DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
A Letter To The Editor
"interesting story i would like to share with you. i received a text from my child this morning. he was already at wicomico senior high school and informed me that another student was wearing a ms-13 shirt. im positive that gang attire is not allowed in school and i take great offense to this. i called the b.o.e. and spoke with grace ellis.she confirmed gang clothing was not allowed. she didnt seem very concerned about it and began questioning me on how i had this information. we all know cell phones are not allowed in school but every kid has one so of course my child sent me a text. i told grace ellis i had received a message from my child and she started laughing. i saw nothing comical about any of this and our conversation didnt last much longer. is this how the wicomico county "bored" of education handles the influx of gangs into our public school system? i am very concerned at this point"
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MS-13 has their own shirts? I'm sure the on guard officer would like to know more about his gang affiliation...
just a suggestion. maybe it would have been better to call WCSO. there is always a deputy there on campus. that little prick kid would have been tossed out.
You should be scared.... The board of ed is a joke and has been for a LONG time. They dont care, most teachers are not there any more to teach, they are told pass the kid no matter what.
There are three types of kids in school
1- kids that are focused need little to NO help and get great grades, very active good in nature stay out of trouble for most part and excel.
2- kids that are no problem but not focused, some are called ADD kids, some are called not to bright. Need a lot of attention but hardly ever get it. Barely pass and are considered low class, maybe get lucky to be middle class but hardly ever upper class. because Teachers never push them, help them due to class size, work load and sometimes attitudes.
3- trouble makers, dont care about school cause distractions all the time. Take all the teachers time to keep them straight and passing if possible. Cause most of the disruptions in the schools and over all assholes. Parents could care less if you can even find parents, been arrested numerous times, suspended, expelled.
Tell me teachers am I wrong, why the hell do we put up with it, the 3rd group right off help the 2nd group
The very concerned person should call the school directly and have someone in the building address the problem.
And regardless, the cell phone should not be used in school,or (in the case of individual school rules) on the student at any time. You are condoning behavior in your child that is against school and BOE policy, and telling your child that it is OK to break any rule they want to, as long as mommy/daddy say so.
I am sure all the teachers at WiHi thank you for your support.
Maybe she was laughing becuase "you received a message from your child". Which I'm sure means that you got a text message from your child while he was in school or on school property which is against the rules. Cell phones should be banned on school property. And yes I have children in school and no that do not have cell phones. Your other arguement is answered that if your child needs to get in touch with you he can go to the office like everyone else did for the last 50 years. The other commenter was right if y our son saw a Ms-13 shirt he or you should have called the School deputy to handle it.
The fact that schools even need a full-time police presence makes me sick to my stomach.
MS-13 is has a larger presence than most people think. Speak to ANY of the teachers or admin at WiHi. They will tell you, if they can be honest without restriction.
Grace Ellis is laughing because here is a criminal calling the BOE complaining about a kid's shirt.
The secretary that laughed this off will be the first one to stay home for six weeks (with pay) and need "special" counseling for the traumatic experience if anything bad happens. This malaise seems to be the norm in America anymore.
Dear 11:51
I would normally agree with you that the child should go to the office to make the call but unfortunately do to the increased crime rate, the fact that our schools are not safe learning environments for our children and that the school board doesn't really care what happens in the schools, makes me wonder. Schools are not like they were 50 years ago. My children went to and I have more going to Salisbury Middle and Bennet high, When they get there (on the condition that they show they can be responsible with them)they will have cell phones also. But at this point I don't believe that they are responsible enough on their own to have one. The schools just aren't safe.
you and your kid broke the rules too (with the cell phone).
I remember getting sent home from school for my Mr. Zoggs shirt.
It amazes me that this issue has turned more toward students with cell phones instead of gang attire. BOE needs to address these concerns with gangs and notify the school and the deputy on duty.
MS-13 are not the only ones, there's Bloods and crips too. The crips. Crips, waer royal blue, blue bandanas, bloods, of corse red/black bandanas. Latin kings wear yellow. Come on, dont act surprise, they are all over.
