from National Terror Alert.com
An intelligence assessment released to law enforcement last week claims news of recession, the election of an African American president, rumors of new gun restrictions and the inability of veterans to reintegrate create fertile ground for radicalizing and recruiting right-wing extremists.
The Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement agencies that recent news is helping “right-wing extremist groups” recruit new members and could lead to violence, and warns about the possible recruitment and radicalization of returning veterans.
“Right-wing extremists have capitalized on the election of the first African American president, and are focusing their efforts to recruit new members, mobilize existing supporters and broaden their scope and appeal through propaganda, but they have not yet turned to attack planning,” the assessment reads.
The report also suggests that returning veterans are attractive recruits for right-wing groups looking for “combat skills and experience” so as to boost their “violent capabilities.” It adds that new restrictions on gun ownership and the difficulty of veterans to reintegrate into their communities “could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.”
"The high volume of purchases and stockpiling of weapons and ammunition by right-wing extremists in anticipation of restrictions and bans in some parts of the country continue to be a primary concern to law enforcement,” the report says.
Remember the flood of billboards that were put up between Salisbury and Ocean City a few years back? It was a direct result of proposed legislation that would end new permits for more billboards. It was intended to keep the O.C. corridor more beautiful; it never passed; and only served its own exact opposite intent.
And I'm sure that there were equal numbers of advertisers doing it from both left and right wings!
It's called common sense; something many Americans have.
You can thank Fox News and Rush for pushing this radical agenda. Paul Krugman had an interesting op-ed piece on this yesterday.
This can only end badly (one way or another).
You've got to wonder... Why is Fox promoting the Tea Parties and other radical action to the extend that they are?? Who does this help? and how?
As if our troops aren't scrutinized enough when they come home, now there is this crap. It's funny how the left wants to ban the word "terrorist" until it involves a description of the right-wing and our troops. I think I will print this post out so I can have the satisfaction of balling it up. If I recycle it I can express my dissatisfaction without upsetting Al Gore or mother nature.
"Homeland Security" is beginning to look more and more like the Gestapo-- especially with this kind of stuff.
Where's the alert about the lefties in ACORN?
They're the ones people should be afraid of.
this is total crap liberal media biased BS. Please... tea party's are NOT conspiratorial. Is Move-On.org a conspiracy..
THis is just another way to shut up the opposition.. which happens to be Republican. Demonize the other side
12:40 said
'It's funny how the left wants to ban the word "terrorist"'
Where did you hear that?
"Homeland Security" is beginning to look more and more like the Gestapo
Yeah, like under Bush when they gathered info on senoirs in Fl the claimed were a threat to National Security?
Bush did his thing, now Obama is doing his. You don't like it, leave.
"It's funny how the left wants to ban the word "terrorist"Where did you hear that?"
Only when used to refer to everyone and anyone who dislike us, or who protest our policies and actions abroad, or for people who just happen to be of the "wrong" religion.
We've seen it used that right way here on this blog, and more than once.
Remember how the Nazi's did everything in defense of the Fatherland? I always thought it creepy Bush named this Homeland Security, too similar.
12:40 I suspected you were wrong and you were.
Defense lawyers want the word "terrorist" banned as too inflammatory in the U.S. trials of Islamists extremistsYou can't just go and lump all liberals into a category, no matter how much Rush Limbaugh say you can.
Bull Sh!t
Goverment controls all movements in this country. They will let them carry out "Their" agenda. Then play the blame game. Is it remorely possible people are sick and tired of elected officials lying and stealing. Is it possible bailing out big banks that stole many seniors pensions has pissed some people off. Hmmm
Obamha balked at 280 billion bail out by Bush and Company. He gets elected and all of a sudden it is a Trillion. I dont know about you but somebody is full of crap.
I tell you I will fix your car for 300 bucks. The guy down the street laughs and states 'Thats crazy go with me I will fix it, that is way too much". So you do and when you get the bill it is 30 thousand. It is not hard to see why people are pissed we got sold a wolf ticket.
The men and women coming home know that they have been diverted from one place to another. Afaganistan will be O's Vietnam. This dude is so slick and elusive he does not need a rain coat in a storm. He can dodge rain drops. We the people were so stressed we needed change. This guy was change no doubt about it. The problem is same Bus and route. It is just a new driver.
It is funny the criteria people voted on. My nephew the little pot head that he is stated " At college a guy was working for Obamha. He stated O is going to legalize weed. A lot of people are voting it will lower violence and the cost of weed. I bet him lunch anywhere he wanted that it will not happen. Being this kid has the munchies all the time he took the bet. Two weeks ago Obamha voted against the legalization of Marijauna. My hats off to him. He also stated forclosed homes would go to poor families. I told him that would not happen. Well we will have to wait and see on that one.
I am not against the President he is a product of his enviroment. He slithered through the political machine, just like they all have to if they want to get anywhere in the system.
The problem with Homeland Security, if they dont have something to say. They will lose funding. be careful of those trying to justify their being on tax dollars.
I respect all the men and women returning home. They fought for the right to be who or what they want as long as it is within the constitution.
