Malicious Destruction of property
Location: 307 Herbal Court. Fruitland, Md.
Date & Time: April 18, 2009 between midnight and 5:00 a.m.
Incident: Theft under $500.00
Location: 302 Herbal Court, Fruitland, Md.
Date & Time: April 18, 2009 at approximately 3:10 p.m.
Suspect/Accused: Robert Thomas Buei II, dob: 08/10/1986 907 Riverside Road Salisbury, Maryland
Malicious Destruction of Property $500.00 plus value
Theft Less than $500.00 value
Resisting Arrest
Carrying concealed weapon
Disposition: Released to Central Booking
Narrative: On April 18th, 2009 at 10:55 a.m. Fruitland Police responded to 307 Herbal Court in reference to person or persons unknown, slashing the tires on the victim’s work vans. Upon arrival the investigating officer observed that the passenger side Front and rear tires had been cut on the sidewall of two Ford work vans and were Damaged beyond repair. Replacement value of the tires was estimated at $728.00.
The victim’s advised that they believed that a person known to them as “Robbie” who was staying at 302 Herbal Court may have been responsible as the resident known to them as Tina had been to their house the previous evening and “Robbie” was angry about it.
On the same date at 3:30 p.m. Fruitland Police responded to 302 Herbal Court In reference to a theft which had just occurred at that location. The victim had related
to police dispatch that the person who took her property was the suspect/accused
ROBERT THOMAS BUIE II, and that he had just left her house wearing a black jacket
and riding a red bicycle. The victim also reported to dispatch that among the items taken were two video game controllers.While reroute to the scene, officers observed a subject riding a red bicycle and wearing a black jacket. The subject was also wearing a back pack. As officers approached the subject, they could plainly observe through the mesh of the back pack he was wearing, two video game controllers. The subject was identified as ROBERT THOMAS BUIE II. When ordered to remove the back pack,
BUIE refused to cooperate. Buie was given repeated verbal commands to comply and he continued to refuse. When the officers attempted to place him under arrest, BUIE resisted, resulting in him being placed upon the ground and restrained.
Upon contacting the victim of the theft, she related to the officers that BUIE was also responsible for the damage done to her neighbors’work vans. She related that BUIE was very angry at her neighbors because she had been over to their house earlier the night before and she had observed him slashing their tires. She stated that BUIE had a pocket knife which he used to slash the tires. Fruitland officers had located a Leatherman multi tool which was equipped with a sharp blade on his person at the time of his arrest.
All of the property reported stolen by the victim was recovered having been located in the back pack worn by BUIE. Also located in the back pack was a metal hatchet.
Tina is the one that had her kids taken away from her,the one that reported a stolen car a few weeks back.Get off the drugs
he looks like a malicious destruction of property himself!
that guy looks like dave chapelle from comedy central
awwww, man, it wuz jus a misunderstanin'....sheeeeeeeet, come on cuz, get me outta hea,,,,,
why is these youg punks like to make a tough guy face he don't look to tough there!
Looks like a great candidate for the great new goverment program of a crab picking career.
22 - 1/2 years old, riding on a bike and harboring what appears to be the most important source of his daily contribution to society - some video game controllers. This guy is really going to contribute a lot to society, isn't he? Bet he still lives at home and the highest paying job he ever had was....was....was? hummmm, probably never had a job. Running errands for your aunt don't count my friend and "babysitting" don't count either. Maybe chiefy's soulmate at the detention center can find some work for him to do - lol.
Wow-Considering the Herbal Court address appears frequently in police reports,I have to ask-where is it?It must be a seedy area.....
I'd volunteer to give lethal injections to punks like that, white or black. It wouldn't bother me a bit, do a couple then take a lunch break.
blutojthetotmom said...
Wow-Considering the Herbal Court address appears frequently in police reports,I have to ask-where is it?It must be a seedy area.....
Its actually a nice area -- or was, until this lady moved in. I live there -- its a little development with 17 houses all built within the last 3 years, off W. Main St in Fruitland (near Fruitland Intermediate School). The neighborhood was nice until this lady at 302 Herbal moved in, and since then, the police have been out almost daily. I hope the LL kicks her out soon!
Anon 10:55
I sympathize because I have had nuisance neighbors like that before-illegal activity,noise,littering-you name it.
you start with with nothing ....you end up with nothing....
I knew him back in high school and was his gf for a while I truely don't think he would have done this without good reason.
- sweetie pie
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