I don't know to many people in Salisbury, but I have a concern/ question you might be able to answer!
Do you know if a registered sex offenders employer is required to post a sign on the business, if the business requires the sex offender to be around children?
The case is that I was going to a local business and this person, (the sex offender)always played with my son, that person was always touching, smacking or rubbing my sons hair and shoulders, and I just found out he is on the sex offenders registry. It had got to the point were my son didn't want to go to the establishment with me. I felt like I let my child down, I feel like an awful parent for bringing him to the establishment. In any case we are not looking to hurt the person, send them to jail or anything, but hold the establishment responsible, to place a sign, this way parents are warned and can make the choice to bring the child in the establishment or not.
Thanks again Respectfully for everything you do for Salisbury.
Do you know if a registered sex offenders employer is required to post a sign on the business, if the business requires the sex offender to be around children?
The case is that I was going to a local business and this person, (the sex offender)always played with my son, that person was always touching, smacking or rubbing my sons hair and shoulders, and I just found out he is on the sex offenders registry. It had got to the point were my son didn't want to go to the establishment with me. I felt like I let my child down, I feel like an awful parent for bringing him to the establishment. In any case we are not looking to hurt the person, send them to jail or anything, but hold the establishment responsible, to place a sign, this way parents are warned and can make the choice to bring the child in the establishment or not.
Thanks again Respectfully for everything you do for Salisbury.
put link on here to sex offenders, we have many here in salisbury, sign fixers employees a bunch!
Personally, I have no mercy for child sex offenders. I don't think we should have to need signs posted saying where a sex offender lives; if they've molested a child, just shoot 'em in the back of the head and leave the body in a field to feed the vultures. Kind of like poetic justice; let the vultures feed on the vultures.
Now, putting signs on a business where the offender works after (probably not) paying their debt to society? I just don't know what to think of this one. I do know I would question the judgement of the employer; beyond that, I'm stymied. Quite a thorny question. I'm looking forward to comments; maybe I'll be enlightened.
If it is a reasonable expectation that in the course of doing business, an establishment will come in contact with children, a sex offender should not be employed. Working in daycare or after school programs at the Salvation Army would be out; working as a mechanic or cleaning office buildings after hours would be fine.
Geeze, Really if he even so much touched my kid and was a sex offender no question about it, I would puNCH his lights out!
i hate child molesters!
Hmm in a situation like this why don't you personally tell the person that since he is a sex offender not to touch your son?
I think that it could harm an innocent person's business, but the owner should know and make the responsible decision to not place the offender in a position that he/she could interact with children.
This would be contingent on the type of offense as well and the victimology.
What type of "establishment" were you taking your son to that he was interacted with on such a personal basis?
That's scary!
NO. There's the registry. Go to it.
I have small children and also hate to hear of more adults acting inappriately with children. It's disgusting and there should be no second chances.
I do, however, realize that there is a difference in a "sex offender" and a "child sex offender." While NO offense is acceptable, I do know of a few guys who got involved with the wrong girl and were labeled sex offenders in their senior year of high school. These cases are few and far between, but there are cases where people live with that label for the rest of their lives and it's isn't really justified. It's complicated and difficult to explain in a short comment.
My point, the laws are set up to protect these people and I imagine postings at business are illegal. And in the very few cases, it would suck for the people who wear this label and there is no escape.
As parents it is our responsiblity to know who our children are interacting with. RESEARCH every single person who has contact with your child. The parents of Sandra Cantu are probably wishing they had done so.
Your intuition was right to tell you to look into this guy. Good call.
I think it should be tattooed on their forehead.
I think the public has the right to know that and some of the pervs on the registry actually do list a workplace.With all the desperate people out here looking for jobs,why would anyone hire these POS's anyway?You are a better person than me because I would have embarassed the guy.
I think child molesters should be kept locked up for the rest of there lives.
The adults are sometime questionable, i say sometimes.
If they are a true pre -meditated sex offender of any kind they should be under lock and key.
