John Robinson then took the tag off the front of his personal vehicle and placed it on the rear of this truck illegally and is breaking the law, photos don't lie. Whoops Judge, I must have put it on the wrong vehicle.
While Davis Ruark is a regular to Salisbury News, it seems clear to me that this guy is violating probation. There's nothing legal about this.
Looks like Mike Lewis needs to check up on " Pistols" Robinson the Glockmaster of Court Plaza!!!!
impound that whip!
He needs to be locked up. That tag has been on that vehicle for months.
Robinson is a loser. I refuse to patronize his business.
I would suggest everyone ban his business as he is a criminal with no respect for the law.
Is this the guy who buys estate items? I live in another state and he ripped our family off for thousands of dollars. I'll give him one thing, he can sure sell himself. We later learned he was lying and it cost us thousands of dollars. Your lawyers around there suck too.
You're welcome John.
Man, that Robinson sure is a piece of sh*t.
I'm staying clear of that place.
That was uncalled for Mr. Robinson.
I'm sorry, I lost my temper. I will remove the tag immediately. Could you remove my earlier comment joe.
Absolutely not! You own it for once.
I'd say it provided Mr. Robinson an opportunity to correct the issue rather than simply inviting law enforcement to check it out.
Nice gratitude shown, even if it was a public shaming. Some lessons are only learned the hard way.
He said he was sorry!
Everyone knows Robinson is crooked. I heard he's running around the parking lot squirming and all his neighbors are cracking up.
U better watch that temp JR, is that why that gun went off in your shop.
Who is turtle neck?
do you mean turkey neck?
Tic, Tic, Tic.
Wow what a sewer mouth. John do you still kiss little girls with that mouth. Oooopps. I didnt mean to let that cat out of the bag. I surely hope your not still licking porn pictures until the ink comes off of them. You are a world class Perv.
I hope you have taken the advice from others and got yourself some help. Your family deserves it.
Maybe you could stick your head up ur azzz and jump up and down until your gone.
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