I was with a high level official from the SHA today and asked some questions. He gave me the following. An investigation was started after complaints were received on several fronts. It is ceratinly much deeper than being at home during working hours. Currently Mr. Drewer has not been removed but that is a real possibility. Mr. Comegy choose to file his papers for retirement the day after he was interviewed by the investigators. Gary's immediate supervisor has been terminated. The investigation is ongoing and will cause more to fall. "
But did THIS hit the normal conduits of news media, i.e., DT, BOC, MDT?
Hope so, but likely not.
I told you there was something there.
Can you make it so when I click on Gary Comedy's picture that it makes it just go away?
what was it that long-winded idiot "fed rebel" said yesterday? you reap what you sow? Garys about to start reaping looks like
I told you he is just like Richard Nixon. Remember the famous "I am not a crook" line. Now Comegys says "I have no knowledge". Yeah right. Tell it to the judge.
Gary said early in the campaign season that if he was elected he would retire. Suddenly that changed to I am going to retire Mar 31 no matter what.
Hey Gary, anyone ever tell you that you can run but you sure can't hide.
Gary Comegys LOOKS like an IDIOT, SOUNDS like an IDIOT, and do I need go further?
"If it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck..."
Quack, quack, quack!
And I'm truly afraid the voters will vote his butt in...if they knew he filed for bankruptcy, IF they knew he was given an ultimatum to either 'retire' or be fired, would you hand the reigns of governing your TOWN to him?
I don't think so.
Sigh...I'm still worried, it'll happen anyway.
Let's be real, loafing on the job or doing city work on state time is double dipping and against the law. It should be delt with, meaning termination.
It's stealing from the taxpayers and there is nothing else to call it! Stealing and manipulating time sheets is STEALING from the TAXPAYERS! It's no better than the landfill case expcept it was time/money/wages that was stolen in this instance.
Gary's comment "I have no knowledge" is true to the point(no knowledge what-so-ever) however he sounded like Reagan's "I can't Recall?"
Bubba you must admit we got you on this and it's going to stink for a long time.
Tidewaterbound said...
But did THIS hit the normal conduits of news media, i.e., DT, BOC, MDT?
Hope so, but likely not.
7:15 PM
You're kidding, right?
Tidewaterbound, I hear you and share your worries.
Tidewaterbound said...
Gary Comegys LOOKS like an IDIOT, SOUNDS like an IDIOT, and do I need go further?
"If it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck..."
Quack, quack, quack!
7:48 PM
That is so funny. When Bubba was a volunteer at Station 2 he used to hang around everyday at the fire station and the paid men hated it. There was a lounge on the second floor that they named the "Baby Duck Lounge" after Bubba. He would spend all day there sleeping and running calls with his yellow state truck parked out front. Finally the paid men called his bosses and complained about it. So this goes to show you that he has been ripping off the state tax payers for more than 35 years. They used to laugh at him and say he backed up to get his pay check handed to him.
Don't worry Choo Choo we still love you. NOT!!
8:16 -- I don't trust our local media to get it out there. I'm unsure if your comment was written seriously or with a touch of humor/sarcasm, there wasn't enough inference to determine that.
What I will say is that I watched the news this morning, 'BOC, nothing, NADA, nothing at all about the coming elections. I didn't watch it tonight and the DT has NOTHING forthcoming.
So, yeah, I worry.
Those are the major hubs that locals check who aren't online, and many are NOT. That's how they get their news, they don't KNOW anything else.
Dominic Dunn's "Salisbury Confidential" Coming soon. Followed by new segments of "To Catch A Thief". Hey Gary may even make "America's Most Wanted" How did this guy make it on a Mayoral Ballot?
With all the information the Salisbury News has posted about Comegys, it would make one wonder how anyone in Salisbury would or could vote for him. If, as a couple of the above individuals posted, Comegys is some how elected, does it suggest the voters of Salisbury want a crook (a conclusion this blog want all to reach) to run their city, or does it suggest this blog isn't as powerful and/or hold as much influence in the community as some think it does? I am frankly surprised the owner of this blog didn't take the necessary steps which would enable him to take out a full page ad or rent several billboards around time to make sure as many people as possible are familiar with the "facts" he has gathered on Comegys. He's not bashful in reminding us how deep his pockets are.
Did you see Bubba's eyes darting back and forth while he was talking about the wastewater treatment plant? Looked like he was watching ping-pong.
What do darting eyes mean in "body language" speak?
Joe shoulda gone print during the election people.
Lots of people who vote don't read the blog or have been scared off it. I talked to one lady who votes and thinks this blog is disgraceful. She doesn't read it, just heard what it contains from people who hate it. Or else, read it once and was horrified. She spoke really badly about it.
Word from here isn't getting to her. But I did. She'll be voting Campbell and Ireton. I just stuck to the facts.
Anonymous said...
Joe shoulda gone print during the election people.
Lots of people who vote don't read the blog or have been scared off it. I talked to one lady who votes and thinks this blog is disgraceful. She doesn't read it, just heard what it contains from people who hate it. Or else, read it once and was horrified. She spoke really badly about it.
Word from here isn't getting to her. But I did. She'll be voting Campbell and Ireton. I just stuck to the facts.
9:05 PM
Every good person that reads this blog needs to contact their friends or family and convince them to vote for Ireton, Campbell and Polk. It doesn't matter if you live in this city, county or another state. If you know someone that can vote in this municipal election please call them every day and remind them tho vote for the right people. Word of mouth is worth $300 worth of advertising.
