He received a failing mark in an MSNBC unscientific online survey after having spent less than three months in the White House.
In its "Give President Obama a Grade" survey, MSNBC asked nearly 2 million respondents, "If you were grading Barack Obama on his performance as president, what would he get?"
The largest number of respondents – or 43 percent – gave Obama an "F."

Approximately 31 percent said the president has earned an "A," while 6.5 percent gave him a "B," 5.3 percent answered a "C" and 14 percent said he has earned a "D."
Meanwhile, Rasmussen Reports' daily presidential tracking poll for April 7, 2009, shows that 37 percent of voters strongly approve of Obama's performance. A full 29 percent now strongly disapprove of his performance.
The poll was conducted via telephone surveys of only 1,500 respondents.
GO HERE to see more.
Oh no...all the liberals will say this is not so! They will say the numbers are distorted. Believe me, I know a few of them and they never want to hear/see the truth!
And you know what? I didn't vote for him, was vehemently AGAINST him, but you HAVE to give him a CHANCE, and I do believe he really is trying.
The folks who will hang him HIGH and TIGHT will be his own party. After watching him for a few months, I think he has a good heart, somewhat misguided, but will try to do the best he can for the country.
Let him TRY, don't deny him the chance to make the difference he promised.
Is there a "Z" grade?
Not a scientific survey. It was a poll people who went to MSNBC clicked on. And it was passed around by right-wingers to send to their friends and who were all told to vote "F". Rasmussen is a reliably Republican pollster (not as bad as Zogby) and is known for constantly favoring Conservative viewpoints.
The good news is that the actual gold standard pollsters still have Obama in the upper 50's/lower 60's.
And completely the opposite of the results of the CBS/New York Times poll recently released: http://www.voanews.com/english/2009-04-07-voa38.cfm
He's printing money like it's going out of style and is making it worth nothing!
We'll be a bankrupt country in 2 years if he doesn't stop!
I didn't agree when Bush kissed and held the hand of the Saudi king, and I certainly didn't like it when the United States' president (Obama)recently bowed to the same guy during the G-20 meeting. The U.S. flag never dips lower than another country's flag. I want my president to have the same measure of pride and decorum. We bow to no country. We bow to no monarch.
7:28 If I am not mistaken the CBS?New York Times doesn't ask its respondents to give a letter grade, rather to say whether they approve or disapprove of the job. Two different rating standards, two different poll results.
He wasn't the FIRST to do that either, so don't blame OBAMA for it, the bill when it comes due will be dear indeed, but I wonder how many will remember it 2-4 years from now when life resumes it's old, obscene ways of over spending and instant gratification.
Have we learned nothing?
I doubt many of us have. That's what worries me.
He was left with a huge mess by the worst president in USA history. He cannot fix it in 3 months.
I still say that each taxpayer should have gotten "stimulus money" instead of corporations.Then people would have the money to spend on things they otherwise would not be able to purchase and the corporations would still make money.
Lame poll and lame attempt Joe! Look at the similarities between A and F. Com'on, it's a web survey! Give it a rest.
I am an extreme conservative....and this ticks me off...Hes been in office three months....and do i agree with everything hes done...HELL no, but at the very worst, he seems to be aggressive, his heart seems to be in the right place....and i cant stand people from my own party totally ripping him now.....our president....the worst in US history, help put us in this spot....and now obama seems to be held responsible for what bush did to us....idiots
C's get degrees
Logic flaw there...
If half the people give him an "A" and half give him an "F", then that averages to "C", not an "F".
"C" is normal for politics in the US. Ask the same question of nearly any national politician in the US (e.g. Nancy Pelosi), and you'll get a "C".
Alright all you liberals, We now all can see Obama is nothing but a
communist. He is trying to bankrupt our country and have the government control everything that
my friend is communism. Now lets see what he does with these muslim
terrorist ie Solmalian pirates. Now they have taken a U.S. cargo ship and holding Americans hostage for ransom. If he does nothing then that will show the world any small country can do anything they want to the U.S. and get away without any punishment. We will be passive and just talk about how bad things are in the world. A real President would get our people back and show them you can't f--k with the USA. However if we do nothing then Iran or any other small country will nuke us kill us or do as they please because our communist president doen't have the balls to fight and defend our country. At least Bush had the balls to do something about 9-11 even if it wasn't the most popular decision.
I didn't vote for him either...can't stand him actually, but what he did inherit was the most liberal legislative branch of government in recent history. They are the ones who have passed these half-a$#ed stimulus packages without even knowing what they are voting on, just to prove the point that "we will do what we want to". They are also the ones who will pass the multi-gazillion dollar budget that will break the U.S. So don't just blame Obama.
