The City of Salisbury’s Department of Neighborhood Services & Code Compliance (NSCC) would like to remind property owners that all grass, weeds and brush shall not be in excess of 8" in height according to Chapter 8.08 of the Salisbury Municipal Code. Every property owner in the City is required by the City Code to cut, trim or otherwise remove all grass, weeds and brush in excess of 8" in height. Property owners are also required to remove all grass, weeds and brush from the curbs, gutters and sidewalks bordering their property.
The first notice of violation issued by NSCC to the property owner provides the property owner with a ten day compliance window. A second notice of violation offers a seven day compliance window. A third or subsequent violation will result in the City securing a contractor to perform the necessary work. All charges and fees related to the City taking care of the violation for the property owner will be placed against the property in the form of a tax lien. The City of Salisbury is also authorized to write a Municipal Citation in the amount of $25 for the first day of noncompliance and $50 for each additional day of noncompliance.
If any member of the public sees a property with excessively high grass or weeds, or a curb or sidewalk with grass or weeds, please call NSCC at 410-341-9550, Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
We would like to thank all property owners in the City for their efforts to maintain their properties and to improve the appearance of the City.
except for the post office on rt.50 in which case the weeds can grow to almost two feet tall!
Residents of Salisbury Press Release: Dear City, this is just a reminder that there is ACTUAL crime in Salisbury. You might want to reconsider directing your efforts to solving that problem and worry about the weeds later. It's called having priorities. There will be a $50 fine for the first occurence of not caring about your citizens living in fear, and $100 for each occurence thereafter. In other news, the city is now bankrupt due to outstanding fines owed. Thank you for your time and attention.
Touché 3:59. and remember a well taken care of house is a top priority for those burgalers who don't really exist.
Dear City of Salisbury -
Welcome to an agrarian society. They are not weeds but crops. Your definition of weeds may be different than crops. Piss off.
Yup,there is a lot of grass and weeds near my hood. Hope to see you boys there!
Salisbury Area PROPERTY OWNERS Association, this means you as well. Now get out there and tend to your tenements.
The City set the example by keeping there properties cut as well....
You mistakenly thought you owned your property!
Better watch out the Salisbury Gestapo will turn you in (ie. I'm gonna tell, I'm gonna tell, I'm gonna tell).
How about some of the unemployed spend their days driving around squealing on their neighbors who haven't mowed the grass yet!
um...so my question is when i bought my house a little less than a year ago in salisbury OUTSIDE of city limits why the hell did i get a notice, although the house was not in my possesion at the time ( i.e. bank owned it) so is it all of salisbury or just city limits
I think there are alot more dangerous rental houses to worry about than a home owner occupied resident. They have been known to go after elderly homeowners with a little bit of grass in the city sidewalk when the neighbor rental has cars in the back yard on blocks and a tarp on the roof and broken windows. Oops that's right, it's easier to go after granny than it is to go after Richard Insley.
And turn in your neighbor along the way! Piss off.
If I knew how ridiculous the city of salisbury is about little things i would never bought a house here. I do not understand why they are so focused on the stuff that doesnt matter. I am a single mother of two small children and work full time. I do not live in the best house but its one that i can afford. for some reason the wind will blow every single piece of trash on the street in my yard. i do not have the time to cut my grass every week and i have gotten so many stupid notices and most of them i took care of it, but i had a notice and i picked up all the trash AGAIN and when they came back there was more trash that blown into my yard so I have a fine close to $400. My house will be put up for auction in june because i havent had the money to pay the fine. it was a $250 administrative fee just for them putting a yellow piece of paper on my door. like i said i am a single mother of two and i worry from week to week about bills and food but now i have to pay this fine in order to keep my house its bullsh!t well thanks for letting me vent!
dam for a free country there is sure allot of regulations on something as harmless as "weeds" :)
Barrie's last memo to the people. She just wants to remind us that she's still in power for the next two weeks. Joe if I were you I wouldn't enter Salisbury City limits until Barrie is a housewife/slumlord because she's gonna be a witch on wheels
Maybe the city thinks the crime rate will go down if we all have short grass?
