We arrived yesterday anticipating a huge crowd and we got exactly what we had expected. There were so many dignitaries there, far too many to mention.They did the ribbon cutting ceremony and off we went. I actually thought I'd go there and hang out with my Grandson for a little while and the next thing we knew we were leaving after dark, we had a BLAST!
I want to thank all of the people that came up to me thanking me for what we do. It's always great to get such a reception because all of this is done for YOU. Nevertheless, make sure you get out there and have some fun. The kids rides are slightly more expensive this year but if you buy the bulk tickets they're around $22.00 for 20 tickets and the main rides take 3 tickets each. That's not too bad.
The food is to die for. I'll have additional Posts on that later but bring a healthy apatite and go enjoy the Battle of the Bands tonight. That should be really worth while. The gates open at 10:00 AM this morning and if you click on Pork in the Park on our calendar to the right you'll get more details.
I'll see you there I'm sure. Enjoy this beautiful day!
The lady in the pink has nice hair, cool look.
Ate at a place called Jack's which wasn't very good at all, expensive small portions of everything but cole slaw. We went to three phat boyz a couple years ago and was really really good, should have gone there again,
I know I'm not going to win a popularity contest so I'm just going to say it.
I'm not attending the Pork in the Park event because when I went last year I saw two county employees collecting cash at the gate with a cash box. How do I know what they were going to do with the cash? I only received a Stamp on my hand in return for my handing over the entrance fee.
With the scandal that went on at the County land fill I just cannot bring myself to fork over the entrance fee to two County workers that I know nothing about.
The only way I could allow myself to attend such an event is if Sheriff Mike Lewis himself were to supervise the collection of moneies at the gate. Only then will any Pork enter my mouth.
You cant have a beer can you?
so where are the pictures of the BBQ cookers...that is the whole point of this thing....
There is great food and people. The crowd was great. Yes you can have a beer. Sorry the acrs of a few is keeping the mental midgets away. Awesome event no troubles reported that I heard.
Thanks Joe for reporting. The fireworks from the shorebirds could be seen. That was great as well.
We do have a nice county lets keep it that way.
Who is the dude on the left with the ribbon in his hand? I wonder if that is his daughter in front of him? He has on a wild looking jacket.
That dude is Gail Bartkovich and her granddaughter. LOL
EarlsSister said...
That dude is Gail Bartkovich and her granddaughter. LOL
5:13 PM
Oops.... it does luke like a dude. Why do women think they have to cut their hair short after a certain age?
AWSOME..I got great food from Station 7. Something maybe for the future would be to provide a shuttle bus. The only bad part was the parking and line to come and go by vechile.
Stevie's looking as HOT as ever!
Mrs. Dr. Doo Rag...NOT looking hot as ever.
Went today, everything was good. My only suggestion for next year: Have someone directing traffic at the entrance on Hobbs Road. It was a clusterf***.
I was very disappointed this evening. I went around 8 PM and was very exciting to stop by Station 7s trailer for the beef brisket. How disappointing to find out that they were sold out. Two hours before closing time and sold out??? I will not go back...they should have planned for this...
anonymous 10:39, you've got to be kidding me, right?
There were vendors sold out by NOON today, there was that many people. Now, if you're going to arrive at 8:00 at night and expect the best of everything, you're crazy. Station 7 had fantastic food and like I said, most everyone had sold out early today because it was so packed. I'll bet you by noon today they had already beat the total numbers that they had for the entire 3 days the year before. Get over it and quit complaining. Anonymous too, my guess is it's Dave from the Pittsville Diner. LOL, just kidding.
The lady in pink is Addie Eckhardt, MD State Delegate for the Wicomico, Dorchester, Talbot and Caroline counties. She always wears pink; it's her signature. Nice of her to show support.
Do you have any idea what goes into planning for an event like this? Vendors have to purchase all of their supplies from wholesalers in advance and attempt to estimate the amount of volume they will do. Its not like they just ran to sam's club this morning and bought a few hundred pigs, 50 briskets and 500 racks of ribs. If it is unlucky and rains, they are out thousands of dollars in product that they can't return or reuse. Not to mention, we're talking BBQ (slow-cooking, roasting meats for hours and hours). They aren't throwing frozen mess into a deep fryer. All of these vendors are professionals in their trade and have done a hell of a job.
Rob S
Gail really does need a new hairstyle, you just can't walk up to a womean and tell her that without risking getting your eyes clawed out.
I like Gail but she might as well just shave her head like the good DR.
I would like to take the time to ask, did anyone else see the booth selling dildo's?
They sold love lotions, lingerie and vibrators. Not that I'm a prude however didn't think this open venue was a good choice for this vendor open to the site of children? I just walked past them and I saw it, didn't even stop to look.
Might as well had a booth selling Salvia and rolling papers, it's legal here in Maryland!
