"I recently spoke with someone who is a professional engineer and teaches about sewage treatment at a major university. I mentioned the recent disclosure about the problems with Salisbury’s new WWTP, and he was interested when I told him that it was designed by O’Brien & Gere and sent the press release you posted. He has sent the attached material about the WWTP and that firm, which is continuing to tout the plant on its website. Apparently O&G got a patent on the system, and the City paid for most of the cost to get it.
My contact feels that the system is a hybrid that could be loaded with problems. Also he wonders if the City has waived its rights to recover the cost of making it operational that could be millions of dollars.
He also thinks that the use of “sugar water” – mentioned in the article "Salisbury WWTP" -- may be a cause of much of the problem. Also, the system may operate better in the summer than in the winter due to higher ambient temperature and the treatment processes that are involved."
This is an unbelievable find! It should also make the Mayor's Press Conference quite interesting today. They have clammed up on this issue and we always knew there was something highly suspicious about this WWTP.
Mayor Tilghman is exactly what I claimed she was 4 years ago.
that's odd... nowhere in that "plant profile" does it say ANYTHING about the fact that it doesn't work!
Sounds like we're in deep sh!t...
GOB buzz is that the sugar water was a change order substitution for some other material in the process. Sounds like a point of necessary investigation and appropriate action to protect the City before any warranty expires.
There is a real possibility that the WWTP will become known as "Barrie's Biggest Boondoogle".
You are a GOD among bloggers! I love this blog. You have saved taxpayers millions with this great investigative WWTP stuff! Keep up this good CRAP! Pardone the pun. ROTFLMAO
Warranty expires? They haven't even finished phase 1 of 3 phases LoL This REALLY isn't funny, we should sue to get our money back if they can't getting it working and they should have to pay the non compliance fines, not the taxpayer!
When it comes to crap Joe is on top of IT~! ; ) And the Mayor is buried in it.
This is an interesting discussion of the WWTP, but why didn't it talk about that now and forever infamous "sludge-pit"?
But for this blog, Barrie and Bubba would have pulled off their scam they pulled during the election about the WWTP being up and running just fine.
I didnt see anywhere in the article the fact that it doesn't work.
Of course you didn't, it's a promo piece to sell more of these to other unsuspecting cities.
9:41 and 10:08 -
And if Joe had not exposed it on this blog, that sludge pit would still be there and used by the City illegally.
BTW - what's the truth about all that "stuff" that they take from the WWTP and pump into a pipe near the airport that you reported a week or so back?
Does your expert have a name? Most experts do...
makes you wonder how much of that 84mil she received in promotional fees of this FIRST EVER BUILT WWTP
The City's expert is from Oklahoma -- for details call Barrie.
The City has hired Enos Stover -- see his website www.stovergroup.com
RE: 10:46
The "stuff" being dumped into the sewer is perfectly legal and the truck should have a copy of the state permit to dump it in the truck. It's fed directly to the WWTP and in no way affects the river. Where it comes from and why it isn't handled by the WWTP is unknown to me; I guess it can't be handled the first time through the system?
What really needs to be looked at is the hiring practices at the WWTP; if you don't go to "their" church you won't get hired. Qualified people have been passed on to hire people with NO experience and NO state license! I know of one and possibly 2 shift supervisors that are incompetent and have no state WWTP license but they do go to the same church so I guess that qualifies them for a promotion?
OHOH the shredder mistress missed a few.
What Church is that?
Barrie and Bubba:
You too, Louweasel!!!!!!
The Church of What's Happening Now. That is the same one Flip Wilson attended as his character Geraldine.
Ok, from what I hear if you don't go to a certain church if you work at WWTP you are treated like an outsider. I have a friend that transfered from WWTP years ago for this reason. The way he described it they are kind of "Cultish" if you will? You have to be in the clique to get promotions.
That's what 12:10 was trying to get at I think. Sounds like it may be a frustrated WWTP employee to me. That or too many beers LoL
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