SACRAMENTO – Americans took to the streets to protest wasteful government spending today – with estimated crowd sizes of 5,000 to 15,000 in Atlanta, San Antonio, Oklahoma City, Olympia, Wash., Lansing, Mich., and Sacramento.
At the California Capitol, a sea of red, white and blue U.S. flags waved above a large crowd that surrounded the building and spilled into city streets. Visitors arrived in yellow school buses from surrounding cities.
Sacramento tea party organizer Mark Meckler scanned the scene from behind a platform before the event.
"It's unreal. It's beyond my imagination," Meckler told WND with a dazed look. "I can't imagine anything better than this."
Some protesters shouted at the Capitol building with megaphones: "Hey, tell Gov. Schwarzenegger to come out here!"
"We are leading a revolution, and this is the first day of that revolution," Meckler said. "Politicians will no longer be able to divide our nation. They are taking our money, and we aren't going to stand here and take it anymore."
With booming enthusiasm, the crowd recited the Pledge of Allegiance and began wildly chanting, "USA, USA, USA!"
Their voices could be heard from blocks away as the California legislature remained in session and lawmakers dared not venture outside.
Local businessmen, families with small children, military veterans and elderly men and women carried handmade signs with a variety of creative messages.
(Story continues HERE)
At the California Capitol, a sea of red, white and blue U.S. flags waved above a large crowd that surrounded the building and spilled into city streets. Visitors arrived in yellow school buses from surrounding cities.
Sacramento tea party organizer Mark Meckler scanned the scene from behind a platform before the event.
"It's unreal. It's beyond my imagination," Meckler told WND with a dazed look. "I can't imagine anything better than this."
Some protesters shouted at the Capitol building with megaphones: "Hey, tell Gov. Schwarzenegger to come out here!"
"We are leading a revolution, and this is the first day of that revolution," Meckler said. "Politicians will no longer be able to divide our nation. They are taking our money, and we aren't going to stand here and take it anymore."
With booming enthusiasm, the crowd recited the Pledge of Allegiance and began wildly chanting, "USA, USA, USA!"
Their voices could be heard from blocks away as the California legislature remained in session and lawmakers dared not venture outside.
Local businessmen, families with small children, military veterans and elderly men and women carried handmade signs with a variety of creative messages.
(Story continues HERE)
They aught to start by FIRING that disgusting Napolitano, who insulted military veterans by labeling them a threat to the very country they went to war to protect. I don't think the cowards have the B@!!* to do it.
Janet Napolitano never said any such thing.
I be these same people were all for the war in Iraq. Guess what, got to pay for it somehow!
I think that home land security can not see the forest for the trees. The current occupant in the White House in his formative years hung out with communist, a known terroist who admitted bombing the pentagon,a radical muslim preacher,also he worked to train acorn radicals to rigg elections and destroy our banking system and even campaigned for our only socialist senator. This man is more dangerous to the destruction of this great countries ideals than any right wing america loving group they could ever find.
3:06 come back to earth. Stop watching Faux and listening to Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage, Levin and any of those other lunatics fringe fire starters.
Hey 3:19 that guy at 3:06 just stated the facts that are available to any one that doesn't have his head in the sand. If he is wrong about his assertions show me the proof that they are wrong!
3:06 sounds like a proud tea party person.
Sure it wasn't partisan.
Put on your tinfoil hat and leave the country if you hate democracy so much. Obama was elected by a greater margin than Reagan was in his first election. His approval rating eclipses Bush's.
The target of American protest is the discraceful MSM news coverage ( or lack thereof) of the tea parties.
Get over it. Obama is our President, George Bush is gone for good, Newt Gingrich cannot be elected, you small minds are a fading minority, 70% of the country supports the President, the Republican Party is a thing of the past.
3:06 "... he worked to train acorn radicals to rigg elections and destroy our banking system..."
This shows a complete lack of understanding of what happened to ACORN. Basically a few low-life employees committed fraud against ACORN by pretending to work. No elections were rigged, and there was not even ONE measly illegal vote that resulted from that fraud. If you must find fault with ACORN, blame them for hiring the wrong people to work for them... It seems that a lot of organizations and corporations are guilty of that!
Also, It was Bush who mainly destroyed the banking system. It was destroyed BEFORE Obama took office.
You should really try to learn before you spout off...
4:01 "The target of American protest is the discraceful MSM news coverage ( or lack thereof) of the tea parties."
And for that reason, the tea parties will ultimately be unsuccessful. The Democrats have successfully painted these events as just ordinary GOP astro-turf.
Does it help when the likes of Andy Harris shows up? No. He just usurps the real message of the protest. It all starts to look like a badly organized campaign rally for a losing politician.
If it really wasn't just astro-turf, then true protesters have been had. Sorry.
5000 to 15000 in attendance sounds impressive until you compare it to the crowds who turn out for an Obama appearance. They number in the 100,000s.
