Salisbury's slumlords simply LOVE Barrie Tilghman. Unfortunately, Barrie realized that she couldn't be re-elected. So the slumlords and their dirty little guild, SAPOA, are placing all of their hopes behind Barrie's chosen successors - Gary Comegy, Muir Boda, and Shanie Shields (aka the BARRIE COMEGYS ticket).
Why do Salisbury's ruling class love Barrie and her heirs so much? Tilghman has basically refused to enforce city zoning and building codes (at least regarding her SAPOA pals). What's a double-digit tax increase among friends when you can rape the city like the Vandals in Rome? SAPOA is quite confident that Comegys, Muir, Shields (along with Princess Louise Smith) will continue to deliver.
... This is especially true if your name is Rinnier. Besides all of the special treatment afforded SAPOA, the Rinniers were able to pocket a cool $1.3 million at taxpayer expense thanks to Barrie Comegys. Remember the Marley Manor lift station?
Perhaps that's why the Rinniers have illegally spent money to benefit the campaigns of Comegys, Boda and Shields. Keep in mind, that you can only spend $250. I find it hard to believe that the Rinniers were able to print all of these letters and paid people to distribute them throughout the Rinnier rental empire for $250.
Maybe they expect another fat subsidy if their candidates prevail on Tuesday. We think the taxpayers of Salisbury's have paid enough.

Why do Salisbury's ruling class love Barrie and her heirs so much? Tilghman has basically refused to enforce city zoning and building codes (at least regarding her SAPOA pals). What's a double-digit tax increase among friends when you can rape the city like the Vandals in Rome? SAPOA is quite confident that Comegys, Muir, Shields (along with Princess Louise Smith) will continue to deliver.
... This is especially true if your name is Rinnier. Besides all of the special treatment afforded SAPOA, the Rinniers were able to pocket a cool $1.3 million at taxpayer expense thanks to Barrie Comegys. Remember the Marley Manor lift station?
Perhaps that's why the Rinniers have illegally spent money to benefit the campaigns of Comegys, Boda and Shields. Keep in mind, that you can only spend $250. I find it hard to believe that the Rinniers were able to print all of these letters and paid people to distribute them throughout the Rinnier rental empire for $250.
Maybe they expect another fat subsidy if their candidates prevail on Tuesday. We think the taxpayers of Salisbury's have paid enough.

Unbelievable what this election is coming to. Boy, I guess some people have a hell of a lot to lose if their man Comedys does not get elected.
And I am not talking about the renters. You know, it sounds like subtle coercion, and a type of emotional blackmail---What can be done? Is all this legal?
Wonder who printed them?
Let's see, 3 cents for the copy, 4 cents for the envelope, 42 cents for the mailing. For $250 they could only mail our 510 of these. Must have been pretty selective with the addresses, with about 3000 renting voters.
What say you Nancy?
Someone need to post a daily neighborhood crime statistics. Surely the landlord wouldn't mind informing their tenants of their possibility of getting assaulted/robbed/mugged at gun point. They also need to offer them FREE Martial arts lessons.
Bill should have read my post before he sent those out. He got his facts wrong.
I wonder how Jonathan Failure will spin this?
Click here to view crime last 7 days:
I just faxed Blair Rinniers letter to the Governors office. I called them yesterday and the lady there said they were receiving a lot of calls from down here. Keep pounding them, sooner or later someone has got to do something.
No they dont.
The city can go to hell in a hand basket, as long as they protect their botom line from their rental properties, nothing else matters.
It's all about them. It's a shame.
G.A. serious question for you. How much do you pay the City of Salisbury in taxes.
Fair question, can you answer it honestly for the readers.
Thank you Joe for posting this.
8:26, I don't care if G.A. is a city taxpayer or not. These landlords don't live in the city, and the taxes they pay are really paid by their renters, as they themselves have said.
G.A., even if Blair Rinnier just sent it to his own tenants and it cost $100, it should still be declared somehow, shouldn't it?
Probably not, if it's not authorized by Gary's campaign treasurer or agent. It would be the same as verbal endorsement by anyone. The ethics of it, though, are a different matter entirely.
Yes, Marlene, where are you and what happened to that nice boy you raised?
Wasn't Gary supposed to have reported campaign disclosure last Tuesday?
Everything should be disclosed.
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