DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Robinson Spends The Day At Motor Vehicle

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Good ol' Joe keepin em honest!!!! Good job!!!!
I think he should be shot, buried, dug up and shot again.
oops, you're zipper's down!
Made ya look!
JOE, This is John -you can call to verify. I have had insurance since the first day I bought the vehicle. I drove on uhaul tag and insurance and also had secondary insurance until UHAUL sent me a title which was MONDAY! My insurance co is State Farm. I broke no laws. Except the county ordinace that states you can not have a vehicle untagged on private property. Something I verified with Sgt. at Sherriffs office this morning. In fact we went above and beyond by carring my insurance until I got title registered mail just this week!. In fact for the past three weeks I have not driven vehicle because UHAUL tags were turned in by me to Brenda Cox because the dealer/person I purchased vehicle from NEVER paid for it!(they no longer have an association with uhaul!) So, thank-you for your concern- I can assure you and everyone I follow the rules to the best of my ability. I am no where perfect and never claim to be.
John, you know as well as ANYONE else, no one can call your Insurance Company and get this information from them, so stop the bull.
You sound a lot like Chief See when yiou say nobody is perfect. You can't tell me you didn't know you were breaking the law as soon as you slapped on a tag from another vehicle, whoops, I',m not perfect. It reminds me when See and I got into it when they sold a fully equiped Fire Chase Vehicle with lights, sirens and the whole nine yards on it to a private individual.
By the way, the old U-Haul tags weren't turned in. The Dealer had to come to your location and take the tag.
I'm glad you spent your day clearing this matter up.
Thats not he only vehicle he has untagged. There is one behind his new store in Court Plaza! Don't let JR pull the wool over your eyes!
Cheaters never prosper. You know old adages become truisms.
I can just hope Mr. Robinson has it all straightened out now, but I'm sure his insurance company and the MVA still have issues to work out, fines and such. Don't they run about $100 a day?
Wow, I wish I had such resources.
and who said blogs do not work?
Am I missing something? The tag in the pic is not a temp tag. Temp tags are paper and do not have month/year stickers.
Not any more. They give you your tin tag with a sticker for 1 month.
Temp tags are not paper anymore, this is the tag.
Why are you showing this dweeb enough respect to addrees him as 'Mr'? C'mom Joe; dirtball, scum, perv, liar and many others come to mind but not 'Mr'!
I got an email from John today via my website letting me know the whole truth behind the insurance. Pretty much the same thing he said in his earlier post. Don't know , really don't care.
Reconciled, you and your pathetic life must have cared because yours was the first comment on the post. Hopefully that tatto isn't you biggest accomplishment in life, but from the looks of your posts, and the fact you're so proud of it, I'd say it is.
that guy is a nut. he is always trying to jive a buck. good work joe! stay on him
I used to shop there when his father owned the place. Now the place is full of junk and cheap stuff made in china
anon 8:10 way to hide behind anon. easy to say what you want when noone knows who you are. If you notice, I took my original post off. I posted on something that personally wasnt my business. Say what you want, John said what he said Joe said what he said and truthfully not my business so I took mine off. Don't know the man so I chose not to judge. Not that its any of your business , yes I am proud of my tat and of all my others too. The only pathetic thing I see is when someone attacks someone else because they changed their mind and choose to back away from a discussion.
Joe, I have a question for you: Since you are the self-appointed, or is that anointed, protector of Wicomico County, why haven't you targeted those folks in the African-American community that are on parole or probation and are disobeying the laws of the land? Don't bother answering that, I/we already know the answer.
Reconciled, is your name really "reconciled?" Might as well be anonymous. Man, you're pathetic. You're called on your bravado statement that you didn't care about John Robinson's life (and Albero really shouldn't either) and then when someone calls you on the fact yours was the first post to put their two-cents into someone's business and life, you have Albero remove your initial comment. You're so wishy you can't even stand by your own statements.
I haven't removed a single comment here. Because they are REGISTERED, they can remove their own comment, if they so choose. So shut your trap.
That'll fix it. Were you born in a microwave oven? I mean, you are seriously lacking sense.
Funny how Joe puts 2 dirt bags stories on the blog the same day and almost side by side. They are two of the same Ray Lewis and John (BS) Robinson. Beautiful work Joe
So sorry Joe, my life isn't geared around blogs. But I must admit I now feel like my life has been misspent and totally unfulfilled since I haven't "REGISTERED." I'll get right on that.
Hey 'reconciled1', seems to me you're anonymous too. C'mon tough guy, if the name on your birth certificate isn't 'reconciled1' than tell us your real name. Funny how you call out someone when you're doing the exact same thing...hiding!
Maryland used to give you a red & white paper tag for inspection only! To be used to take your vehicle to and from an inspection station.
Now you get a metal tag with stickers that the police don't even notice or care about!
I know because I have a nephew who uses this all the time!
*Get the tag.
*Ride all you want.
*Get pulled over months or years later, for something stupid, not the tag!
*May have tag taken, or may not!
*If tag was taken, may go to court, or may not!
*After 5 or 6 years of this and 6 court dates which you don't bother to go to, you show up at another court date and get your license suspended for 60 days and maybe a $200.00 fine!
Next Day:
*Get new tag! (I still can’t see how you can get a tag without a drivers license, but it happened).
*Ride all you want! etc,etc....
P.S. I think he had to buy insurance only once, and cancelled it after 30 days!
Now that’s a very cheap ride!
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