4:44 "5000 to 15000 in attendance sounds impressive until you compare it to the crowds who turn out for an Obama appearance. They number in the 100,000s."
How soon one forgets. The protests in favor of immigration reform drew several million participants in the spring of 2006. Thats was at least 10 times larger than what we've seen yesterday... maybe 20-30 times larger.
... and look what all that protesting got them. Nothing but bad press.
I heard obama claims he heard nothing about the tea parties until he saw it on the news last night???
Do you know for whom the term "Astro-turf" was first used???
David Axlerod - Obama's teleprompter writer and chief of staff.
And the articles I read about the ILLEGAL immigrants protesting only mentioned about a million protesters in 30 cities, there were at least that many yesterday, in EIGHT HUNDRED cities.
You liberals are so scared all you have are bad tasteless jokes and ad hominem attacks.
You don't care who organizes or funds the protests you attend, but suddenly that's the only thing you care about when someone other than you cares.
5:45 BC
Where DO you get your news???
From fivethirtyeight.com
"But, based on news accounts of 306 "Tea Party" protests in different cities across the country yesterday, I get a cumulative attendance of 262,025..."
From Wikipedia:
"The largest national turnout of protests occurred on April 10, 2006, in 102 cities across the country. Some of the largest demonstration was in Los Angeles with an estimated crowd of about 500,000, 350,000-500,000 in Dallas and around 300,000 in Chicago"
As stated before: at least 10 times larger. A different order of magnitude.
A few points
*Where were all these protestors when Pres. Bush took an annual surplus and turned it into a debt on a recurring annual basis?
*Do they realize they are protesting to lower the taxes of people who make MORE than $250,000?
*Do they realize the tax rate on those who earn more than $250,000 under the new plan will still be 10% LESS than it was under Pres. Reagan?
*Do they realize it was teh Bush Administration that gave the $350 BILLION in tax dollars to banks in November? And that Obama hasn't dished out anywhere near the $350 billion he is still authorized to use?
*Do the local protestors realize our Congressional Rep. Frank Kratovil voted AGAINST Pres. Obama's budget resolution?
*Do the protestors bringing up the DHS report realize it doesn't use the word "conservative" even one time?
*Why are mainstream conservatives attaching themselves to descriptions of ultra-right wing militia groups? Unless Newt Gingrich is stockpiling Ak-47s while collecting copies of "The Turner Diaries," I don't think it's talking about voters who picked McCain over Obama as potential terrorists.
Just a few questions I still have...
MSM would rather cover bho's dog. you saw very little about this, both before & after the events.
"The current occupant in the White House in his formative years hung out with communist, a known terroist who admitted bombing the pentagon,a radical muslim preacher,also he worked to train acorn radicals to rigg elections and destroy our banking system and even campaigned for our only socialist senator. "
Wow, how many lies can you pack into 1 sentence?
"formative years with a communist..."? Who? Bill Ayers? He didn't meet him until they served on an educational board together when Obama was in his mid-30s. Hardly his "formative" years.
"known terrorist..." Bill Ayers has never been found responsible for killing a single American. I don't agree with his ideas, and I don't agree with bombing vacant or unocupied buildings, but he's no terrorist. He's just really, really wrong. And Obama served on an educational board with him, along with about 17 other people, after Ayers had become a nationally-recognized educational expert, 20 years after the Vietnam War.
"radical muslim preacher." Dude, pick one. He's either a muslim or he had a crazy preacher, REVEREND Wright. You don't get both, dude. Pick one to run with, OK?
"acorn...banking...." exactly how did they pull THAT off? ACORN had nothing to do with the banking mess, and didn't rig elections. In fact they are the ones who told election authorities about suspect applications, and even pre-sorted them so they could be investigated.
And when, exactly, did Obama campaign for Bernie Sanders?
Long, but HEY!
'THE Axis of Idiots'
Jimmy Carter, you are the father of the Islamic Nazi movement. You
threw the Shah under the bus, welcomed the Ayatollah home, and then
lacked the spine to confront the terrorists when they took our embassy
and our people hostage. You're the runner-in-chief.
Bill Clinton, you played ring around the Lewinsky while the terrorists
were at war with us. You got us into a fight with them in Somalia and
then you ran from it. Your weak-willed responses to the U.S. S. Cole
and the First Trade Center Bombing and Our Embassy Bombings emboldened
the killers. Each time you failed to respond adequately, they grew
bolder, until 9/11/2001.