If you want to see scary do your homework about Officer Bruce Mckay of Franconia N.H. Mckay was shot in the line of duty after a chase with a "Free Northerner". It amazed me the different views of the people of that town. I know I will not be going there anytime soon. To the Mckay family God Bless you.
Liberals are the ones who lump conservatives into groups, and that is because they just do not understand them ACORN is the one who are trying to cause problems at the Tea Parties, not the people having them. i see no mention of the violent left in this country, or groups like the leftist group ALF.
Hey, thats a good thing, the reason why? Here... I saw a video earlier today, and when I get the you tube link, I'll send it to Joe.
You know what's funny about this post? How does one defend the "anticipation of restrictions and bans" of weapons and ammunitions? Yet another example of the liberal media trying to scare everyone. People should be scared out of their minds that government is trying to revoke our rights. It's called the Constitution. It was written and founded as the basis for all laws and rights for the people of this country.
The other irony of this post - "could lead to potential emergence of terrorist groups...". Studies show the larger percent of crimes are being conducted by people who illegally obtain guns and ammunition. They're gonna get it either way.
Why should my right be taken away? Why should I be made vulnerable to an attack from a criminal?
Proud owner of a .357
Two Sentz:
"Global Contingency Operation"
"Man-Caused Disasters"
Here's your sign.
And the last time I checked, it was still legal to buy a gun. A lot of people on the right feel Obama will put us in danger; they don't trust him. These right wing terrorist are feel like they are protecting themselves. I doubt they mean any harm.
Divisive politics as usual.
The tone of many comments on this blog over the pass few months have mentioned taking up guns and over throwing the government. Why does this surprise anyone? The Homeland Security alert is right on the mark. In fact, I would not be surprised if the Salisbury News is being "watched" daily. Oddly enough, I sort of hope it is. Some of the stuff on here is too scary to not be concerned about.
Two sentz...for all intents and purposes this administration has banned the word. Forgive me for grouping left-wing together, since none of that was done in the post to the right-wing or troops.
Where do I join!?!
1:59, I didnt make this up. DHS did. Here's YOUR sign.
2:00 is on the money. Anyone remember the so-called "Eastern Shore Militia"?
This is what many here have been saying for months. So now that people are starting to notice, including your own government, it is somehow all the fault of the liberal media. Very interesting and totally wrong.
liberalism really is a mental disorder
Sour grapes! Tea parties, socialist, freedom fighters, right wing, left wing, Obamination, democracy under attack, fascism, communist. All labels and trinkets designed to drive a wedge. Faux Noise know exactly what it's doing. Propoganda.
Look wingnuts, you lost, get over it.
There is difference between
"Right Wing Terrorist", Neo-Nazi groups, and people who feel more secure owning a gun.
The problem is that the DHS did not distinguish between the groups. Looks like they took a page from the NYT.
Hard pressed to follow a leader who wants the fighters or their employers to pay their medical bills once their tour of duty is over. Then in the same breath wishes for a socialist medical system, and taxation to benefit those who don't work. Agreed he was voted into office, but if you support his policy...maybe there is a place for opposition.
anon 1238:
Now Paul Krugman is a good person to quote. He is a nut case if there ever was one. You liberal weenies just like to complain about everything ,except when it has to do with groups like Acorn , Laraza, code pink or other left wing groups.
anon 230:
You must really be jealous of Fox News. Is it because it beats all of the left wing news shows combined in ratings. It could be so popular because it gives both sides and lets people decide for themselves what to believe instead of just having little sheep weenies follow their lead like MSNBC or CNN. Face it these tea parties would not be happening if Obama was not trying to fundamentally change the way this country was founded. If you want to try a socialist form of government try Venezuela or you can move to Cuba. I noticed the Congressional Black Caucus thinks that is a nice place
Anyone who objects to a president just because of his color can't be taken seriously since his or her mental ability has clearly evolved only to about Neanderthal level. We need to be past judgements based on color and, instead, evaluate people based on their intelligenge, ability, integrity, values and goals.
That being said, it is quintessentually patriotic to attempt preserving what's left of our constitutional rights. It is NOT a Republican vs. Democratic thing; it's a government vs. the people thing.
All government has ALWAYS attempted to usurp power and move from being the servant of the people to being the ruler of the people. "We, the people," lost significant portions of our constitutional rights under the Bush administration. That's no reason to accept more losses under the Obama administration. It's bigger than Bush/Obama; it's GOVERNMENT siezing every opportunity to consolidate and achieve total power over the governed. That is the natural gravitation of ALL government.
But anarchy is certainly no solution, and since government is a necessary evil, it is up to the governed to keep it in check.
Our founding fathers knew this very well...
Thomas Jefferson:
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. ... God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion; what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms." -- Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, 1787
So, with this concise thought from one of our most brilliant founding fathers as a beacon of light on what it takes to preserve liberty, I can only assume that those criticizing the spirit of resistance to government are un-American, anti-liberty to the core!
Patriotic Americans need to protect and defend the constitution, period! We have a right to expect our presidents to lead this effort, not destroy it! That is the essence of American patriotism.
