrs as a Marine. People need to stop and think Our children are protecting our FREEDOM. GOD BLess..!
POS Taylor,
I have seen your picture. I am not afraid to go to jail again. It would be my pleasure to serve your teeth to you idiot!!
Joe, I think you SHOULD print the Fat Man's comments from time to time (but please, only from time to time. There's only so much ignorance a person can take). It makes him look like a bigger fool every time, and will eventually take his credibilty down to zero. Then his credibility will match him---a big fat ZERO!
OMG! This slug has gone over the deep end!
I had never heard of the Fat Man JT until recently on your blog. So I decided to find his blog and check it out. Well it seems to me that he would have nothing to blog about if it wasn't for you. All posts seem to be all about you. I've made several comments on his blog over the last couple of days to this affect. Needless to say none of those comments have been posted. It seems he only allows comments through that bash you as well.
Keep doing what you do and don't give him a 2nd thought.
Congratulations Joe! What a proud moment for you as a father!
In regards to Fat Bastard's comment I say this...
Why don't you give me the keys to whatever is driven up your fat ass so that I can drive it out! Get a life you pathetic excuse of a man!
Congrats Joe,to you and your wife.You should be very proud of Kyle,and F**K anyone who tries to trash his service to our country.
I will not reduce myself to calling JT "fat" because I am no Twiggy and his outward appearance has nothing to do with how ugly he is on the inside to wish harm on anyone,and thats all I have to say because like most of the world I have to go to work so all the goldbricks on SSI can get those checks in the mail.
Tell both of your son's congratulations!!!
Every make in my family has served in the armed forces and i can not say it enough of how proud i am of every man or woman in every branch but how much I appreciate it to my very core. Not many people will step up any more and thank God for the ones that do.
I just turned 21 a couple years ago so I know what a huge step this will be for your other son.
I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating both these life changing events and please tell you son thank you for serving his country and helping keep us all safe.
as for the waste of a human who left that disgusting comment, he will most certainly get his.
God bless.
If this is in fact Taylor making these gross comments, I can't imagine myself are anyone else who has fought and suffer in combat not to be very disturbed. People like this just don't realize what some are capable of on methods of retaliation. You need only to pick up a daily newspaper and look at acts of vegenance. Enough said, Congratulations to both of these young men!
Congrats. Party at Joe's! lol. Wait til i catch that husky b*tch in a dark alley
Any man that attacks another man's wife or children with the hatred shown on this blog is a sick individual. I do not know your wife or son but they do not need or deserve this kind of attack. If Jonathan Taylor really wrote this than he deserves to be publicly horsewhipped; if he didn't, then he needs to repudiate it and most quickly disavow it.
One look at JT's blog and anyone can easily see his obsession and hatred towards Joe. He has regularly picked on his wife and grandson so I believe it is Jonathan Taylor.
I'm sorry, Joe, But, JONATHAN TAYLOR is unacceptable!! Please do not publish his arragont, nasty, cheap comments. Jonathon, you are a LOW LIFE. NO real human being would say anything as trashy as you say. You should be banned from blogs altogether. Joe, he needs to go and does not deserve his own blog. I guess he has one, I have never been there AND WON'T.JUST BECAUSE OF WHAT he says to you about your family. I am embarrased.
congradulation Joe!!! I attended the graduation of my son 2 yrs ago it was a life changing event to see the graduate MARINES drill .. Out of roughly 350 MARINES you only heard one foot step!! and the inspirational run is amazing! I do hope you get some pics and post them I have many and will share if you like Tell your son THANK YOU! and your other happy bday
Mr. Joe, Congrats to you and yours! I can only imagine how very proud you are at this time! God bless all who are already serving our country and those who are starting out!
Happy birthday to Patrick and please stay safe Kyle.
I had no plans of going to the festival but if I thought for one minute, that I could find that sorry excuse for a human being, I would go in a heartbeat! I may change my plans after all! Someone send a pic to the Welfare Fraud Hotline to prove he is not disabled! His only disability is that he lived after being born.
I know it must be very difficult for you to read Jonathan's filth. Maybe one of our police agencies should check him out. He sounds VERY unstable.
People like him thrive on attention - the best thing we can do is ignore his ignorant, demented @SS.
On a brighter note, congratulations to the Albero family - oh happy day!
A friend
I remember graduating from bootcamp like it was yesterday. It was one of my fathers proudest moments, mine as well. I too am a very proud veteran and don't regret one day of service to my country. Stand tall and proud marine.
Congratulations Kyle and Happy 21st birthday, Patrick.
Call I'd be proud to be your designated driver.
semper fi, once a MARINE ALAWAYS A MARINE.can you PLEASE post a mugshot of that SICK SICK COWARD. I WOULD LOVE TO MEET HIM FACE TO FACE AND SAY "hello". what a PUKE.
Joe, first of all - congrats to you and yours/ Semper Fi to them, and all the Marines who have known the trials, and what it takes to become a Marine. No such thing as an ex-Marine. Ignore this jt idiot. Or simply point him out to any Marine. Or any member of our armed forces. Don't carry out the garbage with yer bare hands, Joe. Ah, he's not worth it anyhow. Congrats again to you and yours.
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