The video purporting to show Vice President Joe Biden's daughter Ashley snorting cocaine was preplanned by a man trying to get rich selling the tape, RadarOnline.com has learned exclusively.
The man, who is apparently a friend of Ashley's, even bought the cocaine and the hidden camera, our investigation has uncovered.
RadarOnline.com viewed the tape but did not offer to purchase it. The man who made the tape shopped it to several media outlets but did not receive any written offers.
The seller had planned to get the woman alleged to be Ashley on tape doing drugs for at least three weeks. The tape was shot this year.
The man, who is apparently a friend of Ashley's, even bought the cocaine and the hidden camera, our investigation has uncovered.
RadarOnline.com viewed the tape but did not offer to purchase it. The man who made the tape shopped it to several media outlets but did not receive any written offers.
The seller had planned to get the woman alleged to be Ashley on tape doing drugs for at least three weeks. The tape was shot this year.
The lawyer representing the anonymous seller peddling the videotape has pulled out, entertainment RadarOnline.com said Sunday.
Several media outlets had reported that the seller, who is seeking $250,000 for the tape, was represented by Thomas Dunlap, of the Washington, D.C., law firm of Dunlap, Grubb and Weaver.
RadarOnline reported that Dunlap dropped the video's seller as a client, due to circumstances related to the way the videotape was being publicized.
It oesnt matter if it was a setup or not. If no one held a gun to her head she did it willingly. Sounds like she is just another coke head like Obama said he was as a young man.
DUH! whatever dude if the film shows a look alike doing an illegal act who is not Joe's daughter it means a dolt is acting. It's a movie made for a reason. DUH
Real as Rain dude, always have been. You/We have to step this up a notch. Sticks in the MUDD.
Anon 6:08 - you should read the piece again.
Unfortunately, people read the original reports and make snap judgments about it, not caring whether it's true or not. When are we going to realize everything on TV, radio, internet is not always fact?
Unfortunately, this girl is going to go through hell trying to clear her name. There will always be those out there who believe anything they read or hear.
Before RadarOnline reported it, they should have confirmed all the facts. Now they are back-pedaling through a bogus report that has already caused damage.
8:15 Radaronline was initially presented with the opportunity to purchase the tape and refused. They didn't say anything about the existence of the tape until the person possessing the tape contacted a law firm in Washington, D.C. for the purpose of representing him and his attempt to sell the tape. The law firm accepted to do both. Radaronline only commented in so much as to explain the involvement, or lack thereof, in the controversy.
So you should heed your own advice.
I think a lot of you aren't getting it. It was a set up in as the man just wanted to get rich off of her. What wasn't set up is the pre-existing fact that she does cocaine! He may have bought it and taped it, but from what I read it really is her either way!
It was not his daughter.
It was a look alike.
The film was set up to look like his daughter.
I will speak slower if it helps.
In shorter sentences.
And, Joe. As a man set up and wrongly accused yourself, why do you publish it being done to others?
Two Sentz, whoever you are, good job bringing some sanity here.
Ummmm, so what if it was a setup. Nobody put the straw up her nose and made her snort it, right??????? duhhh! Too bad this didn't come out during the campaign so they could counter the issue of Sarah Palins daughter being pregnant. All this shows is that they have the same issues as many of the families in the US and across the world.
If it was NOT me, I would make a statement to the press. Immediately. She has not denied that it is her on the tape. Funny how when Bush's daughters were caught up in BS these Obamabots were probably real quick to accuse. Get your heads out of your a$$es. ITS HER ON THE TAPE.
And for those so quick to burn her at the stake, one question. Have you ever used poor judgment? Have you ever trusted someone and been stabbed in the back? Everyone has character flaws. Everyone. She messed up. She will learn from it. If anything, she will help to expose the drug problem and the fact that it knows no boundaries. Yes people, even the VP's daughter. Its not that uncommon for professionals her age.
Sucks to be her right now, but just like all the other celebs that screw up under the scope, America will forgive and forget.
these reports are much more sympathetic to the Bidens than when Barbra Bush got married; remember how the media crapped on her for getting married while a war was going on. this is bs.
who the hell is bar-bra?
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