I'm sorry it's been so long since I've written but things have been extremely busy here at SU. Studying late into the night and getting up so early in the morning has never been so difficult.
The new place is fantastic. It allows me more quiet time and oh, thank Grandma for me for the rocking chair! Some of the neighbors are really cool but can be loud at times. I guess you can't expect much less but this is a whole lot better than dorm living.
I joined the recycling club. You guys should really start recycling. You have no idea what aluminum brings in these days. We have Coke and Pepsi cans being collected by almost every student here and we donate it all to a local Church. We really need to do more for our environment.
Anyhow, it's time to get back to studying. Oh, you'll be really happy to see that I've actually gained a few pounds this semester.
Your Son,
Joe, maybe if you went to college you would understand.
But to be fair to the tenents (how do we even know that they are students) the next apartment/townhouse looks the same. I am guessing someone walked by amd kicked stuff around on trash pick-up day. So what is your point?
Somebody got hammered, even broke the chair when they fell out of it.
Looks like a normal friday/saturday/sunday morning to me.
Go y all the SU stickers on the cars and check with landlords.
Anon 1134,
Trust me on this one. These are high priced college rentals you a$$hole.
"High Priced" Lol
Anonymous said...
"High Priced" Lol
2:59 PM
You better believe it!
It's more than you pay for your rent!
Anonymous said...
"High Priced" Lol
2:59 PM
I don't know what you think is so funny. There is a difference between high priced(over priced) and nice or luxury.
Location....Cedar Crossing on Onley Rd. It always looks like this.
Not all college students are like this and I don't like to associate myself with the ones who are.
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