He needs to be put in the ground !!!
11:01 Curious, what spot did Bush put this country in? If you're going to suggest the economy, I suggest you sit and think real hard about what brought our economy down. And I suggest you do a little research and see which party's representatives have been trying for years to get legislation passed which would have established tighter oversight on Freddie and Fannie, as well as the banking industry and Wall Street, and which party's representatives have been blocking that oversight every step of the way.
Most countries in the world owe their survival to the United States. Now President Obama travels the globe pandering to these B rate countries by asking for their forgiveness. It's shameful. He'll learn quickly that being liked and being respected aren't the same.
How can you possibly think Bush was worse than Carter? Remember the economy under Carter?
REALLY!, I Mean REALLY! Im not a rocket scientist and I could tell you he is an idiot and will screw all of us if he is not dealt with!
paallleeeeaaaassseee! 10 weeks, 10 weeks! Obama arrives in office with perhaps the worst financial crisis in US history, two wars, Wall Street melt down, global warming threatening the survival of the planet, sky rocketing unemployment....and thi list goes on and on. He takes this all on with optimism, transparency, honesty and dilligence...takes it all on....in 10 weeks. Let's give him a chance. At least he's doing something.
"C's get degrees"
Even F's.... ask McCain!
Anon 9:10
Worst financial crisis in U.S. History. Depression, Carter years with interest rates in double digits, inflation in double digits, I dont think so. Global warming: This is the biggest joke ever played on the American public, and this idiot in the White House wants to make it worse by implementing a cap and trade bill that he says will have enormous rate hikes in electric bills. I say give him a chance too. A chance to resign or be forceably removed before he destroys this country.
Please stop with the "extreme Conservative" bull combined with the words "and I think Bush was the worst." You may be an extreme "something" but you're not a Conservative. The current Congress and Obama have doubled the deficit, increased the size of gov't, and are going for power grab on State's rights with the stimulus bills-not one true conservative can support that. If you want to give him a chance that's fine, just don't try and think you're fooling anyone by saying you're a conservative.
I find it quite distrubing to see comments stating that the president needs to be "put in the ground" or that "he needs to be dealt with". I guess ignorant is as ignorat does.
10:03, that was perhaps the worst. The jury is still out and the crisis is far from over. Try reading or checking out the news (Something besides Faux). As for global warming...take your head out of the Eastern Shore sand while you still can for it will be under water in a few decades.
You mean a reliable source like PMSNBC where matthews gets tingly feelings running down his leg. Fox will give both side with a conservative slant. MSNBC, CNN, ABC,NBC,CBS, New york Times and most othe "main stream media" dont even bother to report anything negative about Mr. Hussein Obama. I guess thats why if you add MSNBC,and CNN together they get about half of FOX ratings.
Anon11:41-According to the Global Warming alarms, the eastern shore should be under water right now, it's 2009, more than 10 years after they started the "Seas are rising, Polar bears are dying" mantra. You need to get a grip, because we are in a state of Global cooling and more than likely will see some global warming sometime after we're done cooling. It's called the Earth and the humans that inhabit her can't predict the weather or how long the cycle she'll be in next, because it's got to do with solar flares, tides, oxygen, methane-a whole mess of crap that we have no way of blaming one thing on.
OK 1:52, whatever you say. I guess the world is flat, Limbaugh is a genius and pigs fly.
Anon 2:30, you post no truths to back the statements about Global warming, and given honest discourse about the things that cause coolings and warmings You resort to name-calling and the liberal talking points that have nothing to do with what was said. Limbaugh listening isn't even relevant to the issue, but I don't disagree with him as much as I disagree with your tired propaganda. I'm not about engage on your namecalling game.
4:17 Here's a hard truth. Global warming is here NOW.
Just ask the Australians. Life is getting difficult in Australia, and global warming is to blame. Example: More than 4,000 gray-headed flying foxes dropped dead out of trees in one Melbourne park in one day. For more, read the report in today's LA Times.
And look at the mountain tops. Look at the North Pole (you can take a boat there these days). And what about the evacuation of the Carteret Islands. Do you think those people are leaving their homes just for the fun of it??
We've just seen the beginnings of a major double crisis (heat and acidic atmosphere), and people like you can't even see it happening... You're determined to be blind.
7:02 "He needs to be put in the ground !!!"
8:51 "...if he is not dealt with!"
And I'm hoping you traitors end up in a FEMA camp for a long long time.
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