A US judge has ruled that foreign suspects held by the US in Afghanistan have the right to challenge their detention in US civilian courts.
A US judge has ruled that foreign suspects held by the US in Afghanistan have the right to challenge their detention in US civilian courts.
The US Supreme Court ruled last year that detainees at Guantanamo had such a right. The justice department later said those held at Bagram did not.
Judge Bates said the cases were essentially the same.
Just leave them DEAD on the battle field. If their wounded, shoot them in the head. Game over. You defeat violence with greater violence, its the only way.
Was it last week that the Obama administration said we would have to release some of the muslim terrorist in our streets and pay them a stipend. I guess we as a nation just have a death wish or a bunch of judges that need to find a new line of work. One of the terrorist we released from Gitmo later went on to be a commander for the taliban in Afghanistan. Others have become suicide bombers. I think we should release them all in San Francisco, New York, L.A. D.C or some of the other liberal cities so that when they start carrying out their terrorism they will kill the people that think they should be granted the same rights of legal citizens. better yet since they can fly airplanes anyway let them be Obamas pilot on airforce one and they can fly him into a building somewhere taking care of a lot of our problems at once.
I expected most of that but I didnt expect this: "better yet since they can fly airplanes anyway let them be Obamas pilot on airforce one and they can fly him into a building somewhere taking care of a lot of our problems at once."
Let me ask you this, what building do you work or live in? Would you want them to fly into that while you are there?
No, I meant in one of the stated liberal areas mentioned. These are the people who think they deserve constitutional rights. The point is these muslim terrorist deserve to be either held in prison until they die or just be taken out and shot before they kill more Americans.
12:54. That is uncool beyond words. It insults the memory of American soldiers, marines and airmen who were finished in a similar fashion while begging for water in the elephant grass after a LZ Albany ambush, subjected to unbelievable Japanese cruelty on the business end of a sword or bayonet during many island stops {like Iwo, Phillipines or Wake} along the way to Tokyo, and the Ranger/Delta/SOAR forces who saw their brothers bodies mutilated and dragged through the streets of Somalia. You make me sick.
2Centz, believe it or not I agree with you. Do I agree with our President? No but he is still The President Of These United States. I do however disagree with the courts for allowing them to have the same rights as US citizens in our court system. They are terrorist, not citizens. Good luck finding a lawyer who will defend them. Of course, there are a lot of lawyers that would just to make a name for themselves. RB , I agree with you as well, we are a civilized people, there are "rules" to war. whether or not our enemies follow them.
special treatment for Obama's friends.
Whatever happened to we do not negotiate with terrorsists? I am glad to see that they all have the same rights i have. Also I have been called back to the army and leave in two days. I am going to Afghanistan and all of these people that I will be fighting will have the same rights as me? Unbelievable.....
Anon 2:13PM Good luck and God Speed. Thank you for serving your Country and keeping us safe here at home. My family and I appreciate it.
I do not think they should have those rights but I don't think they should be taken out back and "put down". It is unfortunate that their countries of orgin don't always deal with them responsibly when we hand them back over...thus the problem. But we can't go around telling other countries what to do either..or can we? I guess we can try but we can't make them do it.
We encourage you to visit the lobby prior to this feature for over-priced, non-nutritious "snacks" and sugary sweet hyper drinks.
[SCENE- a terribly hot/cold place, 10,000 miles away, surrounded by a bunch of uptight, armed people where nobody speaks your own language, and you can't get a cold beer or good cheeseburger to save your life]:
[ACT I]:
Your recently isolated, under-armored humvee just hit an IED,fabricated from a dead dog's carcass and stolen plastic explosives, on an unfriendly trail;and/or got-hit-by a RPG {or if you are being deployed to Af-wan-istan; perhaps even one of those old, still un-accounted for Charlie Wilson Stingers} after, unbelievably, splitting from it's in own main convoy because a support vehicle had engine failure {refer to terrible Pat Tillman story to support this image, if needed}.
[ACT II] You are still alive; but blind and deaf, with other various secondary shrapnel wounds, from the ambush explosion. Believe it or not, YOU are in the best shape of any other soldier in your vehicle. Because you are in a valley with such high peaks; artillery and aerial ground support will take a bit of delay, if they determine if they can intervene at all. Your discover your radio, radioman , and medic, died in the initial barrage. The guy with the SAW in the back seat has a sucking chest wound and his weapon, ammo and sunglasses were just picked up by someone who already was shooting an AK and is now REALLY smiling.
[ACT III]: From stage left appears a seemingly even more agitated man with a weapon shooting larger bullets than the weapon that you couldn't fire right now if you could even find it {you see the explosion left you blind, and dis-oriented; your weapon was also fragmented in the explosion}. All of this "terrorist's" children were killed as a result of a poorly-manufactured parachute {ironically made in China} on a descending pallet of canned UN relief peaches {in heavy syrup}. In an effort to save precious ammo; he now has his bayonet fixed.
[Day-knew-ma']: Do you now still want to pretend you are Mr. Swayze's cavalier character from "Roadhouse"; or might you hope that these "terrorists" might find a truer, more universal meaning of 'being thy brother's keeper'/Geneva-convention-type thing-a-ma-bob, and offer you a canteen and a tournequet. BTW...if you actually show compassion for "hostile" wounded on the immediate battlefield, you are infinitely more likely to get beneficial intelligence from them, rather than keeping them in a closet and waterboarding them for a decade.
[CODA] YOU tell ME how you would like this play to end for YOU....
It's the right ruling. Of course ANYONE should have the right to challenge their detention. We are a nation of laws. The US was plenty critical of the USSR during the Cold War for using just the same measures. Can you say Gulag? If there is enough evidence to charge them with terrorism (it's a crime you know), they should be tried, convicted and jailed. If not they should be let go. What gives us the right to detain citizens of other nations without charges? Nothing.
How can anyone being held in a foreign country be entitled to constitutional rights. During all previous wars we also held prisoners on foreign soil, and they were not entitled to our courts. Remember these people are terrorist and were captured on the battlefield and I doubt our brave soldiers thought to read them their miranda rights. Some were waterboarded which somehow became torture and thus anything learned from them would be inadmissable if they were to end up in our courts. I personally dont think waterboarding is torture because their life was never in danger, but in todays P.C. world I guess we must have hurt their feelings
One thing to remember is that a lot of the people who wound up in Gitmo were turned in by their fellow citizens because the US offered $5000 a head. They weren't necessarily "captured on the battlefield." If you were poor and had a neighbor you didn't like what would you do?
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