One other post told the way it is ,some people get labled this through sircumstances, that sometimes are true sometimes there not.
I dont want to go where there is a killer either,do you?
We were getting ready to have our carpet cleaned, the night before we called them to schedule, my wife was looking through the registry and saw that the carpet cleaning business we were going to use employs two of them. I don't want them in my house. Now we will find a different company.
Delaware makes the current address and employer of registered sex offenders available to the public. I receive an email alert whenever someone moves into or becomes employed near Delmar. Perhaps Maryland could do something similar.
It is the responsibility of the parent to be vigilant on matters concerning the welfare and safety of their children. I would be much more afraid of sex offenders hanging out in public places than I would a at place of business.
That being said, however, I would be aware of businesses who hire sex offenders and that frequently send their employees into someone's home to perform work (carpentry, plumbing, electricians, etc).
What's the name of the carpet cleaning business? I use one & I have a 6 year old daughter. I don't want to take any chances.
If I would of known the person was a sex offender, I would of never gone there at all because my son is always with me, truly, when they register not all of them say who they molested or raped, child or adult.
tell him not to touch my child. DAH, hello, I feel deceived, honestly, it wasn't like the sex offender said, " hey by the way, can I touch your little boy, I'm a sex offender"
9:44am said,
I think that it could harm an innocent person's business, this is exactly, why I didn't tell Joe or anyone, the business name yet.
I am not saying what kind of business or/ establishment it is, and all he never was around my child alone but maybe for a few minute while I used the rest room.
I am not here to hurt the person nor the business, other wise I would of contacted the police, for questions.
First of all I wouldn't leave my child with ANYONE who wasn't related or a close personal friend. Pee your pants or take him with you.
To the person who said about the carpet cleaning business. You suck. Now everyone will be targeting that company. I am not for child molesters by any means but once they serve time and have been released they have to live or we support them. If they can find a job it should not be with children in any capcity. In a carpet cleaning business who would let a company come in your house with only your child home.
If there is EVER a 2nd offense then by all means shoot the SOB and leave him for the vultures.
9:37, " working as a mechanic" would be fine. Really? I own a local auto repair shop. I recently fired a tech when I learned he struck his wife AFTER SHE HIT HIM FIRST! A child sex offender would not work for me, nor would he work for most of the other good people who own repair shops in this town.
Just go on the list of wicomico county sex offenders and in the offenders profile it lists where they work.
Thank you 9:23 for being a stand-up guy!We need more people like you who take a stand.I cannot believe some of these comments-"oh they have to work somewhere".How they survive is not my problem-in my opinion they dont have a right to breathe on our planet,let alone take a job some deserving guy with NO criminal record should have instead!
Granted,your child would not be home alone when you have carpets cleaned.But how do you know that the pedophile they sent to steam your rugs wont see a family photo and take a liking to your kid(s) and decide to break in at a later time and do something to them?Or find out where they go to school by watching your house and stalk the kid?The psycho who kidnapped Elizabeth Smart was hired by her Dad to do work at their home and he liked what he saw and came back later and took her.Why take chances with your kids?There is no room for being a "bleedig heart" when it comes to the safety of your kids.If you think they are such good guys who deserve a second chance,let them stay at your house!
well i dont condone the behavior of any sex offender but i will say that there are people that are labled sex offenders that actuall are NOT quilty.....if they have paid their debt to society then they do deserve a second chance. They have to have a job somewhere, what do you people expect? For excons to go on welfare? God said once asked for forgiveness all is thrown into the sea of forgetgfullness....if you yourself cannot forgive than why should God forgive you? We are none without quilt or sin. and NO i am not or ever been into a jail and am a law biding citizen that does work and pay my share of taxes and i do have daughters. But i do undestand that all is not always as it appears. Judge NOT least ye be judged. God bless you all.
How about the fact that a convicted child sex offender's business sponsors one of the Fruitland Little league teams? That kinda sounds like an oxy moron to me.
Accurate Auto, in Fruitland, is owned by David Guy, who you will find on the registry.
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