MS-13's are mainly from Guatemala, they have no mercy and fear nothing, in that country Law Enforcement Officers are scared of them, so when they come to our country they think that our system works like theirs, NOT! If we send them HOME, after being caught "ONE TIME" we would have less problems. But instead we continue to let them work in our country, and send "America" money back to their countries, while they're commiting crimes such as "ID THEFT" All kinds of Traffic Violations", etc, etc. I heard that a month or so ago, a Mexican man was apprehended here in Salisbury for gutting his wife and fleeing to the Salisbury, MD. Yes, amazing that these guys you see playing soccer in our school yards, could be killers, MS-13's or maybe Latin Kings which is a Mexican gang. I can tell you this, not one of them guys that do yard work are here legally, and the one's that play soccer at the school fields, EITHER.
If the general public knew what was really going on in the schools now we would all be horrified. There is such a small window for learning, children are afraid to go to the bathroom, and Robin Holloway has been quoted as saying that the worst problem in schools today is tardiness. We need to get more information about what is going on in the schools every day, and our children having cell phones in school may be the only way for them to get in touch with us if there is an emergency.
SO, what happened to the gang tee shirt dressed person - did they have to change, were they sent home, were they suspended for violation of the dress code? What happened? Wonder if we will ever know.....................
They (BOE)are scared to death to "offend" any ethnic minority in public schools(hows No Child Left Behind working for everyone?) and MS-13 is a Hispanic gang so unless they engage in blatant gang activity on campus no one in authority is gonna say dick about it. Gangs will continue to disrupt school for the kids who have parents who actually give a crap about their future until somebody stops worrying about "offending" and start throwing the thugs out-expulsion.
I find it hilarious when I hear about gangs in Salisbury schools. I live in Philly and we had a man killed 1 block from my school yesterday. We were on lock down for 45 minutes until it was safe for us to go outside to leave for the day. I'm sure your child was worried about a T-shirt.
Bring back corporal punishment you wont have as many problems with the kids.I turned out ok.My mother wacked me when I got out of line and then I got it from my dad when he got home. Then I was grounded.Kids learn fast when they cant say if you hit me ill call the law.
It is not the same as it was years ago. Did you have police in your school?
She allows her child to have a cell phone because you can't trust the BOE or the office to take care of anything. If you could you wouldn't see most kids with their cell phones at school. She broke the rules because the BOE and schools always break the rules.
Do what you need to do to protect your child. They don't like it because the parents now know what is going on at any given time. They are our children and we have the right to know.
YEA! Blame the school.
Well mommy and daddy are on the cell phone while driving and killing everyone on the highway.
T-shirts dont kill, cell phones do.
It's a damn t-shirt. Tell your kid to grow a pair, and put his cell phone away and pay attention in class.
If you are so worried as a community about the state of the schools, why not do something about it rather than comment on a blog and tell your kids to break school rules. Act like adults, and not as enablers for your kids.
Totmom, great comment! You hit he nail right on the head.
Things are not as they were 50 years ago, or 25 years ago. I provide my grandchildren with cell phones becuase I want to know that whatever happens, and wherever it happens, they can call for help. If a school employee is going to laugh off a gang t-shirt (and the gangs are most certainly real; my grandson was beaten up ny members of a gang after a football game while walking to his mother's car), then I think those cell phones are darned well needed.
Anon 2:45, I certainly hope your comment was sarcasm. If not, I think I'm afraid of you!
Do any of you even know the history or origins of MS 13?
What's your point? And what are you doing on the computer at 1:26 when you should be in school?
be scared very scared, your precious suburbs are overrun with Hispanics..wooooooooooohhhhhhh...relax will ya...or move to a big city where things are safer
God forbid we stop gangs. But Thos pesky cell phones kids can take pictures and record videos on must GO!
MS 13 was formed by people from El Salvador who fled the civil war in the 80's. Go to Langley Park, Takoma Park, Rockville, Aspen Hill,Md,Wheaton, Silver Spring, all parts of Virginia if you want to see how they have ruined these cities. Don't joke about this gang, they have spread like roaches.
Why is it okay to allow your son to break a rule and not any other children.
Your part of the problem not the solution.
Why didn't your child go to the office and speak to the administration privately? If he was being attacked by the "gang" would he text you or call for help?
Maybe she was laughing becuase "you received a message from your child". Which I'm sure means that you got a text message from your child while he was in school or on school property which is against the rules. Cell phones should be banned on school property. 11:51
You must not have children playing sports or I guess you have plenty of time to sit at school and wait for your children all night or don't care if they get done practice 45 minutes earlier than they should and need a ride home. What do they do then? Sit at school (which is not allowed) until I can get the 1 1/2 hours after they stopped practice early???? Get a Life!! You will be the first one crying because something bad happened and you didn't hear about it until it was to late.