*John** Kerry, dishonesty is your most prominent attribute. You lied
about American Soldiers in Vietnam . Your military service, like your
life, is more fiction than fact. You've accused our military of
terrorizing women and children in Iraq . You called Iraq the wrong
war, wrong place, wrong time, the same words you used to describe
Vietnam . You're a fake. You want to run from Iraq and abandon the
Iraqis to murderers just as you did to the Vietnamese. Iraq, like
Vietnam, is another war that you were for, before you were against it.*
John Murtha, you said our military was broken. You said we can't win
militarily in Iraq .. You accused United States Marines of
cold-blooded murder without proof and said we should redeploy to
Okinawa . Okinawa, John ? And the Democrats call you their military
expert! Are you sure you didn't suffer a traumatic brain injury while
you were off building your war hero resume? You're a sad, pitiable,
corrupt and washed up politician. You're not a Marine, sir. You
wouldn't amount to a good pimple on a real Marine's butt. You're a
phony and a disgrace. Run away, John .
Dick Durbin, you accused our Soldiers at Guantanamo of being Nazis,
tenders of Soviet style gulags and as bad as the regime of Pol Pot ,
who murdered two million of his own people after your party abandoned
Southeast Asia to the Communists. Now you want to abandon the Iraqis
to the same fate. History was not a good teacher for you, was it? Lord
help us! See Dick run.
Ted Kennedy, for days on end you held poster-sized pictures from Abu
Ghraib in front of any available television camera. Al Jazeera quoted
you saying that Iraqi's torture chambers were open under new
management. Did you see the news, Teddy? The Islamic Nazis
demonstrated another beheading for you. If you truly supported our
troops, you'd show the world poster-sized pictures of that atrocity
and demand the annihilation of it. Your legislation stripping support
from the South Vietnamese led to a communist victory there. You're a
bloated, drunken fool bent on repeating the same historical blunder
that turned freedom-seeking people over to homicidal, genocidal
maniacs. To paraphrase John Murtha, all while sitting on your wide,
gin-soaked rear-end in Washington
Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Carl Levine, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein,
Russ Feingold, Hillary Clinton, Pat Leahy, Barack Obama, Chuck
Schumer, the Hollywood Leftist morons, et al, ad nauseam: Every time
you stand in front of television cameras and broadcast to the Islamic
Nazis that we went to war because our President lied, that the war is
wrong and our Soldiers are torturers, that we should leave Iraq, you
give the Islamic butchers - the same ones that tortured and mutilated American Soldiers - cause to think that we'll run away again, and all
they have to do is hang on a little longer. It is inevitable that we,
the infidels, will have to defeat the Islamic jihadists. Better to do
it now on their turf, than later on ours after they have gained both strength and momentum.
American news media, the New York Times particularly: Each time you publish stories about national defense secrets and our intelligence
gathering methods, you become one united with the sub-human pieces of camel dung that torture and mutilate the bodies of American Soldiers.
You can't strike up the courage to publish cartoons, but you can help Al Qaeda destroy my country. Actually, you are more dangerous to us
than Al Qaeda is. Think about that each time you face Mecca to admire your Pulitzer.
You are America 's *'AXIS OF IDIOTS.' *Your Collective Stupidity will destroy us. Self-serving politics and terrorist-abetting news scoops
are more important to you than our national security or the lives of
innocent civilians and Soldiers. It bothers you that defending ourselves gets in the way of your elitist sport of politics and your
ignorant editorializing. There is as much blood on your hands as is on
the hands of murdering terrorists. Don't ever doubt that. Your frolics
will only serve to extend this war as they extended Vietnam . If you
want our Soldiers home as you claim, knock off the crap and try supporting your country ahead of supporting your silly political aims
and aiding our enemies.
Yes, I'm questioning your patriotism. Your loyalty ends with self. I'm
also questioning why you're stealing air that decent Americans could be breathing. You don't deserve the protection of our men and women in
uniform. You need to run away from this war, this country. Leave the war to the people who have the will to see it through and the country
to people who are willing to defend it.
Our country has two enemies: Those who want to destroy us from the outside and those who attempt it from within.
Semper Fi,
J. D. Pendry - Sergeant Major, USMC, Retired/
I saw a clip on tv last night that made me laugh: a guy got up in front of a big tea party crowd and yelled "How many of you make less than $250,000?" And the crowd roared. He then yelled "You are all getting a tax cut this year!" It was hilarious, and the guy certainly had cajones to do that.
Wingnut, Wingnut where for art thou?
This means nothing to politicians. Change like this needs to start at the top. The sheeple will never allow tax changes to happen. It will ruin their lifestyle of getting up around noon then going to the mailbox to get their welfare check.
Im with Texas...I wish Delamrva would leave the US and set up it's own little country.
Yo JD, you seem to have a very selective memory and a very real problem with facts. Get you head out of the sand.
9:50 "Im with Texas...I wish Delamrva would leave the US and set up it's own little country."
But that would mean that money would stop flowing across the Chesapeake. Who would pay for everything that the rich counties (e.g. Montgomery) are paying for now??
This is the same reason that Puerto Rico remains part of the US... lots of welfare money. Without that, it would be another Haiti.
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