
Clearly not much has changed over the years at the Salisbury Zoo. Visitors are still jumping fences where they don't belong and trying to pet the animals. There was absolutely no sign of a Zookeeper anywhere, yet they want to dump millions into a facility that can't take care of itself with the Staff now in place.
Are zookeepers suppose to be everwhere at once? Why do you continue to blame the stupidity of others on the employees of the zoo? It doesn't look like that women is trying to pet the animals either. Plus, if you are so worried about it why don't you mention to the lady that you don't think she should be on that side of the fence instead of just taking photos and then coming on here and complaining about it?
It would have been funny to see what ever was on the other side of that fence, just come out and peck the hell out of her lol. you get that on cam then I will kiss your feet ol mighty one lol
Is that woman crazy? There should be more staff at the Zoo, but at the same time, you can't prevent stupidity on the part patrons.
More Staff?????
Come on now. My Wife worked there for 18 years with 1/3 of the Staff they have now. The problem is, NONE of them are walking the grounds or outside working where they belong.
That woman is definetly old enough to know better. Just another example of what has become of todays society, nobody believes the rules apply to them!!
I was at the zoo this past weekend with the family. We had a great time. The only staff we saw were the volunteers working in the snake house. They were great. Didnt see any staff members anywhere else.
Anon 8:40, were you that woman? or related to her or perhaps an employee at the zoo. Rules are rules. No wonder the children of today are like they are. With people like you raising them no wonder we have ALL THIS CRIME IN SALISBURY. She should KNOW better and the zoo SHOULD HAVE employees out and about. I mean IT WAS a BEAUTIFUL day yesterday where were they?
thank you joe!!!!!!!!!!!! my kids seem to have more fun at the pet stores than our zoo.
Why is this woman's stupidity the fault of the zoo? Get a grip people.
I'm not saying that the zoo isn't like everything else - I'm sure there are tons of problems. I will say, we visited a popular zoo in CA and after that experience, I would take my kids to the Salisbury Zoo over that place again any day of the week.
What's your beef, Joe? I'd love to see you rise above and make ammends with the zoo just like you did with the Humane Society.
Yesterday my friend and I visited the salisbury zoo..i live just a mile from it and go there at least once a week to walk..It was beautiful out, zoo was clean, animals were out and active and yes i saw employees out working all over the place..Was impressed to see the new exhibits especially the wolvies...We should be proud to have a place we can go to get away and relax...I love the zoo...
Some of our families best memories were at the zoo growing up. I can remember when we first saw the black leopard. If I remember correctly her name was Sara.
I have said it over and over. Get rid of the employees, they are useless anyway, and close the place. It's horrible for these animals to be cooped up in these places like they are. If this town wants to have a zoo, it needs to be out in the county somewhere so the animals can have room to roam. The parking at this zoo is terrible, especially when they have that stupid thing at halloween. I really don't mind zoos, I just hate seeing the animals living in the conditions that are offered at this site. Deplorable, at best.
Rick P.
It is nice to have a christian of your stature sticking up for the Zoo. I will admit that I am surprise that you are on a blogsite that promotes the hatred it does.
You can tell the zoo employees making comments on here. I was there last weekend and there was not a single employee on the grounds. I purposely looked at my watch to see what time it was because I thought maybe everyone was on their luinch break but it was around 2:00.
I have been going to this zoo since i was a little girl...yes, I to remember Sara. Why are you people complaining? Its free to get in, so what's all the complaining about? Maybe they should start charging people $3 or something like that. I appreciate having our little zoo to take my children on nice days. No, you can't compare it to the "Baltimore Zoo" but its free and my kids always enjoy it. No, I do not work there either.
Let's see. You want to see more zoo staff AND you want to cut funding. Who are you, Obama??
...and no. I am not zoo staff, but I do support the Salisbury Zoo with both tax dollars and donations.
The Zoo is NOT FREE! The Zoo cost the Taxpayers over $1,000,000.00 a year just to operate, that does NOT include upkeep. Get your head out of your butt!
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