Take the hint.
Come to your child's school for a day. See what they/we see. Talk to the teachers, and see what they know about the kids in the school. We are not blind or stupid. Hamstrung by the law and 'protected' special interest groups... that we are.
We honestly need the normal / average person to stand up to the 10% that chooses to live below human being standards, and tell them we are not going to take it anymore.
THEN, go to the BOE and demand change. Calling the BOE over something like this just is ineffective.
I know one of the admin at wihi and if he had been notified, the shirt would have been confiscated and the student sent home. The "concerned" student should have either let admin know or have "mommy" call on his behalf.
I enter all of the above as my reason for wanting a school dress code. It is in fact proven to curb not end but curb gang activity
Typical parent of today. Make excuses for your child disobeying school rules, but will be the first to point out someone elses child disobeying a rule. This in a nutshell is one of the biggest problems in America today.
your son is a crybaby. he should have told the school and not his mommie. This is the problems with parents they want to do all the things they should be teaching their children to do.
what good is the cell phone going to do the child in school if there is an emergency. You wont be able to get to the child if the schools are locked down.
Obviously the people commenting about the kid having the cell phone don't really have any understanding of what is going on in Salisbury. My kids have had cell phones since they were 5 years old for safety reasons. I don't know why any parent wouldn't want their child to have one EVERYWHERE they go.And especially why someone would try to minimize the MS-13 and all other gang related problems in Salisbury. You need to get educated about what is happening around you. And Philly just had a murder with 45 minute lockdown? We have had it too honey. The problem is...it's not usually reported on the news because the local gov't wants us to keep attracting ppl to move here and get us rate us 100 best community's to live. That is BULLCRAP! NO it isn't. Creating a fall sense of security should be a crime.
Wise up Salisbury!
you stupid ignorant racist. your kid is the kind of kid that gets beat up. so is the kid wearing a 'gang' t-shirt. that's like a kid in the early '90s wearing a 'Crips' t-shirt to school. not only is it not cool, it would pretty much confirm that they have no connection whatsoever to a gang.
anon 8:07 really? you think her son should trust the friggin school system? yeah id trust my mother too if the "teachers" or "principal" was my other option. The cell phone issue, yeah 50 years ago we also didnt have the technology that we do today there fossil. Times have changed and so the rules need to as well. Yes i agree cellphones should not be used during class time, that is for learning but in between classes (which is probably when the child in the story used their cell phone) should not be a problem. As for the MS-13 and bloods and crips latin kings whatever other "gang" is out there honestly whats the point? what has it gotten you but trouble, jail time, a criminal record that cannot be erased, a bad reputation? possibly a few drug charges? friends and family killed for what? a color? cause someone lives around you and you dont get along because they are from a different country or different part of the country? its childish really. you all fight over territory like children do toys.
3:04 PM said...
Do any of you even know the history or origins of MS 13?
We don't care about the history, just know your not wanted here.
3:14 PM said...
be scared very scared, your precious suburbs are overrun with Hispanics..wooooooooooohhhhhhh...relax will ya...or move to a big city where things are safer
This is not a race blog, this is about gangs so, wooooooo, this is not about a bunch of hisbanics, this is about gangs. If that was the case I would be pisted because I'm a hispanic, get a grip.
If what this woman reported is true Wicomico Board is as big a failure as Dorchester. My child had to be removed from elementary school because of the teachers psychological and emotional abuse towards the class, when the concerns of several parents were taken to the board they dismissed it. She is still in the class instilling fear rather than education. I guess it goes with the "small town" charm it's all about who you know.
Both districts need to be investigated for conduct and procedure violations by MD state board of Ed.
There is no "time between classes" to use the cell phone. The kid was using it during class time, I can guarantee. And I hope it gets taken away. The red herring about sports practice is ridiculous--keep the cell phone in a locker, and call after school hours. Somehow we managed to get through life without texting mommy every 5 minutes, and these kids would be a lot better off if they did, too!
People...this is NOT a cell phone issue OR a tee-shirt issue....this IS a gang problem and we have major problems in this area with gangs - evidentally, a lot of people have no idea. Anybody with any attire relating to a gang should be sent home immediately! The student didn't go to the deputy or school office because word gets around quick when somebody snitches and the student would of paid big time for it. Wake up people - I know most of you have teenagers at home or have had them at home. This is amazing!
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