Ireton, Campbell will move city in a better direction
Erick Sahler's editorial cartoon from the 2005 Salisbury election accurately portrayed Mike Dunn and Gary Comegys as children on a playground refusing to "play" with Debbie Campbell. For four long years, Campbell's political opponents have tried to paint her as negative.
One of the most positive things a person can do is right a wrong or identify a problem and work to fix it. That is what Campbell does, with integrity and dignity.
The Daily Times incorrectly reported that Campbell's opponent, Muir Boda, was not aligned with anyone. Boda clearly stated at the NAACP candidate forum that he supported Comegys for mayor. Mayor Barrie Parsons Tilghman also endorsed Comegys.
After nearly six long years of voting almost 100 percent of the time with Tilghman's wishes, this city can't afford another four years of the same.
Comegys voted for a double-digit tax increase before he looked at the budget. He and Tilghman said it was needed for the police. Yet the amount of that increase -- $1.9 million -- went back to surplus, even after the police received raises. Comegys kept quiet about the problems with the wastewater treatment plant while "celebrating" its success, just as Tilghman did.
Bob Caldwell was my first choice in the primary, but Jim Ireton is honest and will not hide city problems from the public.
Vote for Ireton and Campbell. Both have the energy and the integrity to move this city in a much better direction.
George Chevallier
Vote for Ireton and Campbell, I strongly agree with this statement
Salisbury is doomed no matter who wins. All that will be left is the hospital, the doctors offices and the college. The rest will turn into the GHETTO. Everyone that can will get out and run to Delaware or just off the Shore. Salisbury is DEAD, stick a fork in it.
Kudos to George for reminding us of the infantile antics of Mikey and Bubba.
One significant additional fact -- Barrie and her husband have both donated the max $$$ to Comegys campaign.
Salisbury is NOT dead and I will not be perceived as flogging a dead horse in my stance against the present policies which are detrimental to the progress of this fine city. Fiscal responsibility will turn this city around - not North Prong debacles ($70,000) or squiggly Isabella St.($213,000 at last count). George Chevallier
You want to save Salisbury, three words; Living Wage Jobs. Thats what the people need, not Mal-Mart jobs, not chain store jobs, not 15 years in a doctors office to make $12.00 an hour. JOBS, JOBS, JOBS.
George this USED to be a fine small city, although I admire you for standing up for it. The slumlords have run it into the ground and just keep doing it and now the slumlords are trying to influence the election. It is sickening.
GO, GEORGE!!!!!!!
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