Or maybe it is so the criminals won't trip while they are running from the schene and file A tort for injuries?
Funny that this comes out the day after elections. You better believe that those yards with Ireton signs will be the first to get a notice of violation.
you call them weeds, i call it a 'cottage garden'. see you in court.
3:59 I didn't know employees of code compliance were deputized and involved in criminal law enforcement. I guess I learn something new every day.
Why not get prisoners to go around Salisbury and cut everyones grass with one of them old push mowers with no engine?
The least code and compliance could do is make sure that the elderly and handicapped people who are unable and can't afford to pay someone, to have this problem taken care of somehow. Code and Compliance offers nothing except bitterness, no practical solutions, just fines and citations.
Property is running out here, a lot of talk about confiscating peoples property, could start another civil war - Branch Davidians everywhere.
Do they make city employees and department heads take drug tests? I was told they don't because it is too expensive. Is this true? Could explain a lot of things.
Especially department heads in control of the whole department budget, that's just what we need is somebody in charge of a lot of money and has a drug habit?
Do they do criminal background checks or is that too expensive too?
What about property owners who cannot afford to pay someone to cut their lawn every week?
and lets not forget-ecologically speaking,it is more "green" to mow less frequently.
The next time I see mayor Tighlman's picture in the GOB, when nobody is watching I'm going to smack her with my shoe! LoL Maybe after I stepped in some dog crap. Payback's a biotch
From what I understand, the notice fails to mention that every time one of salisbury's lackeys drives by your house to see if you have cut your grass, they hit with you with a $100 "inspection" fee. Nice money for a drive by. (This happened to friends of mine who were delayed coming from overseas because the wife broke her leg and became very ill. Can't imagine why their first thought wasn't, "Oh, no! What about our lawn?" Now, you all be good little nazis and turn in your neighbors for not cutting their grass. What a load of crap.
8:25 Not to mention I'm sure the mice and rats would love the taller grass.
The first Purge should be The Code and Compliance Department.A new Department should be created and this one dissolved. All there have been dancing to the Tilghman Tune so long they Cannot be trusted to be honest now. Don't fire them, transfer them and issue them shovels.Once a snake, They will always be snakes. Goes for the Permits Department as well.They are even Barrie's rejects.Thats why the Department split. They had to be hidden somewhere
they have certain house they target and drive by frequently. especially if you tell them off they tend to keep coming back and harrassing you for everything
This is the first department that needs to be purged. Close the Code and Compliance Department and open a new one. Transfer the current employees to another department and issue them shovels. They have been dancing the Tilghman Tune too long to be trusted now.The permit Department is the same as well, except they are even Barrie's rejects.That is why the Departments were split.She had to hide them somewhere.Take a Poll and see how many satisfied customers they have.Ask if you think they have been doing a good and fair job all the way around. I think we know the answer but let the public tell you
not surprised about grass and weed growing in sby. but we don't have crime lol..dont weed and slash grass lead to crime????????
It's funny you mention this. Take any of the code compliance officers names and enter them in the Judicary Case Search (ignore the personal cases) and you will see that most of the code compliance cases they go to court for are dropped by the judge.
There is hope for this position. Let Bubba, Gordo, and Hoppes go on weed control. They might be able to handle that. If not give em a mower and put them to work.
If you keep your lawn the way it should be kept, then the law shouldn't bother you. 8" tall grass is too high, so they are being liberal with the law. If there are any elderly or disabled people here that can't keep their grass cut, or afford to have it cut, I will help you, at no charge. If you have an elderly or disabled neighbor and you aren't willing to help them, shame on you. If you are lazy and won't get off your butt, don't blame the city for having laws that protect the property owners that take pride in their property.
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