Everyone had a great time on the only good "hill" in Salisbury. It is truly a Salisbury tradition. The Elks are always willing to share their wonderful property and facility with the community. Thank you!
So they can continue the tradition, please clean up when you all are done having fun.
Legal disclaimer for the Elks. They are not encouraging anyone to trespass or held liable for anyone getting hurt. Note the signs posted. They are just a wonderful organization that supports the community!
You're such a girl with these pansie Posts. ;-D
Any pictures?
Oh, the memories of going to the Elks club to go sledding. To be a kid again. I too am grateful for the Elks club sharing their property with our community. Another memory is going ice skating in the winter. Does it get cold enough anymore to go pond skating?
Ho Hum, yawn, Boring!
Joe, where did you find this person. He blasts everything you put up here and then he/she makes these pansie posts.
What a waste of good bandwidth!
We've got a serious election going on, lets stick with the important things for now.
You know something anonymous 10:06, your one track mind is what makes so many other Blogs fail. It's about variety and offering something for everyone. I think enough has been said about the elections. If people aren't sold on a certain candidate by now, that's their own fault!
we had a great time today at the elks i bet there were 150 kids or so out there!!!! Thanks elks
We used to take the fin out of our surf boards and do that hill!
LOL Joe, quit being a nice guy. Anyway, keep up the good work.
to 10:06
If you read this site regularly, you would know that 1-L Caruso is a woman, not a he, 2-she is a mom who speaks from a mom's point of view, and 3-she has written on various topics, including relationships with the SU community to fluff pieces like sledding.
If you don't want to read what she has to say, skip her posts. I for one would like to commend Joe for adding some diversity to this often one-sided blog.
I liked this post. It brought back many memories of my childhood on that hill. It's nice to see we had enough snow for this and it's also great to see the kids outside enjoying themselves instead of in front of the tv or the computer.
Sledding on the Elks' hills has been a family tradition for us. It was a lot of fun, seeing my grandson carry on the tradition yesterday and giggling the whole way down the hills! Trudging back up the hill and saying "MomMom can I do it one more time?!" Needless to say, he slept good last night.
5:51, Boomer and I used to do the same thing, then we did it with snow boards.
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