Patriots also need to love and cherish our government, like one would a wayward child...That means to treat it as our government was designed to be treated. Good government is always a servant of the people, formed by the people and regulated by the people, and, when necessary chastised and corrected by the people!
The DHS CLEARLY distinguished between those groups. You would have known that, had you taken the time to read it.
The Easter Shore Militia is a peaceful group, they are just protecting their rights. Once the government takes away the guns from people, they can come in and control everyone.
So now if you believe in the 10th amendment and States rights, you are a problem to our government. Does anyone learn from history???
Fox News is bias.... they put America First... yet it is mistaken as a conservative network; that is the real shame.
They are not afraid to love their country. Unlike CNN whom puts the US along the same spectrum as France and MSNBC loves Obama with no journalistic shame.
I've got news for you knuckleheads, Faux Noise is a joke. They don't even believe in half of their own bs. Sure they get ratings, they get ratings due to the fact that they have cultivated a myth of media bias by any other media outlet other than Faux. Talk about brain washing. All the talking head wingnuts tout Faux for a reason. It's survival. Just ask anyone who watches that crap about any other news source....they'll say bias. Have a crap sandwich courtesy of Faux.
2:54 "Now Paul Krugman is a good person to quote. He is a nut case if there ever was one."
...with a Nobel Prize in economics and an E&P "Columnist of the Year" award, not to mention his high powered tenured position at Princeton...
We should all be so crazy.
2:54 raises a good point:
"You must really be jealous of Fox News. Is it because it beats all of the left wing news shows combined in ratings."
If Fox News is so "dominant" (I know they claim to have 9 of the top 10 political talk shows which we all know clearly lean to the right), why then do people keep screaming about "liberal media brainwashing". It doesn't sounds like the "liberal media" have any influnce according to Fox News and the people who swear by that channel.
This is just the beginning of prophecy being fulfilled from the bible. The Illuminati is setting the stage for your boy the Anti-Christ. America bless God and GOD please keep your people near the cross. We are about to go on a ride of a lifetime.
2:54 "You must really be jealous of Fox News. Is it because it beats all of the left wing news shows combined in ratings."
Let's be honest here. Fox News lost the election for McCain. They threw everything they could at Obama, and he won in a landslide. Beck, Hannity, and O'Reily are now a gift that keeps on giving to the Obama administration.
Fox News is so thoroughly discredited, that the GOP is doomed to wander in the wilderness until Fox cleans up its act. It's so blatant, that you've got to wonder what Fox is really up to...
1:42 PM:
Name ONE TIME Obama said he was gonna take away ur guns.
He hasn't. Keep your .357 - he's not coming for it.
And for all those gun-lovers fighting to keep the VA gun show loophole, you know that just makes it easier for illegal immigrants to buy guns, right? How does that fit in with your xenophobia?
And 3:55? I really hope that crack about the Illuminati is sarcasm. 'Cause if it's not, I'd like to rent you a backhoe so you can dig your survivalist shelter for the next EIGHT years as Obama helps fix the mess Bush left behind.
3:55 you are just twisted.
Generic Login,
That just shows how dumb you are!!!
I don't even know any xenoians much less have any phobia about them. I think xenoians should stay on xeno. We have our own troubles here on earth.
So, there! Who has the brains now?
this is pretty funny.
"Homeland Security" is beginning to look more and more like the Gestapo
Yeah, like under Bush when they gathered info on senoirs in Fl the claimed were a threat to National Security?
Bush did his thing, now Obama is doing his. You don't like it, leave.
Many of us agree with your characterizations of Bush. Where we part company is where you show your ignorance. So GW piled kindling up around our house. (the founding documents)and lit a match just as he left office. You called in Hussein Obama to save you, he told you he would change things and put out the fire that GW started. Hussein says he is going to let the fire continue to burn. We scream about it and try to put out the fire. You shrilly scream, "LOOK WHAT BUSH DID!!!"
Hey Dumbasses!
Both the neocons and the neotards (libs) are burning the house down. (our country)
The true morons are the ones saying, burn baby burn, your guy started it. I'm gonna get me a check.
Don't worry Obamabots, we'll save your house from burning to the ground.
The shame is that right vs left is a media ignited, politician exploited weakness of our two party system.
...as Ron Paul has been trying to tell all of you!
Hey, go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAaQNACwaLw and watch, although its an hour long, but it proves a point
I am confused, I thought that we elected a bi-racial president? So that means he is as much black as he is white and was raised by his "white" grandparents. I love the way some people in a America thinks it's wonderful he is "black", well bad news he isn't, he was raised white and please you can tell by the way he talks and acts that he just another white liberal, now his wife is another story.
This coming from the already risen extreme left wing liberals...a joke, right?
11:04, Please stop, my gut is killing me from laughing so hard,you are soooooo right.
So many of you are saying this report from the DHS is propaganda.
Do you think this report, from April 2001, was propaganda, as well:
Tim McVeigh.
Enough said.
Bush actually ordered this study, it just was not completed until now.
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