This thru the windshield shot was taken about 1:30 yesterday afternoon at the Dorchester County end of the Route 50 bridge. Beyond the SUV are 3 more State Police and Sheriff's Dept. vehicles. The group had about 8 bikes.
Does anyone know why they were stopped and what happened.
Haven't heard anything. Last week at Pork in the Park there were a lot of bikers wearing their colors. I didn't see any problems.
I heard it was drug related.
I've had these ninja bikes come up next to me at 60 mph popping wheelies, standing on their seats, etc. I just slow down and let them travel way ahead of me... don't want to be part of their accident. That could be one possibility.
I'm thinking right wing war returning veteran extremists.
This is where the police like to stop a lot of bikers and trucks. Truckers call it dot alley.
Red Knights/Blue Knights,etc. are not MC's (motorcycle clubs) they are riding clubs so their emblems are not referred to as "colors". Colors are worn by MC's and include top and bottom rockers.Maybe there were some MC's represented and colors were flying.
Most bikers are ordinary folks who just love to ride bikes.
As to what happened on the bridge...who cares. Looks like cops doing their j o b. There are numerous traffic stops across the shore on any given day. Most are not newsworthy.
Probably the police over reacting as usual
I am a volunteer firefighter in a local department and about 7:30 PM tonight the pagers went off for a reported structure fire on Friar Tuck Lane off Parker Road. Station 2, 16 and 1 was dispatched for a deck on fire attached to a house? Three stations dispatched for a deck fire that turned out to be only a small grill? That brand new Crown Victoria flew by me like a bat out of hell and almost run me off the road. I can tell you this much Bill Gordy is not liked very much in the fire service and he is a very dangerous driver. I can not believe the city allows him to drive a brand new car like that.
Bulk trouble-probably the same Hells Angels the Grateful Dead hired at Altamont as security.
I heard they had sucked a couple of Harley's up their exhaust and had to pull over to get them out.
This is no big deal - happens all the time.
steve said...
Bulk trouble-probably the same Hells Angels the Grateful Dead hired at Altamont as security.
It was The Rolling Stones, not the dead IDIOT.
I was across the bridge today and we were passed by about 10 bikers in the merge lane. then the other half passed us on the shoulder. what the hell
Anonymous 7:58 PM I heard that call.
Fire department pieces responding to the call Assistant Chief 1, Deputy Chief 2(Gordo), Engine 16-1, Truck 2, Engine 1-1, Paramedic 2, Paramedic 16, Squad 1, Engine 210, Truck 16 and Squad 1. That is a lot of equipment responding to a small grill on someone deck. I am so glad someones small child didn't get run over by a fire truck. Yes it does happen.
758 have you tried using your chain of command or talking to the new mayor instead of bellyaching on here and hi jacking a thread that joe has going. We dont want to hear about Gordys doing this or that on every fricking thread on here. This has become a pretty productive site with out that bs.
9:28...I thought the Rolling Stones had security trouble at Attamont in 66 or 67 with the hells angels beating up concert goers. Very low point in Rolling Stones and rock history.
If it was the same group that passed me on Rt 50 in just east of Cambridge yesterday, I hope they all got hefty fines. They were passing cars going down the center lane of the highway. Going between the cars. Had to be going at least 80-90 MPH. Bunch of young punks.
I can't stand those crotch rockets, my back hurts just looking at somebody riding one.
That's what cell phones are for, if they were driving like that - good job officers!
Thanks for clearing up the "Colors" thing 6:25PM
At Altamont one of the Hells Angels punched Po Mick Jagger in his pretty face. In the movie I remember him saying "Somebody just punched me in me face!"
To Anonymous 6:25 Red Knights...Iam not a member but have rode with them once...and they do call the jackets/emblems their colors I have heard it personally from various members.
Looks like a bunch or rice burners...we all know how so many of them ride like a bunch of fools...they are what you call riding their donorcycles
I would like to know why so many cars are in the right hand lane.
Maryland law states that you must move over to the lane opposite anyone on the side of the road to include disabled vehicles, police, SHA, ect. If you can't move to the next lane, you must reduce your speed.
Clearly the left lane is open.
Hey not steve-check your facts. The Dead hired the Angels as they did for most of their shows. Payment was to be in beer as usual. The Stones were the main draw and the murder of the young black man happened during their set. The Dead saw what was happening when they arrived and decided not to play. Go watch Gimme Shelter and get back to me.
The Dead used the Hells Angels for security in the mid to late 60's. After Altamont they were no longer even allowed to enter a Dead concert with their colors.
There is a movie where one Angel is being told he can't enter, then he told security "I know Sonny (Barger - Angel's Leader) isn't coming all the way here from LA to take off his colors." He further said "If Bill Graham thinks I'm that bad send him out here and I'll punch him right in his face." They were denied entrance.
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