Just a quick note to let you know that I have numerous friends that are Salisbury City Employees and you and the election are the talk of the town. I have received numerous phone calls from them and they are very elated to know that the the evil woman is HISTORY.
Apparently most of them are singing a tune that sounds like "ding dong the witch is dead." I had no idea there were that many unhappy employees in the city under the Mare's Reign of Terror. Please post this so the mare herself can read this.
adios biotch, don't let the door hit you where the lord split ya.
Hopefully they can come forward and reveal the sources of corruption and persons who have made fortunes off the taxpayers. Truth, Integrity and doing what is Right in government must start at the local levels. Does anyone know if Muir Boda is now gunning for Terry Cohen? We must support Terry who also works tirelessly for our city.
I think you will be extremely lucky if your not brought up on some sort of charges when the light of day shines threw. If I were you I would run as fast and as far as I could. You should be very, very worried about all your skeletons coming home to roost. Have a nice day.
I just found out that the mare has sent her posse of Cheef Jak & Koke out to retrieve a possible surveillance tape that may be in the hands of a certain council person. This woman is running extremely scared. Barrie that tape wouldn't have anything to do with linking you and your administration to corruption does it?
1:33 ANON, it wouldn't surprise me one bit to find out Terry is Bonehead Boda's next target. And you're absolutely right about our needing to support Terry.
I'm already counting the days until he announces his candidacy. I worked for Debbie and will work for Terry. We whopped old Boda good yesterday and will do it again if he goes against Terry. Sooner or later he'll learn there's no place for him in our government.
I lost all respect for him when I heard some of the attacks he launched against Debbie. He's a snake in the weeds and I don't think he's finished trying to bite us yet.
Wicomico County Liquor Stores report run on Jack Daniels by one of the biggest consumers thereof.
Hmmm...pretty interesting, 1:41. Is it possible that the blood sucking "Mayor" is about to be struck by the light of day and disintegrate? The woman has been driving the stake through her own heart for quite sometime now.
I just love the purifying rays of the sun, don't you?
Hey Chiefy, I bet you wish you kept your mouth shut now dontcha?
Webster calls out Ireton on crime
"Salisbury is a good community, and I hate to see people tear Salisbury down or say bad things about this city," he said. "We are bringing crime down, and I'm not going to just sit here and not say anything. The stats are the stats. I don't make up the stats. Crime is down and that is a direct reflection of this community and its police department."
"I would hope anyone campaigning understands their first job is to give the public true facts, and I would hope that is being done," Webster said.
Ireton's response: "It is wholly inappropriate for Chief (Alan) Webster to be engaged in the political process."
I wish Chiefy had ALWAYS kept his mouth shut! He should've been out on the streets listening for the sound of urination in the bushes so he could get those noise violaters. LMFAO
In response to Anon 1:33 PM and Fed Up Rebel, if anyone has anything in print or on tape that is incriminating to the current administration please come forward. Maybe Mr. Albero can put you in contact with the appropriate people.
one word: BITCH!
Sorry if this goes against the SBYNews swearing rules, but it's the word that best sums her up...
I have heard for some time that this tape had become available. By all means, contact me and we'll go from there.
Doug, you better cut out the cursing or I'll reject everything that comes from you.
Didnt realize that I did.
Sent to the principles office and it wasnt even me.
It was you, twice today so far.
I dont remember, Ill take your word for it.
My defense is it wasnt me, you cant blame me for what the other personalities do. But I can try to contact them to straighten it out if you like.
I wouldn't have said a word if it wasn't true. Thanks for respecting my wishes.
Doug, I'm not tal;king about Crug. I don't even read his messages. They simply get deleted period.
Not all the time. He has his moments.
To all of the world Doug has had his mouth washed out with soap. Back on topic for me.
Joe, did you mean Dave and not Doug?
Dave C said...
one word: BITCH!
Sorry if this goes against the SBYNews swearing rules, but it's the word that best sums her up...
2:22 PM
Quit your bellyaching and grow up people. BITCH is not a bad word.
Hell, Michael Day has a bitch he called Barrie.
ahhhh the banter....please continue folks.
"Hell, Michael Day has a bitch he called Barrie."
No, Michael Day has a bitch dog he calls "Mayor". Cute dog, unlike the mayor often called "bitch".
Did I miss any public announcements by Salisbury's outgoing Mayor since yesterday's election? Or is she officially in hiding?
Joe, you are getting me hooked on these videos --LOL
I can tell you this: Ex-Mayor you had better keep your lawn mowed!
Due to Bubba not getting the job he wanted...this means his buddy who thought he'd be getting a $20,000.00 per/year job is also not gonna happen, right?
A small part of my job is to assist the unemployed to find another job. I do my best to find out what their interests and passions are so I can better assist them in their search. I guess I would fail this one time because due to her interests and hobbies, there are no current openings for a pimp.
"Apparently most of them are singing a tune that sounds like "ding dong the witch is dead." I had no idea there were that many unhappy employees in the city under the Mare's Reign of Terror. Please post this so the mare herself can read this" nice spelling of mayor. how come nobody noticed this?
All I can say to the mayor is:
Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!
Finally I can refer to this city's top executive as Mayor. I am still proud of myself for anonymously coining the term "mare" on ole Grandaddy Blogger Duval's blog. Yep, I've been blogging with these guys for several years now and it comforts me to see I played a small part in bringing this tyrannical witch down! Bubba, Mare, and others... that was me...LMAO
Anonymous Until April 20, 2009.
What buddy was going to be paid $ 20,000 per year?? What department was that in?
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