As former Salisbury Mayor Barrie Tilghman slinked from the courthouse, one point was made clear - the days of tin pot despots bullying the media are over. Unfortunately, there are a few issues still outstanding.
Tilghman's two year old lawsuit against Salisbury News publisher Joe Albero is over. District Court Judge Daniel Mumford listened patiently for over two hours as Tilghman's crack team of lawyers argued that Albero had defamed the sainted ex-mayor. Tilghman's chief attorney, William McAllister of Miles & Stockbridge made some very convincing arguments. Ultimately, the Judge Mumford sided with the law and ruled that if Tilghman "couldn't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen".
In all fairness to Tilghman, I was mortified at some of the blog comments put into evidence. This speaks to our overall low level of civil discourse. However, should bloggers be held accountable for the poor choice of words used by their commenters? According to the federal Online Decency Act, the answer is no.
Oddly, the actual posts upon which Tilghman based her lawsuit were not particularly harsh. One post by Albero merely stated that Tilghman's lawsuit was a poor example of "your tax dollars at work". Given Tilghman's repeated admissions during her time as mayor that she was on duty 24 / 7, that statement could be interpreted in too many ways to be of consequence. The other "damning" post was a question posed by Albero regarding the possible use of public works personnel in building a deck at Tilghman's home. Given that Tilghman has been the multiple recipient of the Daily Times practice of bundling a false statement in quotes and presenting it as fact, she really didn't have much to complain about.
We'll have more tomorrow, including a discussion of whether Albero really will get a life. In the meantime, all of us who express our opinion publicly should thank Albero for standing up to the dowager Queen of Barrieland.

Tilghman's two year old lawsuit against Salisbury News publisher Joe Albero is over. District Court Judge Daniel Mumford listened patiently for over two hours as Tilghman's crack team of lawyers argued that Albero had defamed the sainted ex-mayor. Tilghman's chief attorney, William McAllister of Miles & Stockbridge made some very convincing arguments. Ultimately, the Judge Mumford sided with the law and ruled that if Tilghman "couldn't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen".
In all fairness to Tilghman, I was mortified at some of the blog comments put into evidence. This speaks to our overall low level of civil discourse. However, should bloggers be held accountable for the poor choice of words used by their commenters? According to the federal Online Decency Act, the answer is no.
Oddly, the actual posts upon which Tilghman based her lawsuit were not particularly harsh. One post by Albero merely stated that Tilghman's lawsuit was a poor example of "your tax dollars at work". Given Tilghman's repeated admissions during her time as mayor that she was on duty 24 / 7, that statement could be interpreted in too many ways to be of consequence. The other "damning" post was a question posed by Albero regarding the possible use of public works personnel in building a deck at Tilghman's home. Given that Tilghman has been the multiple recipient of the Daily Times practice of bundling a false statement in quotes and presenting it as fact, she really didn't have much to complain about.
We'll have more tomorrow, including a discussion of whether Albero really will get a life. In the meantime, all of us who express our opinion publicly should thank Albero for standing up to the dowager Queen of Barrieland.

Albero's "life" is just fine and not a proper matter for the judge's comment, even if well intended by him!
Keep up the good work on this blog, Joe, PLEASE! We know that the FOBs are already at work to bring undo the changes we have just made in Salisbury by electing Ireton over "Bubba".
Good for you.
I for one am glad you did not back down.
This should put Boss Hogg and his cronies in Pocomoke on notice.
Heck it should put corrupt and incompetent politicians across America on notice.
Well Done!
To what are you referring by this remark:
"Unfortunately, there are a few issues still outstanding."
Did Ms. Oland testify and if so what?
Good work! Your win is our win too. People are taking back their governments all over DelMarVa.
I love justice when it is fair and not bought off. All Hail The Judical System Acknowledges The First Admendment.
Barrie lost what a waste of a civil case and the judge's time.
Mr. Harrison:
That's the same legal eagle (McAllister) that defended Casey Tilghman on the charges that resulted from her encounter with then Councilwoman Rachel Polk in 2003. His firm was also assisted in Barrie's vendetta against former Police Chief Dykes. What a gold mine she has been for them.
Great job, Joe! In my opinion,"Get a life" means stopping to smell the roses, have a great cigar, its over for the fat lady! What a breath of fresh air last night at the council meeting, Thanks to Joe
and Jim Ireton!
Although I often find what people write on this blog unappealing to my point of view, it is clear that any other ruling in this case would have violated the freedom of the press. You should be congratulated on your fortitude and on your willingness to stand up for what you believe.
way to go Joe, a well deserved victory. Maybe all the soldiers in the past didn't die in vain. we may still have a little freedom left. sjd
Did the taxpayers foot the bill for any of her legal defense?
^5 Big Daddy Joe! That had to be a humungous feeling leaving that courthouse. It's your victory Joe but many here in Salisbury are sharing in your happy dayz!
This afternoon would have made the day complete with a ride through the Pocomoke Cypress Forrest on that motorcycle, then a nice nap in a hammock.
In response to GA's last sentence: Many thanks Joe, and congratulations!
And thanks to you, GA. You also have been a staunch advocate for the public with your observations and analysis of events during the previous administration.
Way to go Joe!!!!!
Love how you fight for all our 1st Amendment right to free speach. Just because they don't like it doen 't make it illegal!
Sic Symper Tryannis
"In all fairness to Tilghman, I was mortified at some of the blog comments put into evidence. This speaks to our overall low level of civil discourse."
Those two sentences put into clear focus what intelligent, civil people find so repugnant about Albero and his blog. No one has a problem with hearing someone's opinion, but does it always have to be so vile?
Burke, don't even attempt to glean any confidence from this CIVIL trial today. Your circumstances are criminal in nature and you won't fair as well when your day in front of the judge arrives.
You ought to sue her for defamation...
Hey Will B, for a Marine, you really embarrass the rest of us. You say fight for free "SPEACH" and you can't even spell what you're fighting for. Don't ever identify yourself as a Marine again, you sicken the rest of us.
Sic Symper Tryannis
Billy Burke is happy for Joe Albero. Now that says it all!
It is always important to have different opinions to discuss...that's what allows us to "grow" and perhaps learn new things. In Salisbury, for years, the only opinions or positions that were heard, via MSM, were those of Barrie.
Then along came sbynews and it's followers. Now the spin put forth in the press releases gets questioned...then people start paying attention to the differences between what the DT and tv stations are saying and what was on "the blog". All good so far. Truth comes out. More people begin to realize that they've been lied to, or at the very least, misled. So the elected leader starts to get exposed. She's not in control of the media any more. Now she's getting nervous...there are things which she'd rather not have known being discussed, but only among those who she dismisses as "bloggers". Vile creatures, she says.
Fast forward to April 28, 2009.
How 'bout dem bloggers NOW, Former Mayor!
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