It was some time around 4:30 PM on Friday, this Officer was on his way home from work and saw a vehicle stranded on the side of the road. They had a flat tire. Any more these days you might see an Officer sit in his vehicle with his lights flashing to make sure they're safe while the owner of the vehicle change their tire. Nope, not Sheriff's Deputy John Welch. He was right there on his knees changing that tire! My hat is tipped to you Sir and we're glad we took this photo so we can share with everyone just what you guys are all about.
Protect And Serve!
There very few law enforcement officers who go the extra mile.
Thank you Deputy John Welch for your hard work.
Don't blme that on the individual officers. Many law enforcement agencies specifically prohibit their officers from doing any sort of work on a disable vehicle. If the officer should disregard this and get hurt, his workman's comp and disability would be voided.
I can't believe that Ricky Pollitt is cutting their pay next year -- he calls it a "furlough".
Good Job John, it is the policy of most police agencies that the officer can not change tires or push cars due to liability and insurance issues.
We really do have the best Deputies in this state!!!
Very nice to see that someone in our world still gives a damn about his fellow man or woman. Hats off, deputy Welch!!! So much negative coverage about law enforcement, seems as if the only people that give proper recognition when something bad happens are top brass. There are a lot of hard working men & women in the sheriff's dept, MSP, & city police. Great pic!!
Why am I not surprised to see this.
This is known as, "The shadow of your leader."
WCSO is an excellent example of this.
Trust me! I know this guy, he is a nice guy, but im sure he was complaining about something. LOL...Love ya John
I dont think I would be messing with officer Welsh, he looks pretty fit to me.
John Welch changed my tire in rain one day and he never let my husband forget it! Thanks John!
Just think Pollott wants to furlough the deputies. This is not right with the way crime is they want to included the deputies in the county furlough. Maybe the county administration should take their heads out of their a$$. what do they do to keep wicomico county safe nothing
1053 I wonder what Sheriff Lewis is doing to stop the deputies from being furloughed I hope something
I salute you Deputy Welch, job well done serving the people.
Welch....on your knees....get up from there! He really is a great guy!
WOW this is awsome.....not to many people left that cares about his job or his fellow man....God Bless you.....Thank you for serving the public. Rick P needs to be booted out of office....i will not vote for him next election and if you folks were smart and alot of you are you would not vote for him either.
Our men in blue, we salute you!
Thank you for all you do!
Ladies and Gentlemen of Wicomico County. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support of the men and women that do this and so much more. As you did during the last election. It was overwhelming and made me so proud that I stayed with the Sheriff's Office the last sixteen years. I have spoken on this matter time and time again. Your voice and my voice as well as all the deputies and their families have spoken on the matter of an inadequate insurance for disability and retirement issues.
As I view this picture numerous police agencies have stopped this kind of action by their officer due the the risk of injury. The writers that stated it would affect the I.W.I.F. or workman's comp insurance are correct if you are violating an agency policy it may not be covered.
With that said the current insurance provided the deputies does not in any way meet the needs of a law enforcement officer. The great people of this county spoke loud and clear on behalf of the deputies. The voters I had the pleasure of speaking to all stated that believed the vote would ensure these needs were met.
Prior to this economic down turn the county was provided many oppurtunites to correct this long standing issues that deputies face daily.
There was in fact an actuary conducted that would give the county the figures to make this right. The current council did a side step/misdirection in making the collective bargaining an issue of charter. When in reallity it was nothing more than attempt to mislead and misdirect the true issue at hand.
The men and women of the Sheriff's Office simply wanted the oppurtunity to have a dialogue or audiance with those we elected. The peace of mind that other police officers and deputies across the state have, in that if injured they will be able to survive on the benefits offered. There is no way under the current system one would be able to continue the standard of life they currently have.
I know with the great minds afforded the county that some solution must be present. We voted on it in overwhelming fashion and it fell upon deaf ears and closed minds.
The Sheriff of this county and Rick Pollitt voted for or supported the efforts and should be commended. To take a legal loop hole and use it to avoid responibility is cowardice and underhanded. The very document in which they twisted and turned was prepared by the county attorney. I find this highly suspicious to say the least. The Board of Elections stated the document had to be prepared by the county. In good faith of those we serve under a huge injustice was bestowed upon us. As many know the money to fight this issue in court has been costly to the tax payers and the women and men of the Sheriff's office. The matter is slated to go before a higher court at great cost to all. The Fraternal Order Of Police sent a letter to county asking for an oppurtunity to meet and attempt to reslove the matter with no further cost to either side. That letter was never responded to. I think this speaks volumes as to a goverment that at this time has no desire to resolve this matter out of a court. If this issue were to fail before the courts it still does not absolve the council of the basic responsibilty to ensure the protection of those that protect them. I for one do not know how in good conscience the men and women we elected can continue in this manner. The mere ethics displayed have to be of some concern to all.
I know of no man or women who would want their child working in this peril. The very least we can do as a community is demand this matter be resloved without delay. It is a basic necessity and is simply the right thing to do. It is not frivolous or vain for anyone to want the peace of mind that comes with knowing they are supported by the goverment that employes them.
As a supervisor I pray daily as I send these young men and women out to protect us that they come home whole, both physically and mentally. It is a true burden we all must feel. These deputies deserve it on many levels. Times have changed and so must the governing body that is employed and obligated to protect them.
To Deputy John Welch way to go the extra mile for those you serve. It is way overdue for those who watch over us to do the same. If any member of the council can lay their head down at night knowing of this plight and not think of ways to correct the issue you need to look no further than the mirror each morning and answer to yourself.
Sorry Mr. Albero for such a long post. I know how proud your family is of your son. I guarantee you would be a strong advocate on this matter if your son were placed in this same set of circumstances. I thank you again for this avenue to put this type of information out that would never be printed elsewhere.
God Bless us all and may this county grow stronger daily.
835 I will not vote for Pollott if he furloughs deputies
You don't want furloughs?
Great, name the deputies you want to lay off permanently.
This is what you get with a revenue cap, folks. It's taken 9 years, but the inability for the county to collect revenue that even keeps pace with inflation was ALWAYS going to lead to this result. The only surprise is it took this long to affect something you care about.
So you have a choice - furloughs for all government employees, or start deciding what services you want to cut.
You don't get neither as a choice.
And while you're deciding, remember education is more than 50% of the county budget, and almost every service they provide aside from athletics is mandated by either the state or feds. Unless you want class sizes of 35-40 in every elementary classroom.
No you know how you make the budget work with out giving furlough days Get rid of pisitions that were not need when you made that position up. and if you look in to it and See what Rick,Ted and some of the higher ups are making maye they should just take a pay cut. And the Sheriffs office is a very good group the county should be proud.
they should have left rick and ted on a napkin in a corn field
Actually most agencies do not provide these services due to law suits. When I worked for SPD we were ntoallowe dto jump start cars of jimmy locked doors due to lawsuits. Civil lawyers are foaming at the mouths just waiting for a "defenseless" joe who asked for help form an officer and the officer damaged a door, tire, rim etc.
Hurray for this Officer....he went above and beyond!
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