Bubba be dead in the Wicomico River Water Sewer Treatment FACILITY
Defendant/Respondent Information
(Each Defendant/Respondent is displayed below) Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Name: Comegys, Gary
Address: 310 London Ave
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
Doc No./Seq No.: 25/0
File Date: 07/06/2005Close Date:09/09/2005Decision:
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Document Name: Petition for Contempt (Failure to Pay Child Support
Doc No./Seq No.: 35/0
File Date: 09/09/2005Close Date:09/15/2005Decision:Vacated
Document Name: Found in Contempt for Failure to pay Child Support
But remember there are LOTS of voters, slim percentage that there is in Salisbury, that never come out of their hidey-holes nor hear anything other than is said on the TV news, or the newspaper.
The internet is foreign to them, and many of those who have it, don't have a clue as to how to find this blog and read it.
While we have some very internet savvy folks on the 'Shore, there is a vast amount of others who are still living in the 50's and 60's, computers and internet are as foreign to them as donning a space suit and stepping out of the space station, worse, they KNOW the space station exists, they watch it on TV, these are the same folks whose tv's will go blind because they still don't know they have to go and buy a converter box.
Just because YOU know about the internet and can find your way around doesn't mean they can, and they VOTE.
There is a huge inequality out there of information and misinformation, it's not reaching everyone.
Stepping off my 'internet' soapbox for now.
Tidewater, While not everyone reads the Blogs let me assure you that Salisbury News is reaching more people than you ever imagined. Now, are they all City Voters, no. However, remember this fact. City elections have been won or lost by some three votes, honestly. Trust me, we will influence this election no matter what anyone says, including yourself.
Joe, I was thinking how wonderful it would be if you would do a nice column on the three deadbeats running for office/re-election. All three of them have a problem paying their own bills and they want to spend our money.
Comegys files for bankruptcy and fails to pay child support. Shields numerous court cases for not paying her bills, foreclosure and eviction and now Boda who doesn't pay his bills. What a bunch of deadbeats.
Go Back
Case Information
Case Number: 020300025761996Claim Type:CONTRACT
District/Location Codes: 02 / 03Filing Date:08/29/1996Case Status:CLOSED
Complaint, Judgment, and Related Persons Information
(Each Complaint, Hearing, Judgment is listed separately, along with each Related Person)
Complaint Information
Status Date: 12/09/1996Filing Date:08/29/1996Amount$1351.58Last Activity Date:01/05/2009
Judgment Information
Judgment Type: CONSENT JUDGMENT ENTEREDJudgment Date:12/06/1996
Judgment Amount: $831.49Judgment Interest:$0.00Costs:$35.00Other Amounts:$0.00
Attorney Fees: $0.00Post Interest Contractual Rate:X Jointly and Severally:In Favor of Defendant:
Possession Of Property Claimed valued At: $0.00Is Awarded To The:Together With Damages Of:$0.00
Value Of Property Sued For: $0.00Plus Damages Of:$0.00Is Awarded To The:Dismissed With Prejudice:
Replevin/Detinue Amount: $0.00
Recorded Lien Date: Judgment renewed Date:
Renewed Lien Date: Satisfaction Date:
Related Person Information
Connection to Complaint: DEFENDANT
Address: 6751 EDWARDS AVE
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21803
Connection to Complaint: PLAINTIFF
Address: 717 S. SALISBURY BLVD
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801
Case History Information
(Each Event listed for the case is listed below in chronological order)
Type: TRIALComplaint No.:
Date: 09/30/1996Comment:TRIAL SET FOR: 12061996;TIME: 0130P;LOC:03;ROOM:02
Type: NOTICE SENTComplaint No.:001
Date: 09/30/1996Comment:NOTICE OF INITIAL TRIAL (PLN)-D1
Type: SERVICEComplaint No.:001
Date: 10/14/1996Comment:REGL;08291996;DEF;SV-SERVED ;
Type: NOTICE SENTComplaint No.:001
Date: 12/06/1996Comment:CONSENT JUDGMENT ENTERED
Type: TRIAL DELETEComplaint No.:
Date: 12/06/1996Comment:TRIL;12061996;0130P;03;BY 889;JUDGMENT ENTERED
Type: NOTICE SENTComplaint No.:001
Date: 12/09/1996Comment:NOTICE OF JUDGMENT ENTERED - CSNT (DEF)-J1
Type: NOTICE SENTComplaint No.:001
Date: 12/09/1996Comment:ALSO SENT TO - PLN,
Type: JUDGMENT EXPIREDComplaint No.:001
Date: 01/05/2009Comment:JUDGMENT EXPIRED
The complete case file must be obtained from the District Court in which the case was last heard.
I dont know that many people that actually live in city limits but I have have spoken to those who do and all of them have been reading this blog. Most didnt' have any kinds words to say about Comegy.
Ok so..... what would happen if he would happen to get elected...and something happen where he is convicted for what ever is going on at his state job. Who takes over?
how do you retire from doing NOTHING?
"What do darting eyes mean in "body language" speak?"
Not believing one's own words. In other words, lying. Something he's not all that good at, but keeps doing anyway.
Was Comegy's immediate supervisor the current mayor of Berlin? He mysteriously is no longer employed by SHA.
Things that make you go hmmmm . . .
I certainly hope that Comegys is defeated tomorrow, and then 2 yrs from now we can be done with him for good. He is not any good for the City. They have created a tremendous hardship, which will be a challenge for councils for the next 10 yrs. Spending has been outrageous, and it needs to stop. If he is elected, which I hope he isn't. Lets save money on the new sign on his office door. Change the B to G and let him become Garrie , because there will be no difference in the person sitting behind the desk other than male and female. Let's save some money. He won't mind being called Tilghman i am sure.
This man is the biggest load of bull crap I have ever heard of. If Comegy's wins, I wanna move out of Salisbury.
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