Dear Fellow Republican,
In his speech in France, Barack Obama called America "arrogant." (1) I'm sure the French loved it - And so did the liberal press.
But who is this president who calls the American people arrogant?
This is the same politician whose supporters anointed him "The One" and a candidate who boasted that his election would be remembered as "the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal." (2)
This is the same man who indicated his disdain for small town and working Americans when he said they "cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them," while addressing a group of San Francisco caviar and champagne liberal elitists.
How arrogant is that? Arrogant enough?
In truth, President Obama seems to champion the twisted "Blame-America First" mentality of the worst of the American left.
More importantly, it shows an absence of wisdom to criticize the United States while on foreign soil, and then join with the Pelosi-Reid Democrats in Congress to do everything possible to end American exceptionalism and create a weak, dependent socialist state patterned after the examples of Europe.
He has taken steps towards nationalizing American auto companies; firing executives while leaving in power the same Union Bosses who funded his campaign and helped cripple the U.S.'s manufacturing base.
He has refused to let financial firms pay back taxpayer-funded bailout loans (3) so he can make them hostages to the whims of the Federal government.
As a lawyer, Obama once sued the same financial institutions on behalf of radical groups like ACORN for failing to use leftist social engineering criteria for lending instead of an applicant's ability to repay a loan.
He has opened up talks with Iran. Apparently, he believes he can make peace with crackpot tyrants and heartless terrorists simply by sitting down and talking.
He campaigned on "transparency" and "integrity" in government and then has nominated a rogue gallery of tax evaders, Washington bureaucrats, and lobbyists to run his Administration.
And he has brazenly followed his chief of staff's maxim of "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste ... This crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not do before"(4) to cripple our free markets with massive taxation and spending that wrests away our freedoms and puts even our great-grandchildren in debt.
You know that Barack Obama's hubris and charisma conceal the inexperience and lack of wisdom that our country cannot afford in its president.
And though the teleprompter and mainstream media liberals may delay America's realization of the peril the Obama White House portends for our future for a while, the eventual failure of leftist policies and ineffective leadership will not.
We must be ready when that time comes.
Please help the Republican Party's effort to spread the word about the Democrats' arrogance of power and support GOP Members of Congress as they work to hold the Obama Democrats accountable to the American people.

Michael Steele
Chairman, Republican National Committee
I'd love to help them, if they would only stop acting like the Democrats they criticize.
Will we be able to take our country back or is it lost forever to the socialist and Marxist policies of the left?
So that's it? That's what the GOP has been reduced to? Sigh.
This should help the country move along smoothly.
Michael Steele is making a total fool of himself.
8:36 AM 4/22/2009
Reports: Freddie Mac official found dead
Broadcast reports say Kellermann’s death an apparent suicide...just like Vince Foster, and so it begins...
3:35 AM 4/22/2009:Obama makes about-face on CIA interrogation tactics; Obama opens door to torture trials
Joe why do you insist on posting such dribble. The whole left/right debate is a brain washing method anyway. It teaches you to blame an imaginary entity for problems that REAL PEOPLE create. This leads to nothing being done and no one being held accountable.
This is the same tripe as the campaign...that we lost!
This is a perfect example of why the Republican party is in the minority...and doesn't look to be coming back any time soon.
I know we should be pulling for Michael Steele, being from Maryland and all, but I just don't see it.
I think Michael Steele was the best thing to happen to Democrats in a long time. Kepp up the good work, Mr Steele! You will lose even bigger in the mid-term elections if you keep up this kind of nonsense.
More of this from Republican leaders, please. This type of message is really helping Democrats!
Also, Republicans, you should really think about replacing Michael Steele with Rush Limbaugh. Trust me, it's the right thing to do for the party. Also, get Dick Cheney on TV every day of the week to talk about Barack Obama. It's the best idea ever!
Did he get in all the wingnut talking points? Keep it up cuz this crap doesn't work anymore. When will the Redumblicans ever learn.
Thank you Mr.Steele, now we know that all politicians are indeed no good.
That includes you.
Why do all the comments take aim at the Republican Party and Mr. Steele?
I would think a dialogue about what has been said, instead of attacking the person or party would be more constructive.
OK Mardela, how's this for dialogue. The content of the letter are a rip off of Right Wing talking points. Now that's the kindof dialoge you can believe in. It's that nutty 10% that are gonna bring the party down. See the folks ain't buyin that crap anymore. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Get it?
michael steele is a dishonest man. mr. rodgers does not like or trust michael steele.
Obama is a revolting publicity hound and a disgraceful panderer to the worst of the the world's despots. Hopefully all the dummy-crats who voted for him will be in or very close to the next American structure the "creators of man-made catastrophies" select as their target..
I'm not Republican, but I have to say Michael Steele was right in this statement. Folks, just ask yourselves, how is that "Change" working for you? Or do you like what these two parties have done for us lately? I'm Independent, you could be too.
Well, Doc, I am a Republican. I am a conservative who tends to tends to float between center and far right depending on the issue. This is my position on things. The Repubicans and the Democrats have a lot to learn about the changes this nation is undergoing. Increasingly, people are banning together under the title of "Americans" rather than Republican or Democrat. Our political parties serve only to divide us as a people and to assure the "We The People" are pitted against each other in order for politicians keep cushy jobs. We owe it to ourselves, our childen, and our grandchildren to stop supporting people because of their party affiliation and start supporting people based on their positions on issues inportant to you. (look at John Cannon) We need to take a stand. We need to vote out ALL incumbents and make a statement that all politicians can be replaced. Let's get back to the basics upon which this nation was build - hard work, honesty, and integrity. Neither of our major political parties give us that right now. I agree that the "change" is not working and there is no doubt in my mind that we are heading down the wrong road. But you have to admit that Bush's economic policy (if there was one) wasn't working either. People on both sides of the isle recognize it but many are willing to ignore it and want to "give it a chance" because those in charge affiliate with their political party. That's the wrong reason. Michael Steele is a party hack - just like most politicians today. I want honest representation from our elected officials - not party line politics.
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