DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
All Citizens Come Watch Your Tax Dollars Get Pissed Away

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Any city employee who doesn't attend loses 2 days pay!
Ok, being a city employee myself, I still don't think it is fair to go and party while I should be working...and I'm surely not going to take to afternoon off to attending the event. Why would She/they throw a farewell party during work hours and specifically invite City employees? It goes to show what kind of leader this City had for so long... Joe, you should check out who is attending and reconcile it with the payroll that afternoon and see just how many people get paid while attending.
On a lighter note, should we have a party for her as well? I bet a a lot more people would should up for the "Hell yeah the Mayor is gone" party! Any time and location suggestions?
The last remaining FOB's:
Cockey, Brennan & Maloney - Robin & "TJ"
Spery Van Ness - Miller Commercial Real Estate (that's Henry Hanna)
Tom & Elizabeth Becker
Plus developers and slumlords too numerous to mention, but including Richard Insley
How about right after the Council meeting next Monday (April 20) at Flavors!
Can I leave a flaming bag of poo at her door?
I see you're back to making mountains out of molehills again. It's not a party, it's a reception. Meaning, people will appear, stay a very short period of time, and leave. I would guarantee with 100% certainty there will not be anything close to alcohol during this reception since it's occurring during normal work hours and in a government building. Because of the time of day it is being held, my guess cake, cookies, coffee and sodas will be the refreshments of the day. It's a general announcement, not a specific invitation, meaning employees can personally choose take the time, or not, to make an appearance. My guess is attendees will consist of department heads and those employees that worked closely with the mayor during her term. In other words, I wouldn't expect to see a stream of people coming and going.
I've worked at numerous private businesses where company time is used to allow employees to acknowledge a birthday or other special occasion for another employee. If you want to be a hero, stop bellyaching about petty issues that make you look like a heel instead.
Here's my five bucks. Now GO!
I have it on good authority that See and Gordy will move to name the new fire station after the outgoing mayor.
A suggestion for a fitting name might be.
"The Barry Tilghman Hose and Big Truch Fire Co."
I got news for all of you. We have been told that if we attend we have to clock out. Barrie doesn't want the worker bees at her party only the butt kissing department heads and most of them don't really want to be there. The only people most likely to attend are those on salary. Pam Oland will be there to kiss her goodbye. It's not like she has anything to be posted to the books.
The last remaining FOB's:
Cockey, Brennan & Maloney - Robin & "TJ"
Please fill me in on these guys!
I'm sorry I won't be able to attend. I have to watch my grass grow that day. There should be plenty of SAPOA people there to make it look like she has friends and employees that care. The employees are having a Thank Goodness She's Leaving party the following day. There will be plenty in attendance with live bands. Bubba and The Slumlords. Shanie and the Omlettes, Louise and the Poo Doo's. Celebrity guest include a mud rastlin contest between the police and far chief. Followed by the rematch of the century with Casey vs Polk. A one round winner take all bout with Chiefy as referee. Should be a good time , so come on down to City Hall and enjoy the festivities.
10:59 --
I understand that TJ Maloney was one of the two persons who Jim Ireton was told by a tenant had just approached him about his vote.
Did you hear about that episode -- if not see this post:
Wow even in her last hours the slumlords remain faithful. I guess when you have kissed the asses of these people for 12 years the least they can do is buy you a couple of 20 oz. and some chip and dip. Wonder why it is at the house that barrie built for the hose beaters.
Good luck in your retirement Mayor, maybe T.J. and Hanna will let you clean the condos on the weekends. They do owe you no doubt about it.
I want to go just to see her off...hell after all the money this team has wasted....I am sure that this party/fare-well will be the least exspensive thing this admin has done.....but all employees who want to attend...have to do it on thier time.....
It's going to be like that party on Brewsters Millions. (Richard Pryor) He spent the 30 million dollars and in the end only had enough left to throw a final party. Hardly anyone showed up and the mood was somber. Thats how I envision it at least.
I work for the city and you couldn't drag me there; I hope NO ONE shows up!
Figures it'll be held at the palace. People will most likely have to be hired in order to make it look like anyone cared to send her off.
The real party will begin when Jim arrives at his office. That night everyone should show up downtown to show how happy we are and to show he has our support for the future of the downtown area.
One last thing concerning her, I sure am getting sick of seeing her on the commercials advertising the Salisbury Festival. You'd think it's her party. Jim should be on the commercial since he'll be the Mayor when the event arrives.
I hope there won't be any alcohol consumption at this event that could lead to someone drinking, driving and killing somebody.
Shouldn't add un-needed liability to the already over burdened taxpayer.
I work for the fire department and I guarantee you I won't be there.
Maybe she'll get drunk and sleep it off in the dorm. Then we'll have a use for that Hazmat trailer, decontaminating the bed or beds she schlept in!
Choo Choo Train in the firehouse! Bubba can be the Caboose. Last one on is a rotten egg.
I want to see lots of pictures of the people that go to this event, that way we will know who the bad people are. Do you think that Wilber will be there with a big JD on the rocks for the old witch?
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