Incident: Possession Regulated Firearm by person under 21
Date of Incident: 03-30-2009
Location: Parkside High School Salisbury MD.
Narrative: On 3/30/09 Administrative personnel at Parkside High School received information that a student may be in possession of a handgun. The student was subsequently searched and a .22 caliber handgun was located in his possession.
Deputies from Wicomico County Sheriffs’ Office, School Resource Division were contacted and conducted a criminal investigation. The handgun was found to be unloaded; however it did contain 2 spent shell casings.
The juvenile was charged as an adult with the following offenses:
1) Possession regulated firearm by person under age of 21
2) Deadly Weapon on School Property
3) Disturbing School Leaning Environment
1) Campos, Juan Jose 17 years of Age. Hispanic male of Salisbury, Md.
Disposition: Released to Wicomico County Detention Center Pending Initial Appearance before a District Court Commissioner
Heard he was showing it off and someone told on him.
Yep Crime is down. I'm glad it was unloaded. I have a son in Parkside.
i notice that they actually released his name. is it policy to release the name of a student under the age of 18? just wondering why all other releases only say "a juvenile male" or otherwise.
I think because he was treated like an adult in case
He was charged as an adult.
k. cool. he should be. just wondrin.
Why dose the schools not have security in them like in other states or countys i know you have a deputy in them. I wonder if it would be cheeper to place security in them insted.
that would put more police on the streets....where there needed
My understanding was the student was threatened by other kids (supposedly gang members) and he was scared. he made a really stupid mistake and decided to take a gun to school. Now he has ruined his life and the other kids are still on the streets threatening other kids. Campos is being punished as an adult as he should be. (his name and picture were listed on the news sites) Where were his parents? Why didn't he go to them????
If they waved him up to adult, he has a history of trouble.
Each High School,3 middle schools and the Alternative Learning Center in the county have WCSO School Resource Officers. This is a division of WCSO and does not pull anyone off of the streets.
If I had my children in Wicomico County Schools I would rather a certified maryland police officer be in the school than a "rent a cop" sorry for the stereotype but come on many security guards cant even spell their own name let alone be able to make life and death judgment calls.
My children are in Somerset County and I wish they had a police officer assigned to their schools on a daily basis.
You should talk to a high schooler about stereotyping a school resource cop and a rent a cop are in the same catagory to a highschool student.
p.s. i do believe that Security officers can carry and handcuff and are trined as well. Not to mention a lot of them are or were cops
Its a real cop in Delmar.
I thought they had officers in the high schools full time in Somerset,was under the impression that JP was the officer for CHS not sure about WHS.Funny thing is they would not need cops in school if they could throw out the little hoods that we know will never be anything but inmates.
I think maybe that person is saying that if you had Real Security in the schools then you could use the extra officers on the street. More police on the streets does sound like a good idea
The Board of Ed contracts with the Wicomico County Sheriff's office to provide fully licensed and armed deputies and cars for each middle school, high school and alternative learning. The school system pays the Sheriff's dept. $ 636,000 annually for this added protection. This went into effect the year before Sheriff Lewis was elected.
10:49... No, he was not being threatened, he'd asked a girl out last week she wasn't interested, he then sent a pic of his penis to her via cell phone, she made a not so complimentry remark to him that angered him, whence his way to deal with it was to take a gun to school and threaten her with it yesterday. She called her Grandfather and he's the one that contacted the police.
This kid has threatened students before, just last Fall he threatened my daughter and told her that if she didn't get the 3 dots that she had stupidly tatooed on her ankle several years ago covered up, then he would shoot her. In MN where we moved here from the kids called them Party dots, I guess down here they are a symbol of some rival gang.
I would like to know, as a parent.... why the school did not follow code red procedures. It is alarming that the police were notified of a student in the building carrying a gun and they did not lock down. however only a couple months ago there was a weapon down the street and schools were on lock down for over an hour. Wonder why they even do the drills if they dont follow through when they need to. Glad no one was hurt... or worse!
Thug at Bennett Senior tried to hit his teacher and was suspended for five days. Came back, was transferred to another class where he hit the substitute. Teachers were told by the Bd. that the thug's education was the Bd.'s main priority. Yes, he's still in the school system. Hope the Bd. gets sued by the sub. It was known that this jerk was dangerous and nothing was done to make the staff more secure from his mayhem. Moving him to a new class is not exactly designed to stop his aggression. The thug is getting an education because he has learned that whatever he does will not be grounds for expulsion.
Now the trick is to get those "resource officers" off their computers and maybe start pro actively protecting or children.
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