Fed Up Rebel has left a new comment on your post "That Slumlord Cash Just Keeps Coming for Comegys, ...":
I know that some, if not all, of you so-called "concerned rental owners" who had a part in the mailing of the propaganda piece to your renters will read the comments on this blog. Therefore, this seems to be a good place to address you directly – particularly in view of what the Daily Times doesn’t have the guts to publish.
You and your tactics are nothing less than vile, self-serving, and destructive to the city of Salisbury. You did not produce and distribute your mailing out of ANY sense of true concern for your tenants. You did it for two reasons and ONLY two reasons:(1) as the 12:32 pm commenter above said, to intimidate your tenants into believing that the cost to bring your (roach infested, sub-par) rentals up to code and maintain them at such a level will be super costly and, therefore, cause you to raise rents.
Come on, Salisbury slumlords, give us a credit for just a bit more intelligence than that. Your "concern" does not extend beyond your own pockets and the proverbial "bottom line." And yes, we understand that as businesspersons this has to be a primary concern. Nevertheless, have you no sense of (or caring about) what is decent beyond a certain point? Have you no respect for the truth? Have you NO civic pride or concern that extends beyond the folds of your wallets or the lines of your financial statements?
Your second reason for flooding the mail system with this pack of lies is to further your witch hunt against Deborah Campbell. It is a sad and pathetically desperate attempt to use scare tactics to accomplish what you KNOW you could never accomplish otherwise - and that is to cast Mrs. Campbell into the role of a "menacing meanie" who is out to "get" renters and cost them in the end. You know that, if you can succeed in creating such a fearful and false picture in your tenants' minds, it will increase the chances of them voting against her.
Well, "concerned rental owners", anyone who has followed Salisbury politics for any length of time or taken even 15 minutes to research Mrs. Campbell's history, isn't going to fall for this load of propagandist manure you've spread. Mrs. Campbell's family history in this city goes back some SEVEN generations, and her record of service to this city – even long before she ever held public office – is long and lustrous. I can assure you she is not in this election with the thought of what is best for her wallet. She is and always has been about what’s best for the city of Salisbury – not any one or two or ten special interest groups, but the CITY. That will continue to be her chief concern the rest of her life. I know this because I’ve taken the time to do my homework on her and her record. I’ve done that homework for the past two years and can tell you that the city’s welfare is what Mrs. Campbell is all about. So you “concerned rental owners”, just continue merrily down the path you’re on with your pathetic lies about her. No doubt you will successfully scare and deceive some. But your lies will not live forever and you will not ultimately succeed.
In closing my comments, I will leave you with an admonishment that comes not from me, but from history. Speaking in March 1965 at the conclusion of an extraordinarily courageous march from Selma to Montgomery, AL, Dr. M.L. King said this about truth: “How long will justice be crucified and truth bear it? However difficult the moment, however frustrating the hour, it will NOT be long because the truth crushed to earth will rise again. How long? NOT long because no LIE can live forever. How long? NOT long because you shall reap what you sow. How long? NOT long because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.”
You “concerned rental owners” would do well to hear and fear those words from Dr.King. Sooner or later – and probably sooner – the truth will out, no matter how many lies you spread by mail or other means. Sooner than you think, there will be a backlash against you which will deliver you right where you belong . . .into the trash bin of this city’s history.
Come on, fellow citizens: Let’s strike a blow against the slumlords and their lies on Tuesday.
See you at the polls.
well said Fed Up Rebel!!
I completely agree!!
Oh what a tangled web we weave ,
when first we practice to LIE!
Barrie,Gary, Shanie , you gonnin down!
Rock on!
Outside of a bandwagon and a megaphone, I'm not sure how well you are going to reach the voters you really need to.
Okay, so it's an OLD concept, kinda corny, but I'd so do it on Monday. Get a coupla vehicles, the music, the bullhorn, roll down the streets you know the voters are uninformed or perhaps scared to vote. Convince them to get out and vote whatever their conscience is.
While blogging is great, lots of the people you NEED to reach, are hearing only silence - they do NOT know. Worse, they may be reading whatever was stuffed into their mailboxes and you know if it's 'in writing' it MUST be true.
Get out there.
3:42, the bullhorn will get him arrested for a noise violation.
Call Debbie Campbell at 410-860-0893 and Ireton's campaign head at 443-614-3760 to volunteer for Sunday through Tuesday.
This was a really great write up, Fed Up Rebel. Call all your friends. Get the vote out Tuesday.
My friends who have gotten the disgusting mailer are angry...at Comegys.
May the Backlash be with them.
Since you love to attack the spelling of people for whom you disagree but have nothing intelligent to write as rebuttal, it's commentator, Einstein.
anonymous 7:59, ROTFLMAO
Rent is already TOO HIGH in this area, especially considering what you get for the money.
That coupled with the types of jobs available raise the cost of living here way above what it oughtta be.
No wonder the area is depressed.
25 per unit per year isn't too much to pay for licensed units. IMO, it oughtta be 25 per month & they'd (landlords) would still make money. After all, less than 2 months rent would cover the taxes on properties, the rest is gravy since they spend next to nothing on upkeep. Very little is kept up to code. Now, I don't mean the well intentioned landlords. I mean the slumlords.
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