You see Folks, Barrie & Mike aren't going anywhere! Bubba Comegys is nothing but a Puppet for the Mayor and no doubt they will be asking for Grants to match the $20,000.00 per year the Mayor took away from Urban Salisbury and planted right into Mike Dunn's lap. Remember now, this is a part time position that starts off paying $20,000.00 a year!
Considering I found this out, there's no question in my mind that you'll be seeing more of the old Mayor Tilghman controlling the City from the sidelines should you vote for Gary Comegys.
Urban Salisbury sent out an e-mail yesterday expressing their disbelief that the City was making such moves and it has been reported that Mayor Barrie Tilghman threw an absolute FIT and called Urban Salisbury raising her voice and going off about the letter. What goes around, comes around Barrie Tilkghman.
Lord knows what else they have up their sleeve but as a property owner in Downtown Salisbury, no one is going to tell me I have to do this or that.
Make sure you vote for Jim Ireton for Mayor so we can stop these games and get back on the right track.
Joe dont you think my way would work a whole lot faster???
This has benn their little plan all along. They want their own city agency taht would duplicate services of Urban Salisbury, Habitat, SWEB and Salisbury Neighborhood Housing. It would also compete with those fine organizations for limited grant funding and feed the city "beast" that loves to grow larger and larger. Use your vote to stop this on Tuesday. We don't need a city funded coordinator. Invest in the community run non-profits and let them do their work.
The little leach can't get a real job. He gets jobs as a solicitor for WSCL and fundraiser chairman and the like. What a bloodsucker he is. The corruption just keeps on coming.
Mike will need the gas money. It's rumored that WSCL/WSDL have had just about enough of him.
You should sell that building quick Joe, The heating bills alone must suck.
This town is alost cause. Get out while the getting is good.
What about the wife-swapping and Dunn? Is a club for their activities part of the plan for the downtown?
Don't forget the $10,000 of city benefits for working part-time.
$30,000 for a part time job hmmm not bad, where can I apply?
Hell partner Im talkin bout "WIFE SWAPPIN", In the words of Nicholas cage,"Keep your damn hands of my wife".
The hits just keep on coming. I'm here to tell you that there is a good chance Comegys wins this if people do not get off their butts either this weekend, or certainly on April 7th. Your vote is HUGE in an election that will probably have 2,500 votes. Please, please get out there and vote for change!
Done's parents were Salisbury's original swingers back in the day
Which imbicile is suggesting this?
Haven't we had enough failed policies shoved down our throats from these people????
We need Debbie Campbell and Jim Ireton big time!
And Ms. Polk has got to be better than Shameless in District 1.
How does Lynn Cathcart fit into this plan...Dunn's assistant?
I would like (seriously) to apply for this position. What are the guidelines for applicants? The employment search HAS to be advertised publicly and all reasonable candidates interviewed, if it is a city or state job -
Lynn Cathcart is definitely part of the plan, with her husband newly appointed to the Council. She'll get that street named after her yet!
A suggestion. Serially rename crappy streets in town for her, returning them to their original names after they're cleaned up. It can be an incentive to doing the cleaning.
Did Dunn swap wives with the Cathcarts??
If the property owners on the Downtown Plaza want to have funds from the City, they should petition to have a special tax district for their properties so that the rest of us are not subsidizing them any longer. Enough is enough.
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