A Perdue Tractor Trailer went off Rt 113 and into the median strip and directly into trees at the bottom of a gully. The driver had to be cut out of the cab of the truck and they are trying to figure out just how they're going to get this truck and trailer out of the gully.
Wayne Barrell is on the scene as we speak and has been forwarding pictures to keep us up to speed. Wayne also informed us that Rt. 113 South bound will be closed for hours. North bound traffic will also be delayed. Spread the word Folks.

#2. There was also a Salisbury fire at Flavors of Italy. I'm told it was just in the chimney but from the looks of all the Fire Trucks there you'd think the entire Downtown was on fire. LOL

#3. Wayne was also present for this fire in Berlin about an hour ago. I'm sure you'll be able to catch more pictures later this evening at Fire in the Hole Photography.
That one's gonna hurt.
There was also a motorcycle crash on Rt 50 in Hebron. Does anybody have any info on that incident and/or the status of the patient?
#2. There was also a Salisbury fire at Flavors of Italy. I'm told it was just in the chimney but from the looks of all the Fire Trucks there you'd think the entire Downtown was on fire. LOL
Gordo was in charge. What a joke. No one wanted to be there.
Did someone say Help is on the Way!
Why does William Gordy have LDS?
Anonymous said...
Why does William Gordy have LDS?
11:23 PM
I don't know. Ask Jocelyn in Indianapolis. I hear he and David See are flying out there again next month to visit his Hooters Ho at the city taxpayers expense.
Where in Berlin was the fire located?
perdue trucks are governed at 60mph.
what happen,to fast for em?
Fell asleep, they dont really enforce there hours of service at perdue.
Probably had not had any sleep in a week or so.
The Berlin fire was a controlled, scheduled burn of an old, abandoned house on Rt. 113 at Assateague Road intersection. Right next to Decatur Farms.
I am a Perdue Transportation OTR driver and we have one of the best safety records in the business, maybe you should check your facts, before you flap your uninformed gumms!!!
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