Would you please post on your blog.
I want to thank you for coming to the Tea Party, you and your blog are in many ways responsible. I just wanted say that I was just one guy at the Tea Party, but here is how I feel.
The Salisbury Tea party was “organized” if you want to call it that by 7 or 9 core people that used their friends, families and contacts to locally get the word out entirely for free using local internet blogs, a few local radio personalities and just plain old grassroots word of mouth. Did we allow the national “Tea Party” movement to popularize this idea, yes. Do I/we agree with how a few neocons have grabbed onto this popular sentiment. Of course not.
Speaking as one of the 7 of 9 guys that was there, and a Ron Paul republican, I am asking you to please put the Wicomico County / Salisbury neo-Republicans on notice. We are bypassing you. You have failed us by not speaking out loud enough against the Republican neo-con movement that got us to where we are today. By doing so you have enabled this same movement to continue to run the Republican Party. That party has given us, torture as a good idea, out of control budget growth, which is being accelerated logarithmically by the current pretender to the Presidency, a foreign policy of personal retribution that continues to bankrupt us, albeit currently in a slightly different geographic location, and an overall abandonment of Constitutional Principles such as states right, habeas Corpus, and sound money.
These people have abandoned OUR core beliefs, they have abandoned Constitutional mandates, and they are on their way out. Do I want to thank Andy Harris and Debbie Campbell for being there? Yes, of course. But may I humbly ask them if I might send a gentle caution flag their way?
OUR votes are no longer for free. Continue to disenfranchise us and you, like many Republicans, will be sent back home.
PS- Stay tuned while I condense a few of the morning stories on how we are all right wing extremists.
Might the rest of us "gently ask" what you are talking about with disenfranchisement when it comes to Campbell? In fact, I would ask where all of you are when she is standing up for fiscal sanity. I'm ashamed to say that I have been at homw watching on TV. That is going to change. Do you have any idea how much Campbell has saved and how much she could have saved if the council majority wasn't such a tax and spend bunch?
I was there.
Go ahead and pass us by fella. From the sound of it yesterday, liberals have all the ammo they need to hurl at us.
Everyone I heard speak on the "open mic" was truly outraged. And with good reason. however shouting at the top of your lungs (as one young lady did) Bob Marley quotes, makes you look a fool! Especially from the outside looking in.
Most everyone else who got on the mic, NO ONE I HEARD SPOKE CALMLY OR SENSIBLY about the current situations.
A lot of old guys literally yelling into the mic to get their point across, IS THE WRONG APPROACH.
Try just making your point people. No one on the left is going to listen to old white guys screaming at them (for crying out loud they barely listen at all).
My suggestion, try a new tactic. For instance MAKE A POINT THAT ISNT AN EMOTIONAL STATEMENT! "We're mad!" "..Destroying our country..".
The only reason the libs are one upping us all the time seems to be they are more creative. Especially when it comes to making protest signs...
Come on people, THEY control the media. STOP playing THEIR games.
Wingnut-O-Rama, what a joke.
Back to work.
Sounds like you are just putting down the neocon Republicans, from what I gather in the news, the Democrats are wanting to do a little nation building of their own (claim it is the only way to defeat the pirates). But what is this Ron Paul thing? Isn't he the guy who voted against the stimulus bill, all the while knowing it was going to be approved, and, as a consequence loaded it up with pork and earmarks for his own district? Not the leadership I would worship.
In my lifetime I have protested many things to affect change.
Starting with the Vietnam war in the 60's. The occupation of Alcatraz in '69. The Trail of Broken Treaties resulting in the takeover of the BIA building in DC in '72. The sale of indian burial baskets and other funeray items at auction in Findlay, Ohio 2001. Most recently the intimidation tactics used in local elections.
Some were successful, some not so successful but there was a purpose.
Having read all of the posts here and on other sites I have yet to realize a purpose of the Tea Parties held nationwide. If it was a symbolic protest to let the powers that be know the citizenry is angry, thats fine. My question is, what's next? There has to be follow up to expressing anger. What are the expected results? What is hoped to be accomplished? Now that the protest is over and done, what is everyone doing today? Have you all gone back to your daily routine? You have started something locally, you brought people together now you must do whatever it takes to keep these people together to accomplish a goal.
Give me a solid reason and I'll stand with you and work as hard as anyone to achieve a positive outcome.
