It was linked from http://www.baltimoresun.com/
Who would think?
Caught in the Web
The Comptroller of Maryland is serious about retrieving unresolved tax liabilities. As a part of the collection process, we publish the names of businesses, individuals and corporate officers having large unresolved liabilities - including individuals who have large unresolved personal income tax liabilities. All of the information is public since liens and judgments have been recorded in the judgment dockets of one or more circuit courts of Maryland.
No one is above the tax laws. If you don't want to see your name posted on our site along with other tax delinquents, be sure to keep up with your tax obligations.
Updated: March 27, 2009
Delmarva Paintball Inc.
113 W Gordy Road
Salisbury, MD 21801
Sales and Use
Admission & Amusement
Officer Assessed: Daniel Wallace
And what would happen to one of us peons if we owed that kind of money? We'd be in jail that's what. That's $152,964.31 that is owed JUST TO MARYLAND. How much is owed to the County? How much is owed to the IRS? That's enough money for 4 people to be employed by the state and live decently. That's enough money to buy an additional text book or two for every child in Wicomico.
He can always try the Geitner defense....
How about this guy? Anyone know who he is? Maybe a FOB???
Michael J. Thomas
613 Wellington Cir
Salisbury, MD 21801-1184
For DP. This major fowl up had to do with the County not being able to correctly classify the business type. After a few years of apparent "missed revenue" they submitted these taxes to the business to pay as "backed taxes owed"
Very similiar to what happend to Crown Sports though I believe that issue resolved itself already.
Chuck, You Are Wrong!
How sure are you on your information? I know the owner of DP and have talked to Crown and they both faced the same issue.
Business was running and after a few years, they were told they owed money for back taxes that feel under Admission and Amusement. It was suggested they did not know how to classify the business and after 3-4 years decided they fell in a category that would have had to charge these taxes.
What information different than that do you have?
Chuck you are RIGHT! I'm sure the owner will speak up soon as he is a respectful man who got caught up in the same amusement tax mess that Crown did. Did anyone BLAST Crown????
Chuck, I know his situation and I know the Hearne's. They are two completely different situations. I will have a lengthy Post up about it early tomorrow morning.
However, if you buy this guys BS story on what happened to him, you're a fool. No disrespect. You just need to know and understand what has happened.
I would love to know how you are familiar with the DP situation. I have a unique perspective and relationship with the owner and was aware of his situation well before the Comptroller posted the 50 Worst Offenders list on his website.
I take no disrespect at your comments, but I have also had the pleasure of talking to Mr. Hearne as well and the situations are not that different at all.
I will make sure to check back in the am to read your post. I am sure it will entertaining and hopefully factually accurate as well.
Good day to you sir.
I, also, know Dan Wallace, as well. He has always spoken openly about his situation with the comptroller. And to you Joe, I would have to say that based on your comment stating "if you buy this guys BS story" that you do not know him. Dan's story is not BS. He is a very honest and upfront person who got caught up in the Comptroller's miscommunication.
And as a community we should be standing by our small businesses as opposed to criticizing them. Or we could just let the Wal-Marts run the world??? That is an option.
At least Chuck was man enough to use his name.
I have received a letter from Mr. Wallace and considering I used to be in a similar business, he's full of crap.
Now, if YOU want to buy his story, that's your business. However, the Comptroller doesn't buy it, NOR DO I.
If I hadn't had the experience I have had with this same situation I would have simply kept my mouth shut. However, as you too will learn tomorrow morning,. I do know his business and what he did. We'll deal with that tomorrow.
In the mean time, I'm not suggesting Mr. Wallace is a bad person. However, don't piss on my head and tell me it's raining. Ask Mr. Wallace to contact Mr. Hearne and learn just how much I happen to know about Amusement Taxes. You'll ALL learn a little something.
Many people I'm sure choose NOT to use their name for fear of retaliation....you know the same thing you say Barrie does to everyone. I do know I would never want to be on the bad side of Joe Albero and god forbid someone's opinion differs from yours. You would find a parking ticket on me from the 70's and turn it into a criminal act. Your tone suggests you know all and I don't believe that is the case......Please keep in mind this man is running a businees where kids can have clean fun, since this area obviously lacks activities for youngsters we should support him and his efforts!
Okay so if Dan sent you a response, than where is it? And did you, too, own a paintball field in Wicomico County? Did they tell you you didn't need to charge tax on paintballs that patrons used at the field? And the back taxes he has are not ones he has collected and did not pay to the comptroller, they are taxes he never collected...Because he was told he did not have to charge them.
I'm not saying you don't know anything about Amusement Tax, I just know what Delmarva Paintball's experience has been.
Those of us who are friends with Dan, have hung out at the field, we know him and know what he has gone through with the comptroller.
To be fair, you really should post the letter he sent you.
I'll sayu this for the last time. The letter and my response will go up tomorrow morning. Until then, it is what it is.
Wallace posted on his facebook a couple of days ago that he just filed his 2005 taxes. He's not all that honest and upfront. Most business owners filed their 2005 taxes by April of 2006, correct?
Facebook quote:
Dan Wallace I just reluctantly filed my 2005 tax returns. I would be getting back almost 5 grand but the Comptroller will be taking that.Tue 2:51pm ·
I think you should find out if Mitchells martial arts is paying this tax. They do a bunch of skate and Birthday parties. R.S. got his fat butt up their and testified "If I have to pay so should Crown" I stand by Dan. I ve known him for years. He is a classic example of how government can hurt small bussineses. It's not like he makes any money at doing what he loves.
anonymous 5:44, come on now. I see how you think. Screw the Government out of their money, (our money) and when you get caught, damn those government agencies. Get a grip. The man OWES taxes, the government doesn't owe him. Think twice before you insert foot in mouth.
I didn't know Joe Albero was a socialist. I thought Joe was a good guy, for some reason. Was I wrong? Anyone who says your money is "the government's money" is a far left socialist by most reasonable standards. That's collectivist socialism ( "our money" , "the government's money"). And it appears you oppose individual rights and the right of individuals an small business to make a living without government oppression.
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