"I thought you would like to see the letter that we received this week from the Daily Times. In a word, they are telling us that they will not be delivering the Sunday paper with the ads/coupons inserted in the paper anymore, now my employees will have to put them in the paper before placing them for sale to the customers. Unbelievable, I guess they can't pay a carrier to do this (as I remember helping my best friend every summer morning roll and stuff the papers that he delivered to the neighborhood on his bike when I was 9 or 10) type of work anymore, so I and every other local retailer must now do their job for them at a cost of labor to my operation for a penny ante bird cage liner. I know you'll keep my name anonymous, and I promise you anytime I can assist you, I will."
As a businessman I just can't see in any way, shape or form how this could improve their relationship with their vendors/retailers. I'm sorry Pohanka, GM will no longer be delivering you vehicles with the engines and tires on them, you'll have to install them on every vehicle from here on out.
The Carriers have always been paid additional money to insert this section into the papers every Sunday and now they're stopping them from making any additional money. So they stop paying the Carriers, still charge YOU and the Retailers the same amount of money and then tell every WalMart, Rite Aide and so forth they have to pay their employees to do it. No question about it, the Daily Times is absolutely failing and skimping every penny they can to survive.
Chalk another one up for Salisbury News because people are dropping their subscriptions like there's no tomorrow. I know, I know, how can I wish this on all of the Employees of the Daily Times. Have I no heart? I told you fools a long time ago, you better start looking for jobs now because the writing is on the walls. If you've been that stupid to stick around, blame yourselves, not me!
You gotta be kiddin' me! If I were a retailer selling the DT, I would not only tell the DT to insert the packet, I'd tell them exactly WHERE they could insert it. And for the clueless, here's a hint: it wouldn't be in the paper. Bring a flashlight.
If you don't like the policy, don't advertise with them. Its not much of a story unless they promised one thing and then refused to deliver on that promise.
Gannett was and is profitable and one of the most stable publicly traded media companies on Wall street. They will continue to be around for a long time. All the print media are struggling right now including the Wall street journal, the New York Times and the Washington Post.
Really, this is solid evidence. I couldn't agree more.
Retailers should get together and boycott, heck how much money can you be losing? If my life depended on selling the daily disappointment I'd best get out of business while I still have a pot to pee in.
Maybe the retailers need to just allow a separate spot for the inserts and that way I can get my coupons without buying the paper!
That will make DT even LESS money but it will not cost the retailers any additional dollars and the customers like me would be happy as well.
Nice going DT...NOT!
I work in a convenience store and I know we WON"T be doing it. We don't get paid a whole heck of a lot now not to mention adding on another job to do with OUR regular duties. THINK AGAIN!! If the Daily Times can't do their own job then they surely don't need their job because our store won't be doing it.
So, they fire some poor schmuck who stuffs inserts and save themselves $12,000 a year.
Good for us. Maybe the retailers can just sell us the insert on Friday or Saturday, then we can dispense with buying the Sunday paper altogether.
I can see a whoooole lot of retailers telling them to stick that insert where the sun don't shine. This bad idea will last all of two weeks, mark my words. Then they'll be right back to doing the inserts themselves.
I hope all the retailers send a bill for the labor!
I think the retailers should just stop selling the papers all together instead of paying someone to do the DT's job of stuffing it.
I'll buy the inserts and skip The Times, too. Great idea.
oh no, shanie won't be able to afford the rent in Princess Anne!
What temerity. They expect us to do their business for them? There's nothing requiring us to stock their paper in our stores, so I'm telling them they can take their paper and stuff it, and I will be happy to continue distributing the New York Times and the Washington Post to our readers this summer, rather than the local paper. Not that I'm making a hell of a lot from stocking it now. It looks like it is costing me more to put space aside for the paper than it is worth, even though that space is getting smaller and smaller.
So long Daily Times....I will read the online edition for obits and thats it.
That is a great idea, stack the advertizing and coupons in one pile and the newspaper in another and see which pile moves faster Hahhhaaa. What a bunch of dumb a**es. They would cut their face off dispite their noses.
Did you know the papers employees have noses on the front and back of their heads? Yup, they are used for multi-tasking brown nosing!
Probably the ads would sell out before the papers do... If they were both @ 75 cents!
"I guess they can't pay a carrier to do this..."
Instead of guessing, why not pick up the phone and call the person whose name appears on the bottom of the letter to get an explanation for the change? To suggest it's a clear sign The Daily Times is getting closer to closing is irresponsible.
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