Tentative agreement would allow mayoral candidate to work part time
By Laura D'Alessandro • Staff Writer • April 5, 2009
SALISBURY -- Mayoral candidate Jim Ireton and the Wicomico County Board of Education reached a tentative agreement last week to allow the candidate part-time hours if elected Salisbury's next mayor, according to the county's superintendent.
Ireton reportedly told Mallard Landing residents during a forum Friday about his new work schedule agreement with the Board of Education, but later denied speaking in detail about the issue with residents when interviewed by The Daily Times. He said he told residents who attended the forum that he had made a request and was awaiting approval.
Ireton is currently a full-time reading teacher at Westside Intermediate School in Hebron.
Fredrickson offered more details, saying Ireton's new work schedule would not go into effect until next fall, if finalized.
"It will be a system that works well for families, the educational system and the city of Salisbury," he said.
The position will amount to half time, but as long as Ireton works 17.5 hours per week, he will receive benefits and will still be required to participate in workshops, parent-teacher conferences and PTA meetings. Fredrickson said the only difference is that Ireton's salary will no longer cover all of his insurance deductions. But according to the superintendent, the procedure is common among about 10 percent of Wicomico County teachers and said Ireton was tentatively granted the request because of the interest he takes in the community.
"He has been one of our real strong reading teachers, and we want to have him for that," Fredrickson said. "He's got some real skills in getting children to increase their reading skills."
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Never any doubt for me.
Shame Jim is inheriting this WWTP nightmare.
If the current mare can be a full time drunk AND mare, why can't Jim teach and be mare?
The people of Salisbury will not be able to exhale that final sigh of relief until Tuesday night.
The slumlords tried their best to send this election into a tailspin, as everything else it has backfired on them, renters are irate.
The smell of a low tide on the Wicomico River should assure Jim Ireton and Debbie Campbell both landslides. I'm wishing Cynthia a victory in district 1 to complete the tri-fecta.
who immediately upon election will push for higher salary for the mayor
Ireton taught all our children, and to this day they'll tell you he was the BEST teacher they've ever had!
Tomorrow I hope voters elect the best Mayor for Salisbury, Jim Ireton.
Now can we get the real story from Comgeys camp on his early retirement??My experience in state employment after that many years, the state allowed hin to retired in leiu of criminal charges being brought agaonst him. Easy way out for them and comegys.
Jim Ireton has more courage than any person I have ever known, he has withstood the slime the mud and the personal atacks.
He told me, it has been his life dream to be Mayor, to help the people of the city, and he made the ultimate sacrifice by running against the most corrupt, evil adminstration Salisbury has had in my memory.
Good Luck. We can work out the money issue Jim, I'll pitch in, you are worth every dime.
Jim is so valuable they do what is necessary to retain his talent, Comegys is so corrupt he gets "early retirement". The choice for leading this city is clear.
Again the DT has gone out of their way to make it sound as though there is something "not quite right" about this, seemingly innocuous issue....Ireton's agreement with his employer.
"reported but later denied?......
I will personally celebrate when the DT finally sinks themselves. They wouldn't know the facts if they tripped over them. How sad.
Jim did exactly what he said he would do from the beginning: he ran a clean campaign, immediately discussed part-time work with his superiors after the primary, and has worked out a schedule that would allow him continue to be a great teacher AND a great mayor. Contrast that with the Comegys camp and their incredibly dirty campaign. How can anyone vote for Comegys?
The dark clouds are rolling in, maybe the tumblers are telling us something. I sure hope not.
I am happy that Jim will have time to take care of Salisbury, and I'm glad that he doesn't have to lose his teaching job. He is a great man and I can't wait for him to be mayor!
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