The time has finally come! Tomorrow morning marks the grand day in which Barrie Tilghman and I will go head to head in District Court. This has been a long time coming Folks. A lot of money has been spent on lawyers and I for one am ready to rumble! I promised everyone that I would give you the heads up. I know of quite a few people who will be coming to this event at 9:00 AM, so don't expect comments to be moderated Tuesday morning.
The former Mayor Tilghman doesn't have 1/4 the case Webster did, so this should be quite dramatic and interesting. Anyone who believes their reputation is only worth $9,999.00, well, they must not be very much of an honorable person to start with. Barrie's stratagie, NO JURY! She would never want to go up against 12 people because she knows most of them can't stand her anyway. So roll the dice and stick with one Judge. Sounds like a plan to me.
Anyhow, I am truly looking forward to getting this over with and behind us. I hope the rest of the Bloggers out there appreciate what I've done here because it would have been cheaper just to stroke Barrie Tilghman a check and chalk it up to advertising. Instead, we're going head to head defending our First Amendment Right and we'll see how things turn out tomorrow. See you there.
More on today's Daily Times article later.....
awwww...you guys look cute together! lol
Go get 'em Joe!
Good luck tomorrow!
What did she tell the photographer that took this, "Make me look like Hillary"?
Isn't this going to be in District Court?
Eeewwww Joe you need to wash that mouth out with soap and bleach or U gonna git da swine flu!
Go for it Joe.!!!!!
Don't get too comfortable, because tomorrow won't be the end of it for you. You're clueless. You thought you could hide behind the First Amendment when Webster sued you, but your Alford Plea in that case said differently. You see, there is a degree of responsibility that comes with free speech. The sooner you learn that the better off you and your family will be.
anonymous 9:41, there was no Alford Please in the Webster case. Fat Man, you need to get a clue!
Bang Bang
Is that a threat JR?
The Alford plea was for a totally different case.
The Webster case was settled out of court without any payments to anyone (except lawyers).
That's right, the Alford Plea was for the criminal case against you for perjury. You settled out of court with Webster. Care to share the details of that settlement? I know you can't because that was part of the settlement.
No judge in their right mind will go up against the 1st amendment. This is truly a waste of time and taxpayers money but she is used to wasting our money. Where do we start!
anonymous 9:49, Sure, I'd be happy to give you the details and let's see this time if YOU can read between the lines.
Webster was suing me, right?
The case was settled between BOTH parties on NON MONETARY TERMS.
Now let's see if YOU can put two and two together. I know it's a tough one but give it a go.
good luck joe. hope everything goes good. we as a free country should be able to say what we want, when we want and to who we want without fear of being sued. so again good luck joe!
Is Fernando in your corner? He'll teach you some knock out punches. LOL
Good luck Joe, and thanks for standing up for the rights of all Americans!
Joe, good luck with the case. However, if you happen to have a cardboard Barry doll you may have other issues that need addressing. Just kidding, but the cardboard Barry is a little creepy.
Anon 9:41 - You don't have an Alford plea in a civil case you moron. It would seem that when you open your mouth you prove yourself to be a fool. I'll bet that's the rule rather than the exception for you.
You're going down Joe.
I bet Joe wins this one!
The perjury case was something like I once had to deal with when refinancing my house to get a 3 point drop in interest. The attorney gave me about fifteen small-print documents to sign and I signed them all, putting my trust in him and his explanation of each one.
Things got a little scary a few months later when one of the lending legalities surfaced, but the judge was cool and directed the attorney to get his **** in one sock and redo the paperwork.
Which Judge Joe?
I hope she wins sooooo bad!!!
Her chances are less than 1%.
JR knows all about bang bang HEs the glock Master of the court plaza plus he has a court date coming up soon.he has no room to talk
court for what?
Joe, you already won. She is no longer Mayor of Salisbury and without you, who knows what we'd have gone through for the next 4 years. Thank you!
I thought the defendant got to decide if there would be a jury or not. Why didn't you want one?
may I caption this one?
psssst, your back-up alarm is not working.
ANONYMOUS 12:57, You don't have a choice if the lawsuit is below $10,000.00 . Barrie Tilghman NOR Chief Webster would have ever tried their cases in front of a Jury for ANY amount of money.
Funny part is, Barrie has spent far more than $10,000.00 in legal fees too.
Go get her Joe! Make sure we get the play by play.
Where is the after party going to be?
Is the district court in the new building or the old one at the top of the hill?
Someone tell Barrie that you have to wear a bra in court.
Joe said: "Funny part is, Barrie has spent far more than $10,000.00 in legal fees too."
My personal opinion is: She probably didn't spend a dime. Legal billing is not very specific so there are plenty of opportunities to cook the books in city finance.
Good luck Joe! Wish I could be there to watch the judge tear her a new one.
Cruggly said...
Someone tell Barrie that you have to wear a bra in court.
4:56 PM
Joe i am happy you were not scared to stand up to Barrie. Chief Webster is trying to find a way to eat chesse with Mayor Ireton. Salisbury Police will be alot better off after Webster leaves because his security blanket is gone. We will see you at 9 am Joe your the man.
hey joe good luck...
That IS RIGHT Joe, you have already won. Jim Ireton is our new mayor and I thank you!
Why is Pam Oland listed as a witness for Barrie Tilghman?
Anonymous said...
JR knows all about bang bang HEs the glock Master of the court plaza plus he has a court date coming up soon.he has no room to talk
11:56 AM
I have personally been told by JR that he'd be happy if someone would put a bullet between Joe's eyes. I will stipulate that I cannot remember whether he said he'd like to do it himself or not. I will also stipulate that I do not know if any of the comments here are from him, though it would not be much of a stretch.
Just An Ordinary Guy
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