One question I have always never understood the answer to and this may flare up some stupid or mean comments but thats not the purpose. Maybe some one can explain this to me. I honestly have never understood why folks can protest something like the war, Pres. Bush or Reagan, religion etc.Which is their right as a citizen of the US. Sometimes in very violent or disruptive ways and they are seen as merely expressing their rights as Americans. Now on the flip side, any "religious" violent protest is always , at least it seems that way, labeled as Right wing Radicals. Never Left wing. As a republican, I am on the right wing side , if thats what you want to consider it. I pay my taxes, at times I feel thats all I work for, I work hard every day ( I've only taken 2 sick days in my 26 yrs of employment, am a Christian and try to treat my fellow man with respect and dignity. Just because I don't agree with out of control spending and the Robin Hood mentality of taking from the "rich " and giving to the poor, am I a radical? Because I believe in free speech , the right to defend myself, fair taxation, and free trade market, Am I a radical? I understand that both sides have their Radicals. I for one don't claim Religious Fanatics or violent Radicals for my side. I have never understood why anything done in the name of "religion" IE: abortion clinic bombers, terrorists, extremist automatically put on the Right wing radical list. Are there not religious radicals on the "left" side? I think IMHO, they are radicals period. Shouldn't they be labeled as such? Not left or right. For example, 2 centz, I know you and I dont agree on everything but are either of us radicals? (Not singling you out on purpose but I know you read this blog and I like yours.) I don't think so. I'd like an honest answer to my ponder. I honestly don't get it
Well put Donna. Well put. I truly don't believe the BIG government will listen on either side. They will listen however on the local level. How? By your votes.. By youe involvement... By consistency.. The Tea Parties at first were to be an expression of the true feelings of those that disagree with BIG spending , Socialistic ideas etc. But like most everything, the nuts also come out to play and what starts out as an idea of being heard turns into a freak show.
Radicals are people who use violence to further their goals. The only thing that differentiates the Right wing radicals from the Left wing radicals is motivation.
Having beliefs of any kind are not radical. Acting irresponsibly on those beliefs are.
942 part one, we have elected officials that aren't listening to us. I am not saying that D.C. or A.H. are the ones not listening. I am with you on the sitting on the couch issue. I am equally ashamed. We have all ignored what has been happening at the city and county level and the national level for too long.
The Tea Party folks are now awake and engaged.
942 part two.
Apparently you need to take massive amounts of seratonin to increase your IQ. Or better yet, why don't you read the brilliantly orated speech by Patrick Samuels and posted on Joe's blog. I'm certain many terms are over your good old boy neocon head, might I also suggest a rereading of the
In response to what's next?
here it is.
R1, my answer to your question would be, name calling has always been the distraction used in opposing views. Instead of finding out the reason and purpose of the protest people that are afraid to speak out denounce those that do. Fortunately we have evolved from the violent protests of the 60's to the peaceful demonstrations of today, in most cases. In my experience the violence was inflicted on those demonstrating by those that did not agree which lead to a lot of injury and in some cases fatalities.
Like the FBI said during the trial of Leonard Peltier, "we don't know who fired the fatal shots, killing Williams and Coler, someone has to pay." The same mentality applies here. Someone has to take the heat so in this case it's the right wingers. Who cares who started it, it was started. If you believe in what they are doing, stand with them and stand strong. Let those without the courage to take a stand sit back and do the name calling. Remember sticks and stones will break your bones, names will never hurt you.
As one of the organizers, I plan to run for county council and be more involved locally. now is the time to act. But of course, I also support torture if it will save thousands of lives. People must understand the power they have in their ideas and morals, do not be afraid to speak out and do what is right and what is needed!
Thanks Chuck and Donna. See it actually is possible to have intelligent conversations on a blog. I appreciate it. I can remember as a kid, (I'm 42) hearing on the news when something violent would break out either here or in other parts of the World and the reporter would say Right wing religious groups or the radical right etc. and even back then I would think, " I don't think God would want that" or " why would they blame that on Christians? Thats not right." I appreciate your opinions . I can see what you're saying. And you're right both sides have nut radicals
I am usually on the left side of issues, but I don't condone civil disobedience that results in injury of people for any cause. The Eric Roudolphs of the world are so insane that they feel that God is acting thru them, and no man or government has the right to try and prevent them from doing "God's Work".
You know, if the government isn't listening, you can always vote them out of office! It happened here in Salisbury. Get off your butts and work hard, but name calling and yelling into a microphone did not get Jim Ireton elected: good arguments and really hard work did.
1045, That's one of the few things that you disagree with Ron Paul about!
1053, Spot ON!
As President of the Wicomico County Republican Club, I guess I'll take a stab at answering the anonymous poster's "challenge":
I doubt you'll find many "neoconservatives" within the local GOP hierarchy. I'm pretty libertarian myself and I know that many share your disappointment with the national GOP.
At least from my perspective, I'm not involved with the local GOP because of my love for the national party. I'm inolved because we need fiscal conservatism and limited government in our county and state. That's what the local club focuses on.
If you think the local GOP organizations have any influence on the national GOP then you are mistaken. If you think we should have spent the past eight years railing against Bush and the neoconservatives then I don't know what to tell you. We're here to make change on a local level. We don't waste our time and resources on a futile quest to reform the national GOP. We have our hands full trying to limit government and taxes in Wicomico County and put fiscal conservatives in place in Annapolis.