I went and had a fantastic time! There were more people than anyone expected. Food was very good. Yesterday (saturday) there were well over 25,000 people. I left at around 6:00 p.m. and people were coming in like crazy. Now - on the other side of the coin. Traffic control looked as if it were handled by 3rd graders. Greg Rickards was directing traffic by the end toward Old Ocean City Rd. and was making people go all the way to Hobbs Rd. to get out. He had two other people there with him and it was obvious they had no idea what was going on. There was NO traffic control at Hobbs Rd. The object of traffic control at events like this is to identify the cause of bottle necks and effectively minimize their effect on the free flow while as well as avoid creating areas that would increase the likelyhood of accidents. The identification of bottlenecks thing wasn't going on there. I actually believe that they are outgrowing that park. Hows that Pirates Cove Marina coming?
The traffic to get there was backed all the way back to Autumn Grove Rd and it took approx 25 minutes to get to the crossover to n/b 13. I decided to go to OC instead, and I bet I made it there before I woulda made it to Hobbs rd. And there were no lines and no shortage of food.
1:10pm, I agree with you, I'm boycotting all events in Wicomico County until Rick Politt gets off his fat butt and makes better choices with how he spends my/our tax dollars.
I know one citizen or family will not make a difference, but it's my money and it spends everywhere, even in Delaware.
To Anonymous 1:10 and others.
I know, let's never trust another employee that works for the County because they're all thieves, right?
This is just ridiculous. First of all, NONE of you are willing to put your names up here, yet you want to claim these people are all thieves.
It makes me sick that any one of you would automatically assume that people are stealing. Let's see, nothing ever said about Bike week. I guess we should look at every employee of the City and County and claim they are thieves.
I personally find your statements out of line and stupid. There are in fact accounting proceedures done and audits to every event. There are also tickets given out to each and every person paying to get in and that's yet another way to make sure all funds are collected.
Do some research first before you go spouting out with assumptions. Oh, start acting like RESPONSIBLE County Taxpayers and put your name to your comments and then you might actually be taken seriously. For all we know Ray Lewis made that comment while on Work Release. Oh, that's right, he got thrown back in Jail because COUNTY EMPLOYEES found him smuggling cash into the Jail and he's back behind bars till at least June. Get a grip Folks!
Went to Pork in the Park yesterday, and have to say I was disappointed. Heard lots of other negative comments as well. Mainly due to overcrowding and lack of preparation to handle such a big crowd. At the amusement rides there were no line cues, and lines were long and unruly. The lines to the food stands were really long then when you got your food all the tables were filled. I won't even discuss how long it took us to enter and leave the event but let's just say it was longer than the time we stayed inside. Great money maker for Salisbury, but I won't be back and I don't think I'm alone.
I was there Saturday as well for about 4 hours. There was clearly more than twice the number of people there than last year mostly, I think, because of the good weather. Records were broken, money flowed, music played, and, yes, traffic was thick. Over 100 competitors and the food and beer was great!
It does look like next year will need more volunteers (where were you?), more parking planning, maybe shuttles, and more food vendors. I had a great time!
I had went yesterday (Saturday), and i had a blast with my family. Yes it was very packed and i had a stroller, lol but we managed. I enjoyed myself. The food was great i must agree that Phat boyz has really good pulled pork. My family will be back next year! Thank Ashley
Let's just say that those writing negative comments have absolutely no idea what is put into this or any event for that matter. Parking and traffic was a big issue but it was not the fault of the VOLUNTEERS. If people would follow direction than the proplems would be minimal. Speaking of VOLUNTEERS, for those of you that want to complain why not VOLUNTEER to do your part for the community and since you know so much, step up to the plate and show us how it's done. Those people out there doing the parking were all volunteers except the 3 park police people. I think that they should receive metals for there courage and dedication to stand out there and take the abuse that they took from our COUNTY TAX PAYERS. They all did an outstanding job. The VOLUNTEERED their time to go over and beyond to try and make it as easy and safe as possible for everyone to get into the event and injoy themselves. I commend them and appreciate every hour they spent out there. Let's not critise, call and put your name on the list to volunteer at the next event and show us how it's done. It amazes me how people can sit and dream up some of this crap.
Joe, I have to say that you do a great job on here and I appreciate your work. You know exactly what I am talking about, you get critisism all the time. People need to jump in and help instead of being part of the problem.
I was there Friday & Saturday and had a great time. Although this has been a great venue in the past it may very well be to small for the growth of the contestants and attendees. Futhermore, I really don't have a suggestion as to where they could hold such an event. I would have liked something different other than local eateries, but I have to admit Station 7 was excellent.
I think the one or two people who are complaining here probably complain about everything.Best to ignore people who complain from a vantage point of total ignorance and /or stupidity.
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