For those of you who were interested in Urban Salisbury and why the Mayor scrapped allowing the Council any chance to see their Master Plan, here it is.
The Mayor and Louise Smith REFUSED to allow the Council to see what Urban Salisbury had done because the Mayor, Comegys & Smith knew this was the perfect plan. However, the Mayor demanded they get the actual Master Plan and Urban Salisbury pretty much said, shove it!
Allen Hope said in last night's meeting, if the City wants the Master Plan they can fork up $100,000.00 and we'll give it to them. Until then, we're not giving up anything! Good for you Allen! He also said it was the best plan he had ever seen in his 36 years of doing this kind of work.
"...at this time."
Pure Louise, as dictated by Barrie.
Interesting that the letters were nearly a month apart.
I wish this PowerPoint plan could be released to the citizens of Salisbury so they could drag it downtown and rub it in Bubba and Barrie's face. Then, call for a public vote on the plan, after all it is our money that would be spent.
I'm glad Mr Patterson and Mr Hope are not leaving until after the election. When Jim is mayor maybe the council could see fit to 86 the newly created Mike Dunn position and use that money for Urban Salisbury.
Shame on Louise Smith! What could possibly be more important than mending the "heart" of our city? Urban Salisbury was very fortunate to have Alan Hope come to us 2 years ago. I have gotten to know Alan very well. Alan didn't take this position because it was the only job offer he had,and the salary was good! Quite the contrary, he and his wife Cecilia moved here because they loved this town, and Alan wanted to be part of making great changes here. Alan is clearly over qualfied and under payed-the best director we have ever had and probably ever will have. Many people ask -what has Urban Salisbury done? Please remember this, Urban Salisbury started in 2001, the first director was incompetent and didn't accomplish anything,-hired by Barry I do believe, and the second director wasn't qualified for the position. Alan spent the first year cleaning up the reckage of the past directors and mourning the loss of his beloved wife who passed away suddenly after a severe stroke. I will miss Alan Hope, even his name made me feel better about our dying downtown. There have been rumors of a part time director position, and I hope that if that happens, that our city will offer it to someone NEW with FRESH IDEAS. It took a long time for our downtown to become what it is today, it will take a long time to turn it around.For now I will happily remain in business at my fun corner store holding up the west end of the downtown. I am always willing to discuss thoughts and ideas about how "we" can make it better-come and visit me! Anne Taylor Parker Place 234 w. main st. 410-860-1263
Thanks for putting the real truth out there. Unfortunately, Barrie, who I use to respect, has had a very negative effect on downtown. I appreciate what you have accomplished with your garden center and store. I will be there to visit you in the near future. I am totally disgusted with Barrie, Gary, and Louise. I am also unbelievably angered at the tactics that Barrie and her people have used to smear Ireton. I am very hopeful that the people will realize that Barrie is responsible for all of the trash that's been thrown into the campaign. If you are dissatisfied with the City of Salisbury as it is, then vote Ireton as your Mayor. Things will change.
Anne Taylor said...
I'm confused! I thought Anne and Randy were FOB's?
Hey Barrie, I have a copy of that old video you and Cheefy are so desperately looking for!!! Whatch gonna do... whatcha gonna do when they come for you....
Please give me more credit than that - What's right is right, and what's wrong is wrong. What Louise Smith did was wrong. I don't ever comment on the blogs, but when it comes to our downtown I am very passionate. Anne
It amazes me that, after all this time, Barrie is still jockeying for position of power in the city which she has done her damndest to destroy...whether by bad intent or just by stupidity and ineptitude.
Gary is just Barrie without the excuses.
The downtown area is in dire need of an advocate. Where this person will be paid from is another issue.
Let the new mayor figure out what to do. And how to do it.
Anne is lucky that Barrie will only be in office for a few more days. Otherwise the retribution would likely begin. She must realize that the person she thought was her friend (the Mayor) will happily sacrifice the hard work of others to take it over for herself. As with Weed and Seed, countless neighborhood associations, and otehr initiatives if the Mayor can't control them she will destroy them, caring not about the work they do and the benefit that they bring to the community.
Thanks for commenting Anne. This has to hurt all downtown business's. Truly thanks for stepping up to the plate. This gives us hope.
good riddance! it was a waste of taxpayer money.
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