No one yelled into the mic, the people at the Tea party were extremely intelligent and well mannered, they should be the ones running the country.
what have you done, are you going to run for office or just sit around and complain?
a lot of this letter came from the roundtable discussion we had after the Tea Party. I am not sure who at the table will help me in running for county council, but everyone there are true to their ideals and morals. It can be difficult to seperate local from national politics, but their heart is in the right place and they have GREAT ideas that are very noteworthy. these are the people who need to lead this country and open disucssions are more than welcomed and encouraged. it owuld be nice to meet with you and discuss many of the local issues....
Thanks Chuck, I appreciate it.
I helped get some really good people elected. What about you? You are barking up the wrong tree if you want to call me out for not being active. And there were plenty of people yelling into the mic, so I'm not sure what you are talking about.
I respect you position and I appreciate your spirit, but is it really true you have no input? Have you attended any functions at the national level? Have you ever told national you WON'T support a candidate? How do you feel about OUR parties lack of adherance to constitutional principles?
I could go on and on.
Marc, we have Democrats and Republicans that are shredding our founding documents. You can't deny this.
Now we have GW's DHS vis a vis Janet Napolitano calling anyone who disagrees with illegal immigration, on tap abortion, or the current administration, a right wing extremist.
Marc have you read DHS's
"assessment of right wing extremism"?
It's chilling.
For you to come on this blog and say that it's a futile quest to attempt to change national, well sir, that is exactly part of the problem.
So allow me to use a GW'ism,
if you aren't with
"the constitution"
you are against
"the constitution"
As President of the Wicomico County Republicans Club, when a grass roots meeting of over 550 people that believe in the constitutiton, limited government, and fiscal responsibility came together in the pouring rain and frigid cold, the question that I scream OUT
is simply.....
Where were you?
and why did you ignore our calls?
Look if the Republican Party and/or Conservatives want to identify themselves as Right Wing Radicals or Extremist...go ahead. But do so with the understanding that the terms are reserved for nut jobs, lone wolfs, nazis, anarchist, white supremist. If the shoe fits, wear it.
Ok, you have the shoe now!!!!!!!
I would love to meet with anyone to discuss the Wicomico County Republican Club and how those who favor limited government can work together to advance those ideas on a local level. I don't think Joe likes it when you put up links to websites here, so just google "Wicomico County Republican Club" and you'll see how to contact me. Or come to one of our meetings. The next one is on the 27th at 7:00 in the Chamber of Commerce.
To 11:51 -- I was at the Tea Party and so were many other members of the Club. We had an extensive discussion of the Tea Party at our last meeting. We sent out e-mails about it. However, I never recall receiving one call or e-mail from organizers (outside of Nick Loffer, who made sure to keep us informed). So don't say we "ignored your calls." As far as I know, you never attempted to reach out to us.
Anarchists? I've been accused of being one of those by a local republican. LOL. I adhere to no single political party's beliefs. I believe what I believe to be right and don't care if it coincides with the Dems or Reps, it is what I believe and I ALWAYS stand for what I believe. I have never needed a label to identify me or my beliefs although many try to stick one on me. Many of my beliefs are considered radical by those that would sit idly by or those that place more importance on being politically correct than actually taking a stand of their own. It has never bothered me one bit what label people tried to put on me, to date, it has not changed what I believe.
So, call me an anarchist, call me a radical, just know that while you are sitting back calling people names, they are standing out there for what they believe whether you like it or not.
I went to website. Why would they think I or anyone else would give my name or email address to view their site when all I want to know is what is next? Something wrong with this.
?? wrong link dude, it's
Now, in the interest of full disclosure.
After the teaparty..etc leads us to
American Majority,
which is tied into
Sam Adams Alliance,
which has Eric O'keefe as CEO,
you know Eric from
Club for Growth.
And now we know why one tea party guy was concerned about the constitutional message being watered down by those who put the money up for much of the national advertising campaign.
That being said those same guys eyes have been opened to the idea of using the tea party movement to solicit change at the local level, and the education opportunities are certainly an ancillary benefit. So long as an interested parties core beliefs are not compromised.
10:12 The follow up will be the 2010 elections. The politicians are finally being put on notice. Some of the spineless corrupt career politicians should start worry about having to go out and find a real job.
3:28 - Let's start with the obstructionist Republicans.
So if the 2010 elections are the follow up... will you consider it a total failure when Hoyer, Dutch, Edwards, Van Hollen, Sarbannes, Cummings, Kratovil, and Bartlett ALL GET RE-ELECTED?
I went to and all I saw was a donation button for some national org. buttons for training on how to run effective campaigns, how to be an activist but nothing on what is next. There is no way in hell I'd donate to a national org to protest something on a local level. This does not pass the smell test.
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