Female Juvenile, 17 yrs. Old, Salisbury, Md.
Transported to PRMC for non life threatening injuries
Vehicle #1: 1997 Chrysler Sebring
Passengers of Veh #1: Tommy Beauchamp, 20 yrs. Old, Salisbury, Md.
Transported to PRMC for non life threatening injuries.
Female Juvenile, 17 yrs. Old, Salisbury, Md.
Transported to PRMC for non life threatening injuries
Angelica Wilkinson, 18 yrs. Old, Salisbury, Md.
Transported to PRMC for non life threatening injuries.
LOCATION: Stage Rd near US Rt. 13, Delmar, Md.
BRIEF RESUME: Vehicle one was traveling northbound on Stage Rd. The operator lost control of the vehicle as it entered a curve. The vehicle failed to stay right of center, exited the roadway and struck a utility pole and road sign. Vehicle one then caught fire. The driver and her three passengers were transported to PRMC for what are believed to be minor injuries. The juvenile driver was charged with Driving While Suspended and Negligent Driving.
and you wonder why I am dragging out getting MY 18 year old her license..and she's UBER careful.
People are NUTS on the roads today.
and yet anther reason 17 year olds shold not have friends in the car mjcs did not show why she was suspended
knowing at least one person in the car I am almost certain there was something illegal going on in that car as well.... hope the police find out what
No one drives the speed limit anymore and pays attention.
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