Here is the high-low data on pay grades from the proposed Salisbury City Budget.
For John Pick's pay grade -- the highest (18) -- the top is $123,000 so he must get at least $100,000, probably somewhat more.
Chief Webster must be near or above $100,000 too. Oland has the same grade (16) but must be a lot less, especially with all the hired help they need to do the books.
And Lore Chambers is getting nearly $10,000 raise this year to grade 15 under Barrie's budget -- she would be at the same level as that for the new Fire Chief!!!
But the rank & file would get no COLA or step increase -- go figure!
Obviously the price for willingly being accompliceds to the corruption has gone up.
At least Salisbury posts the budget, both approved and proposed, online with detail. Pocomoke's budget is no where on the town's website. The FOIA that was done to determine what the city manager is paid was answered with a letter stating that $2,600+ needed to be paid to get the information.
A lot of assumptions there Joe. Also that range is pretty far apart.
Someone needs to organize a sickout in Public Works. Let them see how the city operates without them. Let Chief See, Gordy and Webster run over there and operate the street sweepers, pick up garbage, and all of the other not so clean duties they perform on a daily basis. They can take the worthless Lore and Pammie with them. It won't hurt them to get their hands dirty for a change.
AND Webster doesn't even support his officers. He is not part of the brotherhood.
Look at their times in office:
Pick - 14 years
Webster - 8(?) years
Oland - 3 years
The "assumptions" are reasonable, don't you think?
And then there's Lore Chambers who seems to get a huge pay raise every year by moving her to a higher grade.
All assumptions are just that... assumptions.
Someone that "must be" making 120k could really be making 70k.
Who knows and who cares! You'd take the money too!!
Joe, from the beach you used to live, City manager Dare $165,000, Police Chief Dipino $140,000, ALL Police command staff and Fire Officers are over $100,000, and this does not include benefits. The taxpayer in SBY has a GREAT deal!
anonymous 10:52, Let's get REAL for a minute.
"The Beach" where I used to live is the 2nd highest tax revenue in the entire state of Maryland and it's really only occupied 6 months a year.
Wicomico County is no comparison.
wow... Joe is sooooooo VIP. LOL
That witch Barrie Tilghman gives raises to her few favorites, then shafts Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen on their children's health insurance.
And she calls herself a Christian?
I'm too angry to write any more!
How much is it costing to send the soon-to-retired firechief on another training/convention ? What a waste.
Read the post about the counties farmers. I think it sums it up. The Dictatorship in our local goverment is appalling. We the people have become nothing more than tax payers with no say. I hope the city will see a change in this with the new Mayor.
The county has just over a year to get on the wagon and make sweeping changes in those elected to protect our way of life and our hard earned tax revenue.
Time for change.
Joe, please keep people up to date on the b.s. that your three council stooges are pulling.
Folks, you better SERIOUSLY consider getting a recall together.
Comegys is making moves behind Ireton's back already.
Smith is already working against Ireton in support of the ghost of Tilghman that will not leave.
Take a stand, or these three are going to destroy everything you might have had with people like Ireton and Campbell.
Roger, out.
7:13 PM Folks, you better SERIOUSLY consider getting a recall together.
Whether or not you live in this city or even this state for that matter, you can take part in a recall. You can't sign the petition however you can get involved in it's distribution and get registered voters to make their voice heard but it involves going door to door. That's over 10,000 doors, get involved.
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